62 papers:
DATE-2015-BruggerVWTK #cpu #hybrid- Reverse longstaff-schwartz american option pricing on hybrid CPU/FPGA systems (CB, JAV, NW, ST, RK), pp. 1599–1602.
SIGMOD-2015-Atre #query- Left Bit Right: For SPARQL Join Queries with OPTIONAL Patterns (Left-outer-joins) (MA), pp. 1793–1808.
ICML-2015-WuGS #combinator #feedback #finite #identification #on the- On Identifying Good Options under Combinatorially Structured Feedback in Finite Noisy Environments (YW, AG, CS), pp. 1283–1291.
SAC-2015-JuniorRSM #approach #deployment #multi #non-functional #requirements- A multi-criteria approach for assessing cloud deployment options based on non-functional requirements (RGJ, TR, AS, NCM), pp. 1383–1389.
SPLC-2015-ChavarriagaRNCJ #case study #configuration management #experience #feature model #modelling #multi #using- Using multiple feature models to specify configuration options for electrical transformers: an experience report (JC, CR, CN, RC, VJ), pp. 216–224.
ASE-2014-LillackKB #configuration management- Tracking load-time configuration options (ML, CK, EB), pp. 445–456.
CASE-2014-SivaramakumarJ #nondeterminism- Production planning with uncertain demands and real options (GRS, SJ), pp. 671–676.
DATE-2014-MoralesHBHV #energy #implementation #using- Energy-efficient FPGA implementation for binomial option pricing using OpenCL (VMM, PHH, AB, EH, SV), pp. 1–6.
ICML-c1-2014-MannM #approximate #policy #scalability- Scaling Up Approximate Value Iteration with Options: Better Policies with Fewer Iterations (TAM, SM), pp. 127–135.
ICML-c2-2014-BrunskillL #learning- PAC-inspired Option Discovery in Lifelong Reinforcement Learning (EB, LL), pp. 316–324.
ICML-c2-2014-MannMM- Time-Regularized Interrupting Options (TRIO) (TAM, DJM, SM), pp. 1350–1358.
ICSE-2014-ZhangE #configuration management #question- Which configuration option should I change? (SZ, MDE), pp. 152–163.
DATE-2013-SchryverTW #monte carlo #multi- A multi-level Monte Carlo FPGA accelerator for option pricing in the Heston model (CdS, PT, NW), pp. 248–253.
CHI-2013-KnijnenburgKJ #privacy #question- Preference-based location sharing: are more privacy options really better? (BPK, AK, HJ), pp. 2667–2676.
OOPSLA-2013-DimoulasFF #contract- Option contracts (CD, RBF, MF), pp. 475–494.
DATE-2012-ChatziparaskevasBP #difference #finite #parallel #using- An FPGA-based parallel processor for Black-Scholes option pricing using finite differences schemes (GC, AB, IP), pp. 709–714.
STOC-2012-AbernethyFW- Minimax option pricing meets black-scholes in the limit (JA, RMF, AW), pp. 1029–1040.
GRAPHITE-2012-EdelkampKT #clustering #named- Lex-Partitioning: A New Option for BDD Search (SE, PK, ÁT), pp. 66–82.
ICML-2012-SilverC #composition #modelling #using- Compositional Planning Using Optimal Option Models (DS, KC), p. 165.
ICPR-2012-GlodekSPS #classification #markov #multi #network #using- Multi-modal Fusion based on classifiers using reject options and Markov Fusion Networks (MG, MS, GP, FS), pp. 1084–1087.
ICML-2011-IkonomovskaGZD- Speeding-Up Hoeffding-Based Regression Trees With Options (EI, JG, BZ, SD), pp. 537–544.
SAC-2011-JanieschMMVB #architecture #named #process #realtime- Slipstream: architecture options for real-time process analytics (CJ, MM, OM, RV, JB), pp. 295–300.
ICSE-2011-RabkinK #configuration management- Static extraction of program configuration options (AR, RHK), pp. 131–140.
DAC-2010-PuriJJJRRS #challenge- EDA challenges and options: investing for the future (RP, WHJ, RJ, AJ, JMR, WCR, LS), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2010-DuNL #adaptation #learning- Adapting cost-sensitive learning for reject option (JD, EAN, CXL), pp. 1865–1868.
CASE-2009-ParkPSR #adaptation- Decision support for optimal adaptation of product and supply chain systems based on real options theory (CHP, LP, KS, HER), pp. 316–321.
ICDAR-2009-ArlandisPU #identification- Identification of Very Similar Filled-in Forms with a Reject Option (JA, JCPC, EU), pp. 246–250.
HCI-NIMT-2009-ElliottCR #bibliography #visual notation- Overview of Meta-analyses Investigating Vibrotactile versus Visual Display Options (LRE, MDC, ESR), pp. 435–443.
ICML-2009-ZangZMI- Discovering options from example trajectories (PZ, PZ, DM, CLIJ), pp. 1217–1224.
SPLC-2009-KastnerARRBS #analysis #case study #on the #problem- On the impact of the optional feature problem: analysis and case studies (CK, SA, SSuR, MR, DSB, GS), pp. 181–190.
LATA-2008-BechetDFG- Optional and Iterated Types for Pregroup Grammars (DB, AJD, AF, EG), pp. 88–100.
RE-2008-Alexander #design #how #question #requirements #statistics- Evaluating Design Options against Requirements: How Far Can Statistics Help? (IA), pp. 259–264.
SPLC-2008-GustavssonA #embedded #flexibility #product line #using- Evaluating Flexibility in Embedded Automotive Product Lines Using Real Options (HG, JA), pp. 235–242.
STOC-2006-DeMarzoKM #algorithm #online #robust- Online trading algorithms and robust option pricing (PD, IK, YM), pp. 477–486.
ICML-2006-WolfeS #predict- Predictive state representations with options (BW, SPS), pp. 1025–1032.
DAC-2005-CortesEP #energy #realtime- Quasi-static assignment of voltages and optional cycles for maximizing rewards in real-time systems with energy c-onstraints (LAC, PE, ZP), pp. 889–894.
DAC-2005-WeiR #configuration management #implementation #power management #trade-off- Implementing low-power configurable processors: practical options and tradeoffs (JW, CR), pp. 706–711.
CAiSE-2005-ChenC #information management #metric #perspective- Measurement Practices for Knowledge Management: An Option Perspective (APC, MYC), pp. 387–399.
ICSM-2004-BahsoonE #architecture- Evaluating Architectural Stability with Real Options Theory (RB, WE), pp. 443–447.
KDD-2004-Donoho #detection- Early detection of insider trading in option markets (SD), pp. 420–429.
CSEET-2003-X03e #education #independence #re-engineering- Undergraduate software engineering education options: independent programmes, specialisations or subjects, p. 34.
ICML-2003-RavindranB- Relativized Options: Choosing the Right Transformation (BR, AGB), pp. 608–615.
ICEIS-2002-Greene #enterprise #information management #network- Enterprise Information Systems and the Global Information Network: Change is Certain, Progress is Optional (TG), p. 5.
ICPR-v3-2002-Saint-JeanF #algorithm #clustering #robust- A Robust Semi-Supervised EM-Based Clustering Algorithm with a Reject Option (CSJ, CF), pp. 399–402.
SPLC-2002-SmithBB #analysis #component #mining #product line #re-engineering #using- Using the Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR) Method for Mining Components for a Product Line (DBS, LO, JB), pp. 316–327.
SAC-2001-MastroleoFM #fuzzy #modelling- A proposal for modeling real options through fuzzy expert system (GM, GF, CAM), pp. 479–481.
ICSE-2001-SmithOB #analysis #architecture #component #mining #product line #re-engineering- Mining Components for a Software Architecture and a Product Line: the Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR) Method (DBS, LO, JB), p. 728.
ICPR-v2-2000-VailayaJ #classification- Reject Option for VQ-Based Bayesian Classification (AV, AKJ), pp. 2048–2051.
EDOC-1999-Linington #community #enterprise #policy #uml #using- Options for expressing ODP enterprise communities and their policies by using UML (PFL), pp. 72–82.
ICEIS-1999-ToffolonD #framework #process #re-engineering- The Decision Process in Software Engineering-A Framework Based on the Call Options Theory (CT, SD), p. 778.
HPDC-1999-Weissman #fault tolerance #grid #question #what- Fault Tolerant Computing on the Grid: What are My Options? (JBW), pp. 351–352.
AdaEurope-1998-EspinosaJCTG #ada #component #programming #realtime- Programming Hard Real-Time Systems with Optional Components in Ada (AE, VJ, CC, AT, AGF), pp. 102–111.
ICML-1998-SuttonPS #learning- Intra-Option Learning about Temporally Abstract Actions (RSS, DP, SPS), pp. 556–564.
LCTES-1998-TerrasaEG #component #flexibility #realtime- Extending RT-Linux to Support Flexible Hard Real-Time Systems with Optional Components (AT, AE, AGF), pp. 41–50.
CSEET-1997-LethbridgeIMG #analysis #re-engineering- An Undergraduate Option in Software Engineering: Analysis and Rationale (TCL, DI, AM, DG), pp. 120–131.
CSMR-1997-Meltz #assessment- Assessment of the options for Hardware-/Software-Reengineering of two KSG/GfS Full-Scope-Simulators (PM), pp. 140–143.
HCI-CC-1997-Kjuus #design #health #requirements- Field Studies of Possible Health Effects Related to VDU Work-Epidemiological Design Options and Requirements (MDHK), pp. 627–630.
ICML-1997-KohaviK- Option Decision Trees with Majority Votes (RK, CK), pp. 161–169.
CSEE-1996-AtleeDKSS #re-engineering- A Joint CS/E&CE Undergraduate Option in Software Engineering (JMA, PPD, RK, RES, AS), pp. 16–28.
ITiCSE-1996-GoczylaS #quality- Software quality lab in the informatics option of Gdañsk TU electronics faculty (KG, SS), pp. 133–135.
JICSCP-1988-HuynhL88 #analysis- A CLP(R) Options Trading Analysis System (TH, CL), pp. 59–69.
SIGIR-1981-Carroll #analysis- Content Analysis as a Word-Processing Option (JMC), pp. 126–131.