27 papers:
CSCW-2015-LiCYH #online- Massive Open Online Proctor: Protecting the Credibility of MOOCs certificates (XL, KmC, YY, AGH), pp. 1129–1137.
HCI-AS-2014-RafalakBW #analysis #evaluation- Analysis of Demographical Factors’ Influence on Websites’ Credibility Evaluation (MR, PB, AW), pp. 57–68.
ECIR-2014-ShariffZS #twitter- User Perception of Information Credibility of News on Twitter (SMS, XZ, MS), pp. 513–518.
KDD-2014-MukherjeeWD #community #health #people- People on drugs: credibility of user statements in health communities (SM, GW, CDNM), pp. 65–74.
CSCW-2013-YangCMH #microblog- Microblog credibility perceptions: comparing the USA and China (JY, SC, MRM, AH), pp. 575–586.
ECIR-2013-OlteanuPLA #predict #web- Web Credibility: Features Exploration and Credibility Prediction (AO, SP, XL, KA), pp. 557–568.
SAC-2013-KoutrouliT #recommendation- Credible recommendation exchange mechanism for P2P reputation systems (EK, AT), pp. 1943–1948.
CSCW-2012-MorrisCRHS #comprehension #microblog #twitter- Tweeting is believing?: understanding microblog credibility perceptions (MRM, SC, AR, AH, JS), pp. 441–450.
CIKM-2012-PapaioannouROA #assessment #distributed #effectiveness #recommendation #web- A decentralized recommender system for effective web credibility assessment (TGP, JER, AO, KA), pp. 704–713.
CIKM-2012-ZhangSZZ #ranking #transaction- Credibility-based product ranking for C2C transactions (RZ, CS, MZ, AZ), pp. 2149–2153.
KMIS-2012-RakthinCC #effectiveness- More Effective Transfer of Competitor and Customer Intelligence — Mediating Roles of Common Knowledge Sharing and Source Credibility (SR, RJC, SC), pp. 251–256.
KR-2012-BoothFKP #logic- Credibility-Limited Revision Operators in Propositional Logic (RB, EF, SK, RPP).
CHI-2011-HsiehHK #how- Donate for credibility: how contribution incentives can improve credibility (GH, SEH, REK), pp. 3435–3438.
CHI-2011-SchwarzM #assessment #web- Augmenting web pages and search results to support credibility assessment (JS, MRM), pp. 1245–1254.
CHI-2011-YamamotoT #web- Enhancing credibility judgment of web search results (YY, KT), pp. 1235–1244.
HIMI-v1-2011-AhmadWHK #people #web- Different People Different Styles: Impact of Personality Style in Web Sites Credibility Judgement (RA, JW, KH, AK), pp. 521–527.
SAC-2011-YamamotoT #analysis #named #web- ImageAlert: credibility analysis of text-image pairs on the web (YY, KT), pp. 1724–1731.
CHI-2009-PirolliWS #wiki- So you know you’re getting the best possible information: a tool that increases Wikipedia credibility (PP, EW, BS), pp. 1505–1508.
HIMI-II-2009-HuangBC #assessment #perspective- The Assessment of Credibility of e-Government: Users’ Perspective (ZH, LB, SYC), pp. 26–35.
OCSC-2009-FicarraVR #evaluation #metric #online #quality- Credibility On-Line: Quality Metrics for Evaluation (FVCF, EV, JR), pp. 172–181.
SAC-2009-KobayashiOOT #bibliography #modelling #web- Modeling and analyzing review information on the web focusing on credibility (TK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 1316–1317.
HCI-AS-2007-LowryRH #trust- First Impressions with Websites: The Effect of the Familiarity and Credibility of Corporate Logos on Perceived Consumer Swift Trust of Websites (PBL, TLR, TH), pp. 77–85.
SEKE-2007-OteroIMGDQLFL #design #evaluation #interactive #metric #quality- Metrics of Credibility and Interaction Quality: Design and Evaluation (NMPO, CMPI, SAM, AG, MdPGD, VEQ, HPL, BF, CML), pp. 87–92.
SIGIR-2006-NaguraSKA #documentation #rating #web- A method of rating the credibility of news documents on the web (RN, YS, NK, MA), pp. 683–684.
ICEIS-v3-2003-HirabayashiOKMK #social- Scoring WWW Pages with Social Credibility in a Hyperlink Environment (MH, KO, HK, JyM, SK), pp. 326–333.
CHI-2001-FoggMLOVFPRSST #scalability #web #what- What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study (BJF, JM, OL, AO, CV, NF, JP, AR, JS, PS, MT), pp. 61–68.
CHI-1999-FoggT- The Elements of Computer Credibility (BJF, HT), pp. 80–87.