63 papers:
SANER-2015-AmmerlaanVZ #refactoring #why- Old habits die hard: Why refactoring for understandability does not give immediate benefits (EA, WV, AZ), pp. 504–507.
CHI-2015-NevesFMBN #communication #evaluation #exclamation #quote- “My Hand Doesn’t Listen to Me!”: Adoption and Evaluation of a Communication Technology for the “Oldest Old” (BBN, RLF, CM, RB, MN), pp. 1593–1602.
CHI-2015-PlimmerHZKYJBD #interactive #tool support- New Interaction Tools for Preserving an Old Language (BP, LH, TZ, KK, AWY, GJ, RB, EYLD), pp. 3493–3502.
DHM-EH-2015-HuZ #case study #design #women- Study on the Body Shape of Middle-Aged and Old Women for Garment Design (XH, YZ), pp. 53–61.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Moldenhauer #design #how #student- How Do I Get to Room 3106? — Student Wayfinding Designs for Old Main at Wayne State University (JAM), pp. 390–399.
LCT-2015-SoleimaniGHWG #empirical- CyberPLAYce, A Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-Year-Old Storytellers (AS, KEG, DCH, IDW, CGM), pp. 438–446.
KDD-2015-XieBDG #performance #personalisation #rank- Edge-Weighted Personalized PageRank: Breaking A Decade-Old Performance Barrier (WX, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 1325–1334.
CHI-2014-RogersPBVMV #people- Never too old: engaging retired people inventing the future with MaKey MaKey (YR, JP, MB, KV, GM, FV), pp. 3913–3922.
SIGIR-2014-MuhleisenSLV #information retrieval #prototype- Old dogs are great at new tricks: column stores for ir prototyping (HM, TS, JL, APdV), pp. 863–866.
ICST-2014-Feldt #question #testing- Do System Test Cases Grow Old? (RF), pp. 343–352.
DRR-2013-MehriGHM #analysis #documentation #image #multi #segmentation #using- Old document image segmentation using the autocorrelation function and multiresolution analysis (MM, PGK, PH, RM).
ICDAR-2013-BuiVM #documentation #invariant #navigation- Invariants Extraction Method Applied in an Omni-language Old Document Navigating System (QAB, MV, RM), pp. 1325–1329.
ICDAR-2013-ZaraiLDW- Integrating Copies Obtained from Old and New Preservation Efforts (YZ, TL, ND, LW), pp. 47–51.
RecSys-2013-XuBATMK #recommendation- Catch-up TV recommendations: show old favourites and find new ones (MX, SB, SA, ST, AM, IK), pp. 285–294.
DocEng-2012-PalfrayHNTP #logic #segmentation- Logical segmentation for article extraction in digitized old newspapers (TP, DH, SN, PT, TP), pp. 129–132.
ICSM-2012-BernhartMFSG #incremental #migration #re-engineering- Incremental reengineering and migration of a 40 year old airport operations system (MB, AM, MF, SS, TG), pp. 503–510.
ICALP-v1-2012-HughesPRS #problem- A Thirty Year Old Conjecture about Promise Problems (AH, AP, NR, ALS), pp. 473–484.
SIGIR-2012-Kantor #research- A new look at old tricks: the fertile roots of current research (PBK), p. 1183.
ICST-2012-GligoricMM #model checking #named #programming language- X10X: Model Checking a New Programming Language with an “Old” Model Checker (MG, PCM, DM), pp. 11–20.
DRR-2011-LiuZ11a #detection #documentation #effectiveness- A simple and effective figure caption detection system for old-style documents (ZL, HZ), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-CoustatyO #documentation #image #using- Discrimination of Old Document Images Using Their Style (MC, JMO), pp. 389–393.
ICDAR-2011-HebertPN #multi- Continuous CRF with Multi-scale Quantization Feature Functions Application to Structure Extraction in Old Newspaper (DH, TP, SN), pp. 493–497.
ICALP-v2-2011-MegowMS #algorithm #graph #online- Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms (NM, KM, PS), pp. 478–489.
CHI-2011-Bargas-AvilaH #analysis #challenge #empirical #experience #novel #user interface- Old wine in new bottles or novel challenges: a critical analysis of empirical studies of user experience (JABA, KH), pp. 2689–2698.
CHI-2011-OlwalLZ #mobile #named #personalisation- OldGen: mobile phone personalization for older adults (AO, DL, EZ), pp. 3393–3396.
HCD-2011-LinC #research #social #social media- Bridging the Social Media Usage Gap from Old to New: An Elderly Media Interpersonal and Social Research in Taiwan (SHL, WHC), pp. 547–555.
KDIR-2011-DeruyverH #approach #consistency #graph #image #information management #semantics- Semantic Graphs and Arc Consistency Checking — The Renewal of an Old Approach for Information Extraction from Images (AD, YH), pp. 515–522.
SIGIR-2011-Kantor #research- A new look at old tricks: the fertile roots of current research (PBK), pp. 1297–1298.
ICPR-2010-KimKK #automation- Automatic Restoration of Scratch in Old Archive (KtK, BK, EYK), pp. 468–471.
ICDAR-2009-DriraLE #documentation #image #process #recognition- Document Images Restoration by a New Tensor Based Diffusion Process: Application to the Recognition of Old Printed Documents (FD, FL, HE), pp. 321–325.
ICDAR-2009-EynardE #documentation #recognition #word- Italic or Roman: Word Style Recognition without A Priori Knowledge for Old Printed Documents (LE, HE), pp. 823–827.
ICDAR-2009-FornesLSB #identification #music #on the- On the Use of Textural Features for Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores (AF, JL, GS, HB), pp. 996–1000.
CHI-2009-ChenGDMG #network #people #recommendation #social- Make new friends, but keep the old: recommending people on social networking sites (JC, WG, CD, MJM, IG), pp. 201–210.
CHI-2009-MaC #communication #how #question #visual notation- How well do visual verbs work in daily communication for young and old adults? (XM, PRC), pp. 361–364.
CHI-2009-MarkAS- Resilience through technology adoption: merging the old and the new in Iraq (GM, BAA, BS), pp. 689–698.
DocEng-2008-LaenderGCFSS #library #problem- Keeping a digital library clean: new solutions to old problems (AHFL, MAG, RGC, AAF, RLTS, AJCS), pp. 257–262.
ICDAR-2007-GuptaKGCJ #image- Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images (AKG, SK, RG, SC, SJ), pp. 744–748.
HCI-MIE-2007-SimeoniEGPRMT #concept #interactive #standard- Innovative TV: From an Old Standard to a New Concept of Interactive TV — An Italian Job (RS, LE, EG, MP, AR, RM, FT), pp. 971–980.
RE-2006-RegevGW #problem- Creativity and the Age-Old Resistance to Change Problem in RE (GR, DCG, AW), pp. 284–291.
ICDAR-2005-NtziosGPKP- An Old Greek Handwritten OCR System (KN, BG, IP, TK, SJP), pp. 64–69.
DAC-2004-RawatJJDGPMHS- Were the good old days all that good?: EDA then and now (SR, WHJJ, JAD, DG, POP, HDM, CH, JS), p. 543.
VLDB-2004-BraganholoDH #problem #relational #xml- From XML View Updates to Relational View Updates: old solutions to a new problem (VPB, SBD, CAH), pp. 276–287.
ICPR-v4-2004-BruniVK #performance- Fast Removal of Line Scratches in Old Movies (VB, DV, ACK), pp. 827–830.
ICDAR-2003-MarinaiMS #documentation #retrieval #word- Indexing and retrieval of words in old documents (SM, EM, GS), pp. 223–227.
CHI-2002-TaylorH #case study #mobile- Age-old practices in the “new world”: a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users (AST, RHRH), pp. 439–446.
OOPSLA-2001-McDirmidFH #component #java #named- Jiazzi: New-Age Components for Old-Fashioned Java (SM, MF, WCH), pp. 211–222.
WLC-2000-LombardyS #on the- On the Star Height of Rational Languages: A New Presentation for Two Old Results (SL, JS), pp. 266–285.
ICPR-v3-2000-SaitoKOS #image #sequence- Image Processing for Restoration of Heavily-Corrupted Old Film Sequences (TS, TK, TO, TS), pp. 3017–3020.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Dedene #cobol #object-oriented- Object-Oriented COBOL, The Old, The Bad and The Ugly [Abstract] (GD), pp. 489–490.
CADE-2000-ChatalicS #named- ZRES: The Old Davis-Putman Procedure Meets ZBDD (PC, LS), pp. 449–454.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FachB #adaptation #design #learning- Training wheels: an “old” method for designing modern and adaptable learning environments (PWF, MB), pp. 725–729.
STOC-1997-ParnafesRW #communication #modelling #problem- Direct Product Results and the GCD Problem, in Old and New Communication Models (IP, RR, AW), pp. 363–372.
PODS-1993-Revesz #on the #semantics- On the Semantics of Theory Change: Arbitration between Old and New Information (PZR), pp. 71–82.
STOC-1993-Fleischer- Decision trees: old and new results (RF), pp. 468–477.
SEKE-1992-Cimitile #re-engineering #reuse #towards- Towards Reuse Reengineering of Old Software (AC), pp. 140–149.
ICALP-1991-Chazelle #geometry- Computational Geometry for the Gourmet: Old Fare and New Dishes (BC), pp. 686–696.
OOPSLA-1991-Hayes #using- Using Key Object Opportunism to Collect Old Objects (BH), pp. 33–46.
OOPSLA-1991-JacobsonL #database #object-oriented #re-engineering- Re-engineering of Old Systems to an Object-Oriented Database (IJ, FL), pp. 340–350.
CAiSE-1989-Rolland #automation #future of #modelling #on the #tool support #why- On the Future of Modelling — Why Current CASE Tools Insist on Supporting 20 Years Old Methods and Techniques (CR).
HT-1987-Crane #hypermedia- From the Old to the New: Integrating Hypertext into Traditional Scholarship (GRC), pp. 51–55.
ICLP-1986-TamakiS86- OLD Resolution with Tabulation (HT, TS), pp. 84–98.
SIGIR-1983-Rijsbergen83a #information retrieval- Information Retrieval: New Directions, Old Solutions (CJvR), pp. 264–265.
ICSE-1976-Feldman #case study #programming language- New Languages from Old: The Extension of Programming Languages by Embedding, with a Case Study (MBF), pp. 237–242.