25 papers:
SAC-2015-KimK #scalability #using- Dual region write buffering: making large-scale nonvolatile buffer using small capacitor in SSD (DK, SK), pp. 2039–2046.
CASE-2014-OhnishiY #performance- Switching control of DC-DC converters with Electric Double-Layer Capacitor based on control performance index (YO, TY), pp. 188–193.
DAC-2014-LinHL- Parasitic-aware Sizing and Detailed Routing for Binary-weighted Capacitors in Charge-scaling DAC (MPHL, VWHH, CYL), p. 6.
DAC-2013-HoOCT #array- Coupling-aware length-ratio-matching routing for capacitor arrays in analog integrated circuits (KHH, HCO, YWC, HFT), p. 6.
DAC-2012-Seok #design- Decoupling capacitor design strategy for minimizing supply noise of ultra low voltage circuits (MS), pp. 968–973.
DAC-2011-LinLCHC #random- Common-centroid capacitor placement considering systematic and random mismatches in analog integrated circuits (CWL, JML, YCC, CPH, SJC), pp. 528–533.
DATE-2011-LuPRR #energy #optimisation- Stage number optimization for switched capacitor power converters in micro-scale energy harvesting (CL, SPP, VR, KR), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2010-LandrockK- High temperature polymer capacitors for aerospace applications (CKL, BK), pp. 1349–1352.
HPDC-2010-HenschelMS #distributed #using #workflow- A distributed workflow for an astrophysical OpenMP application: using the data capacitor over WAN to enhance productivity (RH, SM, SCS), pp. 644–650.
DATE-2009-TaoL #grid #power management- Decoupling capacitor planning with analytical delay model on RLC power grid (YT, SKL), pp. 839–844.
DAC-2008-BharathES #algorithm #automation #search-based #using- Automatic package and board decoupling capacitor placement using genetic algorithms and M-FDM (KB, EE, MS), pp. 560–565.
DAC-2007-YuCH #co-evolution #design- Off-chip Decoupling Capacitor Allocation for Chip Package Co-Design (HY, CC, LH), pp. 618–621.
VLDB-2007-BerberichBNW #named #performance- FluxCapacitor: Efficient Time-Travel Text Search (KB, SJB, TN, GW), pp. 1414–1417.
DAC-2006-BudnikRBR- A high density, carbon nanotube capacitor for decoupling applications (MMB, AR, AB, KR), pp. 935–938.
DATE-2005-ChandyC #interactive #performance- Performance Driven Decoupling Capacitor Allocation Considering Data and Clock Interactions (AC, TC), pp. 984–985.
DATE-2005-LopezPN #embedded #metric- A New Embedded Measurement Structure for eDRAM Capacitor (LL, JMP, DN), pp. 462–463.
DAC-2003-VasudevanR #using- Computation of noise spectral density in switched capacitor circuits using the mixed-frequency-time technique (VV, MR), pp. 538–541.
DATE-2002-DessoukyS #array #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Common-Centroid Capacitor Arrays with Arbitrary Capacitor Ratio (MD, DS), pp. 576–580.
DATE-2002-HassibiH #automation #design- Automated Optimal Design of Switched-Capacitor Filters (AH, MdMH), p. 1111.
DATE-2000-CotaRABCL #reuse- Reuse of Existing Resources for Analog BIST of a Switch Capacitor Filte (ÉFC, MR, FA, YB, LC, ML), pp. 226–230.
DATE-1998-MirRVH #analysis #fault- Switch-Level Fault Coverage Analysis for Switched-Capacitor Systems (SM, AR, DV, JLH), pp. 810–814.
DAC-1997-MirROPH #automation #evaluation #fault #named #simulation- SWITTEST: Automatic Switch-Level Fault Simulation and Test Evaluation of Switched-Capacitor Systems (SM, AR, TO, EJP, JLH), pp. 281–286.
EDTC-1997-IhsD #synthesis- Test synthesis for DC test of switched-capacitors circuits (HI, CD), p. 616.
EDAC-1994-JohanssonVG #performance- “Underground Capacitors” Very Efficient Decoupling for High Performance UHF Signal Processing ICs (TJ, LRV, JMG), p. 655.
DAC-1988-KonczykowskaB #automation #design- Automated Design Software for Switched-Capacitor IC’s with Symbolic Simulator SCYMBAL (AK, MB), pp. 363–368.