Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Chile
1 × Egypt
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Mexico
2 × China
3 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Li D.J.DeWitt R.A.Hankins W.Lang J.F.Naughton S.Tata C.Chasseur M.D.Morse N.Teletia A.Floratou Y.Tian S.Blanas A.Kumar ∅ N.Potti S.Sridharan N.Zhang J.Tatemura H.Hacigümüs W.Jin L.Hammel H.V.Jagadish E.J.Shekita K.Ramasamy A.Halverson D.Zhang Q.Zeng D.Page J.Do A.Terrell R.Kandhan Y.Chen V.P.Chakka C.Meek S.Kasetty M.Annavaram E.S.Davidson J.Yu N.Kabra F.Bertsch G.Laskaris R.Kaushik M.Jalal B.Yan V.R.Gankidi S.Harizopoulos M.A.Shah D.Tsirogiannis V.Nair S.Martini M.Kretzler J.Luo S.Kulkarni N.Bhagat M.Fu S.Mittal S.Taneja Y.Kee C.Park K.Park P.Larson C.Diaconu C.Freedman M.Zwilling V.Ercegovac J.Rao D.Abadi M.J.Carey S.Chaudhuri H.Garcia-Molina R.Ramakrishnan V.Kedigehalli C.Kellogg K.Ramasamy S.Paparizos S.Al-Khalifa A.Chapman L.V.S.Lakshmanan A.Nierman D.Srivastava N.Wiwatwattana Y.Wu C.Yu A.Toshniwal A.Shukla J.Jackson K.Gade J.Donham D.V.Ryaboy K.Tufte B.Nag J.Burger N.E.Hall R.Lueder C.J.Ellmann J.Kupsch S.Guo P.Cudré-Mauroux H.Kimura K.Lim J.Rogers R.Simakov E.Soroush P.Velikhov D.L.Wang M.Balazinska J.Becla B.Heath D.Maier S.Madden M.Stonebraker S.B.Zdonik
Talks about:
data (9) process (6) databas (6) effici (6) evalu (6) design (5) queri (5) sequenc (4) storag (4) memori (4)
Person: Jignesh M. Patel
DBLP: Patel:Jignesh_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 46 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-KulkarniBFKKMPR #scalability #twitter
- Twitter Heron: Stream Processing at Scale (SK, NB, MF, VK, CK, SM, JMP, KR, ST), pp. 239–250.
- SIGMOD-2015-KumarNP #learning #linear #modelling #normalisation
- Learning Generalized Linear Models Over Normalized Data (AK, JFN, JMP), pp. 1969–1984.
- SIGMOD-2015-LiCP #encoding
- A Padded Encoding Scheme to Accelerate Scans by Leveraging Skew (YL, CC, JMP), pp. 1509–1524.
- SIGMOD-2015-Patel
- From Data to Insights @ Bare Metal Speed (JMP), p. 1.
- VLDB-2015-KumarJYNP #machine learning #normalisation #optimisation
- Demonstration of Santoku: Optimizing Machine Learning over Normalized Data (AK, MJ, BY, JFN, JMP), pp. 1864–1875.
- VLDB-2015-PottiP #approximate #named #paradigm #query
- DAQ: A New Paradigm for Approximate Query Processing (NP, JMP), pp. 898–909.
- VLDB-2015-SridharanP14 #profiling
- Profiling R on a Contemporary Processor (SS, JMP), pp. 173–184.
- VLDB-2015-ZengPP14 #induction #logic programming #named #scalability
- QuickFOIL: Scalable Inductive Logic Programming (QZ, JMP, DP), pp. 197–208.
- SIGMOD-2014-ToshniwalTSRPKJGFDBMR #twitter
- Storm@twitter (AT, ST, AS, KR, JMP, SK, JJ, KG, MF, JD, NB, SM, DVR), pp. 147–156.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZhangTPH #design #multitenancy
- Re-evaluating designs for multi-tenant OLTP workloads on SSD-basedI/O subsystems (NZ, JT, JMP, HH), pp. 1383–1394.
- VLDB-2014-FloratouBPL #design #towards
- Towards Building Wind Tunnels for Data Center Design (AF, FB, JMP, GL), pp. 781–784.
- VLDB-2014-GankidiTPHD
- Indexing HDFS Data in PDW: Splitting the data from the index (VRG, NT, JMP, AH, DJD), pp. 1520–1528.
- VLDB-2014-LiP #named
- WideTable: An Accelerator for Analytical Data Processing (YL, JMP), pp. 907–918.
- SIGMOD-2013-DoKPPPD #challenge #query
- Query processing on smart SSDs: opportunities and challenges (JD, YSK, JMP, CP, KP, DJD), pp. 1221–1230.
- SIGMOD-2013-LiP #in memory #memory management #named #performance
- BitWeaving: fast scans for main memory data processing (YL, JMP), pp. 289–300.
- VLDB-2013-ChasseurP #database #design #evaluation #in memory #memory management
- Design and Evaluation of Storage Organizations for Read-Optimized Main Memory Databases (CC, JMP), pp. 1474–1485.
- VLDB-2012-FloratouTDPZ #question
- Can the Elephants Handle the NoSQL Onslaught? (AF, NT, DJD, JMP, DZ), pp. 1712–1723.
- VLDB-2012-LangHPST #clustering #database #design #energy #towards
- Towards Energy-Efficient Database Cluster Design (WL, SH, JMP, MAS, DT), pp. 1684–1695.
- VLDB-2012-LarsonBDFPZ11 #concurrent #database #in memory
- High-Performance Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Main-Memory Databases (PÅL, SB, CD, CF, JMP, MZ), pp. 298–309.
- VLDB-2012-ZhangTPH11 #effectiveness #towards
- Towards Cost-Effective Storage Provisioning for DBMSs (NZ, JT, JMP, HH), pp. 274–285.
- SIGMOD-2011-BlanasLP #algorithm #design #evaluation #in memory #manycore #memory management
- Design and evaluation of main memory hash join algorithms for multi-core CPUs (SB, YL, JMP), pp. 37–48.
- SIGMOD-2011-DoZPDNH #using
- Turbocharging DBMS buffer pool using SSDs (JD, DZ, JMP, DJD, JFN, AH), pp. 1113–1124.
- SIGMOD-2011-JinP #evaluation #performance #query
- Efficient and generic evaluation of ranked queries (WJ, JMP), pp. 601–612.
- SIGMOD-2011-LiTP #named #sequence
- WHAM: a high-throughput sequence alignment method (YL, AT, JMP), pp. 445–456.
- VLDB-2011-FloratouPST #pipes and filters
- Column-Oriented Storage Techniques for MapReduce (AF, JMP, EJS, ST), pp. 419–429.
- SIGMOD-2010-BlanasPERST #algorithm #comparison #pipes and filters
- A comparison of join algorithms for log processing in MaPreduce (SB, JMP, VE, JR, EJS, YT), pp. 975–986.
- VLDB-2010-AbadiCCGPR #database #question #what
- Cloud Databases: What’s New? (DA, MJC, SC, HGM, JMP, RR), p. 1657.
- VLDB-2010-KandhanTP #multi #named #pattern matching #performance #scalability
- SigMatch: Fast and Scalable Multi-Pattern Matching (RK, NT, JMP), pp. 1173–1184.
- VLDB-2010-LangP #clustering #energy #pipes and filters
- Energy Management for MapReduce Clusters (WL, JMP), pp. 129–139.
- A Demonstration of SciDB: A Science-Oriented DBMS (PCM, HK, KTL, JR, RS, ES, PV, DLW, MB, JB, DJD, BH, DM, SM, JMP, MS, SBZ), pp. 1534–1537.
- SIGMOD-2008-TianHP #graph #performance #summary
- Efficient aggregation for graph summarization (YT, RAH, JMP), pp. 567–580.
- VLDB-2008-TianPNMK #graph #named #query #tool support
- Periscope/GQ: a graph querying toolkit (YT, JMP, VN, SM, MK), pp. 1404–1407.
- SIGMOD-2007-MorseP #performance #similarity
- An efficient and accurate method for evaluating time series similarity (MDM, JMP), pp. 569–580.
- VLDB-2007-MorsePJ #performance
- Efficient Skyline Computation over Low-Cardinality Domains (MDM, JMP, HVJ), pp. 267–278.
- VLDB-2007-TataLP #biology #database #interactive #named #sequence
- Periscope/SQ: Interactive Exploration of Biological Sequence Databases (ST, WL, JMP), pp. 1406–1409.
- SIGMOD-2004-PatelCC #named #performance #predict
- STRIPES: An Efficient Index for Predicted Trajectories (JMP, YC, VPC), pp. 637–646.
- VLDB-2004-TataHP
- Practical Suffix Tree Construction (ST, RAH, JMP), pp. 36–47.
- SIGMOD-2003-PaparizosACJLNPSWWY #named #query #xml
- TIMBER: A Native System for Querying XML (SP, SAK, AC, HVJ, LVSL, AN, JMP, DS, NW, YW, CY), p. 672.
- VLDB-2003-HankinsP #adaptation
- Data Morphing: An Adaptive, Cache-Conscious Storage Technique (RAH, JMP), pp. 417–428.
- VLDB-2003-MeekPK #biology #named #online #sequence
- OASIS: An Online and Accurate Technique for Local-alignment Searches on Biological Sequences (CM, JMP, SK), pp. 910–921.
- VLDB-2002-HammelP #sequence
- Searching on the Secondary Structure of Protein Sequences (LH, JMP), pp. 634–645.
- HPCA-2001-AnnavaramPD #database #graph
- Call Graph Prefetching for Database Applications (MA, JMP, ESD), pp. 281–290.
- VLDB-2000-RamasamyPNK #set
- Set Containment Joins: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (KR, JMP, JFN, RK), pp. 351–362.
- SIGMOD-1997-PatelYKTNBHRLEKGDN #evaluation #implementation
- Building a Scaleable Geo-Spatial DBMS: Technology, Implementation, and Evaluation (JMP, JBY, NK, KT, BN, JB, NEH, KR, RL, CJE, JK, SG, DJD, JFN), pp. 336–347.
- SIGMOD-1996-PatelD
- Partition Based Spatial-Merge Join (JMP, DJD), pp. 259–270.
- VLDB-1994-DeWittKLPY
- Client-Server Paradise (DJD, NK, JL, JMP, JBY), pp. 558–569.