26 papers:
CASE-2015-KaipaTSKLG #automation #using- Resolving automated perception system failures in bin-picking tasks using assistance from remote human operators (KNK, SSTK, SS, AMK, JDL, SKG), pp. 1453–1458.
CASE-2015-ShiK #realtime- Real-time grasping planning for robotic bin-picking and kitting applications (JS, GSK), pp. 1632–1637.
CHI-2015-JalalMM- Color Portraits: From Color Picking to Interacting with Color (GJ, NM, WEM), pp. 4207–4216.
CASE-2014-KuoSLW #3d #detection #estimation #image- 3D object detection and pose estimation from depth image for robotic bin picking (HYK, HRS, SHL, CCW), pp. 1264–1269.
CASE-2013-PrettoTM #3d #flexibility #industrial #locality- Flexible 3D localization of planar objects for industrial bin-picking with monocamera vision system (AP, ST, EM), pp. 168–175.
DATE-2013-RaghunathanTGM #multi #named #process- Cherry-picking: exploiting process variations in dark-silicon homogeneous chip multi-processors (BR, YT, SG, DM), pp. 39–44.
CSEET-2013-BosnicCOZ #student- Picking the right project: Assigning student teams in a GSD course (IB, IC, MO, MZ), pp. 149–158.
WCRE-2013-HallerSB #c #c++ #data type #detection #named- MemPick: High-level data structure detection in C/C++ binaries (IH, AS, HB), pp. 32–41.
WCRE-2013-HallerSB13a #data type #detection #named- MemPick: A tool for data structure detection (IH, AS, HB), pp. 479–480.
CASE-2012-LeeKLYBM #3d #automation #visual notation- 3D visual perception system for bin picking in automotive sub-assembly automation (SL, JK, ML, KY, LGB, RM), pp. 706–713.
CHI-2011-DavidoffZZD #coordination #learning #product line- Learning patterns of pick-ups and drop-offs to support busy family coordination (SD, BDZ, JZ, AKD), pp. 1175–1184.
CHI-2011-WahidMDEH #exclamation- Don’t drop it!: pick it up and storyboard (SW, DSM, JD, NE, SH), pp. 1571–1580.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangL11a #modelling #optimisation #parametricity #simulation- Simulation Modeling and Parameter Optimization in Cyclic Picking System (AW, XL), pp. 690–694.
POPL-2011-SmaragdakisBL #comprehension- Pick your contexts well: understanding object-sensitivity (YS, MB, OL), pp. 17–30.
CASE-2010-ChenCSRSY- Active control of adhesion force for pick-and-place of micro objects with compound vibration in micromanipulation (LC, TC, LS, WR, BS, QY), pp. 716–721.
CHI-2010-WeaverBSIL #analysis #artificial reality #empirical #order #using- An empirical task analysis of warehouse order picking using head-mounted displays (KW, HB, TS, HI, ML), pp. 1695–1704.
HCI-NT-2009-WatanabeSMY #design #interface- Time-Oriented Interface Design: Picking the Right Time and Method for Information Presentation (KW, KS, SM, MY), pp. 752–759.
CHI-2008-ShamiEM #exclamation- Pick me!: link selection in expertise search results (NSS, KE, DRM), pp. 1089–1092.
CASE-2007-Boehnke #locality- Object localization in range data for robotic bin picking (KB), pp. 572–577.
ICPR-v2-2006-KirkegaardM #graph- Bin-Picking based on Harmonic Shape Contexts and Graph-Based Matching (JK, TBM), pp. 581–584.
CSMR-2003-DraheimFW #design #named- JSPick — A Server Pages Design Recovery Tool (DD, EF, GW), p. 230–?.
DATE-2002-CoelhoSP #algorithm #approximate #using- Passive Constrained Rational Approximation Algorithm Using Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation (CPC, LMS, JRP), pp. 923–930.
SAC-2001-BadgerK #taxonomy- Picking fruit from the tree of life: comments on taxonomic sampling and quartet methods (JHB, PEK), pp. 61–67.
ICPR-v4-2000-SanchezM00a #behaviour #programming #using #visual notation- Robot-Arm Pick and Place Behavior Programming System Using Visual Perception (AJS, JMM), pp. 4507–4510.
ICPR-1998-ZaoZLH #approach #image- A new approach for intelligent object picking in line drawing images (JZ, HZ, JL, JH), pp. 1084–1088.
STOC-1996-AwerbuchAFL #how #nondeterminism- Making Commitments in the Face of Uncertainty: How to Pick a Winner Almost Every Time (Extended Abstract) (BA, YA, AF, FTL), pp. 519–530.