37 papers:
HCI-TMT-2014-PenderL #identification- Identifying Intention and Perception Mismatches in Digitally Augmented Museum Settings (HLP, DL), pp. 565–576.
ICDAR-2013-KhanSM13a #detection- Hyperspectral Imaging for Ink Mismatch Detection (ZK, FS, ASM), pp. 877–881.
HCI-AS-2013-JonssonD #information management- In-Car Information Systems: Matching and Mismatching Personality of Driver with Personality of Car Voice (IMJ, ND), pp. 586–595.
SIGIR-2013-ZengBLL #keyword #xml- Removing the mismatch headache in XML keyword search (YZ, ZB, TWL, GL), pp. 1109–1110.
SIGIR-2012-ZhaoC #automation #query- Automatic term mismatch diagnosis for selective query expansion (LZ, JC), pp. 515–524.
REFSQ-2012-AnhCCHFA #collaboration #component #open source #requirements- Collaborative Resolution of Requirements Mismatches When Adopting Open Source Components (NDA, DSC, RC, MH, XF, CPA), pp. 77–93.
DAC-2011-LinLCHC #random- Common-centroid capacitor placement considering systematic and random mismatches in analog integrated circuits (CWL, JML, YCC, CPH, SJC), pp. 528–533.
ECSA-2010-AndersenC #challenge- Identity Management Mismatch Challenges in the Danish Municipality Administration System (MSA, HBC), pp. 476–479.
DAC-2010-CallegariDWA #classification #learning #using- Classification rule learning using subgroup discovery of cross-domain attributes responsible for design-silicon mismatch (NC, DGD, LCW, MSA), pp. 374–379.
PASTE-2010-Rubio-GonzalezL #documentation #fault- Expect the unexpected: error code mismatches between documentation and the real world (CRG, BL), pp. 73–80.
ICPR-2010-WongSML- Dynamic Amelioration of Resolution Mismatches for Local Feature Based Identity Inference (YW, CS, SM, BCL), pp. 1200–1203.
KEOD-2010-MazakSL #approximate #heuristic #ontology- align++ — A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment (AM, BS, ML), pp. 17–26.
FSE-2010-KneussSK #named #php- Phantm: PHP analyzer for type mismatch (EK, PS, VK), pp. 373–374.
DAC-2009-ChattopadhyayZ #configuration management- Serial reconfigurable mismatch-tolerant clock distribution (AC, ZZ), pp. 611–612.
KDD-2009-Hand #data mining #mining #modelling #tool support- Mismatched models, wrong results, and dreadful decisions: on choosing appropriate data mining tools (DJH), pp. 1–2.
ICSE-2009-GermanH #component #development #integration- License integration patterns: Addressing license mismatches in component-based development (DMG, AEH), pp. 188–198.
DATE-2008-BacinschiMKG #adaptation #bias- An Analog On-Chip Adaptive Body Bias Calibration for Reducing Mismatches in Transistor Pairs (PBB, TM, KK, MG), pp. 698–703.
DATE-2008-KulikowskiVWT- Power Balanced Gates Insensitive to Routing Capacitance Mismatch (KJK, VV, ZW, AT), pp. 1280–1285.
SAC-2008-FariaM #recognition #scalability #speech- When a mismatch can be good: large vocabulary speech recognition trained with idealized tandem features (AF, NM), pp. 1574–1577.
FSE-2008-HalfondO #automation #identification #parametricity #web- Automated identification of parameter mismatches in web applications (WGJH, AO), pp. 181–191.
DAC-2007-KimJH #estimation #monte carlo #performance- Fast, Non-Monte-Carlo Estimation of Transient Performance Variation Due to Device Mismatch (JK, KDJ, MAH), pp. 440–443.
VLDB-2007-GilL #c++- Eliminating Impedance Mismatch in C++ (JYG, KL), pp. 1386–1389.
CIAA-2007-CrochemoreEGM #automaton #on the- On the Suffix Automaton with Mismatches (MC, CE, AG, FM), pp. 144–156.
SEFM-2007-CamaraSC #adaptation #behaviour #composition #runtime #transaction- Run-time Composition and Adaptation of Mismatching Behavioural Transactions (JC, GS, CC), pp. 381–390.
SIGIR-2007-CustisA #approach #query- A new approach for evaluating query expansion: query-document term mismatch (TC, KAK), pp. 575–582.
DLT-2005-EpifanioGM #approximate- Languages with Mismatches and an Application to Approximate Indexing (CE, AG, FM), pp. 224–235.
RE-2005-DanevaW #enterprise #implementation #requirements- Requirements Engineering for Cross-organizational ERP Implementation: Undocumented Assumptions and Potential Mismatches (MD, RW), pp. 63–74.
WICSA-2001-BernardoCD #algebra #architecture #detection #process- Detecting Architectural Mismatches in Process Algebraic Descriptions of Software Systems (MB, PC, LD), pp. 77–86.
DAC-2001-SchenkelPZSGA #analysis #optimisation- Mismatch Analysis and Direct Yield Optimization by Spec-Wise Linearization and Feasibility-Guided Search (FS, MP, SZ, RS, HEG, KA), pp. 858–863.
DAC-2000-GaurdianiSMSC #bound #component #constant #simulation #statistics- An asymptotically constant, linearly bounded methodology for the statistical simulation of analog circuits including component mismatch effects (CG, SS, PM, PS, DC), pp. 15–18.
ASE-1999-EgyedG #automation #component #detection #development #modelling- Automatically Detecting Mismatches During Component-based and Model-based Development (AE, CG), pp. 191–198.
ICSE-1999-DeLine #flexibility- Avoiding Packaging Mismatch with Flexible Packaging (RD), pp. 97–106.
ICSM-2000-Wallnau #component #coordination #legacy- Repairing coordination mismatches among legacy components (KCW), p. 302.
DAC-1995-LampaertGS- Direct Performance-Driven Placement of Mismatch-Sensitive Analog Circuits (KL, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 445–449.
ICSE-1995-GarlanAO #architecture #why- Architectural Mismatch or Why It’s Hard to Build Systems Out Of Existing Parts (DG, RA, JO), pp. 179–185.
VLDB-1991-Kent #database #object-oriented #problem #programming language- Solving Domain Mismatch and Schema Mismatch Problems with an Object-Oriented Database Programming Language (WK), pp. 147–160.
DAC-1986-Canright #simulation- Simulating and controlling the effects of transmission line impedance mismatches (REC), pp. 778–785.