57 papers:
SAC-2015-TodaT #performance #satisfiability- BDD construction for all solutions SAT and efficient caching mechanism (TT, KT), pp. 1880–1886.
DATE-2014-CabodiPQV #approximate #reachability #satisfiability- Tightening BDD-based approximate reachability with SAT-based clause generalization∗ (GC, PP, SQ, DV), pp. 1–6.
ICSE-2014-HeWYZ #learning #reasoning- Symbolic assume-guarantee reasoning through BDD learning (FH, BYW, LY, LZ), pp. 1071–1082.
IJCAR-2014-GoreOT #calculus #implementation #using- Implementing Tableau Calculi Using BDDs: BDDTab System Description (RG, KO, JT), pp. 337–343.
DAC-2013-AmaruGM #composition #logic #named #synthesis- BDS-MAJ: a BDD-based logic synthesis tool exploiting majority logic decomposition (LGA, PEG, GDM), p. 6.
DATE-2013-AmaruGM #canonical #logic #novel #synthesis- Biconditional BDD: a novel canonical BDD for logic synthesis targeting XOR-rich circuits (LGA, PEG, GDM), pp. 1014–1017.
PODS-2013-GogaczM #on the- On the BDD/FC conjecture (TG, JM), pp. 127–138.
CADE-2013-GoreT #logic- An Improved BDD Method for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic: BDDIntKt System Description (RG, JT), pp. 275–281.
CAV-2013-LvSX #named- CacBDD: A BDD Package with Dynamic Cache Management (GL, KS, YX), pp. 229–234.
FM-2012-GiorginoS #algorithm #correctness #pointer- Correctness of Pointer Manipulating Algorithms Illustrated by a Verified BDD Construction (MG, MS), pp. 202–216.
FM-2012-NguyenSLDL #analysis- Improved BDD-Based Discrete Analysis of Timed Systems (TKN, JS, YL, JSD, YL), pp. 326–340.
GRAPHITE-2012-EdelkampKT #clustering #named- Lex-Partitioning: A New Option for BDD Search (SE, PK, ÁT), pp. 66–82.
IJCAR-2012-GoreT #automation #logic #reasoning- BDD-Based Automated Reasoning for Propositional Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logics (RG, JT), pp. 301–315.
CASE-2011-MiremadiLA #automaton #finite- BDD-based supervisory control on extended finite automata (SM, BL, KÅ), pp. 25–31.
DAC-2009-WilleD #logic #scalability #synthesis- BDD-based synthesis of reversible logic for large functions (RW, RD), pp. 270–275.
DAC-2007-ChengCW07a #named #synthesis- DDBDD: Delay-Driven BDD Synthesis for FPGAs (LC, DC, MDFW), pp. 910–915.
DAC-2006-NevoF #distributed #order- Distributed dynamic BDD reordering (ZN, MF), pp. 223–228.
SFM-2006-CabodiM #hardware #verification- BDD-Based Hardware Verification (GC, MM), pp. 78–107.
PADL-2006-HawkinsS #constraints #finite #hybrid #satisfiability #theorem proving- A Hybrid BDD and SAT Finite Domain Constraint Solver (PH, PJS), pp. 103–117.
DAC-2005-SasaoM #composition #functional #logic #multi #representation- BDD representation for incompletely specifiedvmultiple-output logic functions and its applications to functional decomposition (TS, MM), pp. 373–378.
PLDI-2004-LhotakH #java #named #relational- Jedd: a BDD-based relational extension of Java (OL, LJH), pp. 158–169.
CIAA-2004-Couvreur #automaton #implementation- A BDD-Like Implementation of an Automata Package (JMC), pp. 310–311.
CAV-2004-Wang #analysis #hybrid #linear #parametricity #safety- Symbolic Parametric Safety Analysis of Linear Hybrid Systems with BDD-Like Data-Structures (FW), pp. 295–307.
DATE-2003-CabodiNQ #approximate #bound #model checking #satisfiability #traversal- Improving SAT-Based Bounded Model Checking by Means of BDD-Based Approximate Traversals (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 10898–10905.
DATE-2003-EbendtGD #bound- Combination of Lower Bounds in Exact BDD Minimization (RE, WG, RD), pp. 10758–10763.
CADE-2003-PanV #optimisation- Optimizing a BDD-Based Modal Solver (GP, MYV), pp. 75–89.
CAV-2003-BeyerLN #named #realtime #verification- Rabbit: A Tool for BDD-Based Verification of Real-Time Systems (DB, CL, AN), pp. 122–125.
SAT-2003-FrancoKSWWDV #named #satisfiability- SBSAT: a State-Based, BDD-Based Satisfiability Solver (JVF, MK, JSS, JW, SW, MD, WMV), pp. 398–410.
VMCAI-2003-Wang #automaton #performance #verification- Efficient Verification of Timed Automata with BDD-Like Data-Structures (FW), pp. 189–205.
CADE-2002-PanSV- BDD-Based Decision Procedures for K (GP, US, MYV), pp. 16–30.
CAV-2002-CabodiNQ #traversal #verification- Mixing Forward and Backward Traversals in Guided-Prioritized BDD-Based Verification (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 471–484.
VMCAI-2002-KrsticM #algorithm #monad #verification- Verifying BDD Algorithms through Monadic Interpretation (SK, JM), pp. 182–195.
DATE-2001-MinatoI #combinator #problem #scalability #streaming- Streaming BDD manipulation for large-scale combinatorial problems (SiM, SI), pp. 702–707.
FME-2001-Beyer #analysis #automaton #reachability- Improvements in BDD-Based Reachability Analysis of Timed Automata (DB0), pp. 318–343.
CAV-2001-EsparzaS #model checking #recursion #source code- A BDD-Based Model Checker for Recursive Programs (JE, SS), pp. 324–336.
DAC-2000-YangCS #logic #named #optimisation- BDS: a BDD-based logic optimization system (CY, MJC, VS), pp. 92–97.
DATE-2000-KallaZCH #framework #paradigm #recursion #satisfiability #using- A BDD-Based Satisfiability Infrastructure Using the Unate Recursive Paradigm (PK, ZZ, MJC, CH), pp. 232–236.
TACAS-2000-Bultan #concurrent #constraints #evaluation #model checking- BDD vs. Constraint-Based Model Checking: An Experimental Evaluation for Asynchronous Concurrent Systems (TB), pp. 441–455.
DAC-1999-DrechslerG #bound #using- Using Lower Bounds During Dynamic BDD Minimization (RD, WG), pp. 29–32.
DAC-1998-HongBLS #embedded- Don’t Care-Based BDD Minimization for Embedded Software (YH, PAB, LL, ES), pp. 506–509.
DAC-1998-PardoH #incremental #model checking #using- Incremental CTL Model Checking Using BDD Subsetting (AP, GDH), pp. 457–462.
CAV-1998-GoelSZAS #formal method #similarity- BDD Based Procedures for a Theory of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions (AG, KS, HZ, AA, VS), pp. 244–255.
DAC-1997-HongBBM #using- Safe BDD Minimization Using Don’t Cares (YH, PAB, JRB, KLM), pp. 208–213.
PPoPP-1997-YangO #parallel- Parallel Breadth-First BDD Construction (BY, DRO), pp. 145–156.
CAV-1997-Klarlund #algorithm #online #refinement- An n log n Algorithm for Online BDD Refinement (NK), pp. 107–118.
DAC-1996-SanghaviRBS #memory management #performance- High Performance BDD Package By Exploiting Memory Hiercharchy (JVS, RKR, RKB, ALSV), pp. 635–640.
DAC-1996-StornettaB #implementation #parallel #performance- Implementation of an Efficient Parallel BDD Package (TS, FB), pp. 641–644.
DAC-1995-Kimura #verification- Residue BDD and Its Application to the Verification of Arithmetic Circuits (SK), pp. 542–545.
CAV-1995-DsouzaB #algebra #generative #modelling #process- Generating BDD Models for Process Algebra Terms (AD, BB), pp. 16–30.
DAC-1994-AzizBCHKKRSSTWBS #named #verification- HSIS: A BDD-Based Environment for Formal Verification (AA, FB, STC, RH, TK, SCK, RKR, TRS, VS, ST, HYW, RKB, ALSV), pp. 454–459.
DAC-1994-AzizTB #finite #state machine- BDD Variable Ordering for Interacting Finite State Machines (AA, ST, RKB), pp. 283–288.
EDAC-1994-BernGMS- Boolean Manipulation with Free BDD’s. First Experimental Results (JB, JG, CM, AS), pp. 200–207.
DAC-1993-HuD #dependence #functional- Reducing BDD Size by Exploiting Functional Dependencies (AJH, DLD), pp. 266–271.
DAC-1993-JoyceS #evaluation #interactive #symbolic computation- Linking BDD-Based Symbolic Evaluation to Interactive Theorem-Proving (JJJ, CJHS), pp. 469–474.
DAC-1993-LaiPV #composition #logic #synthesis- BDD Based Decomposition of Logic Functions with Application to FPGA Synthesis (YTL, MP, SBKV), pp. 642–647.
CAV-1993-HojatiBK #debugging #design #using- BDD-Based Debugging Of Design Using Language Containment and Fair CTL (RH, RKB, RPK), pp. 41–58.
DAC-1990-BraceRB #implementation #performance- Efficient Implementation of a BDD Package (KSB, RLR, REB), pp. 40–45.