53 papers:
ECSA-2015-Jansen #architecture #challenge #ecosystem #interface- Opening the Ecosystem Flood Gates: Architecture Challenges of Opening Interfaces Within a Product Portfolio (SJ), pp. 121–136.
CASE-2015-CarliDPR #energy #multi #optimisation #performance #using- Using multi-objective optimization for the integrated energy efficiency improvement of a smart city public buildings’ portfolio (RC, MD, RP, LR), pp. 21–26.
CAiSE-2015-LwakatareKHT #bibliography #challenge #empirical #implementation- Empirical Challenges in the Implementation of IT Portfolio Management: A Survey in Three Companies (LEL, PK, HH, AT), pp. 453–467.
SAC-2015-AmadiniGM #named- SUNNY-CP: a sequential CP portfolio solver (RA, MG, JM), pp. 1861–1867.
SAT-2015-BalyoSS #named #parallel #satisfiability- HordeSat: A Massively Parallel Portfolio SAT Solver (TB, PS, CS), pp. 156–172.
LCT-TRE-2014-ArnoldK #education #named #social- E-Portfolios — Fostering Systematic Reflection in Social Work Education (PA, SK), pp. 351–362.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BenaijaK #risk management- Trade off Between Risk Management, Value Creation and Strategic Alignment in Project Portfolio Management (KB, LK), pp. 447–452.
SEKE-2014-GomedeB #approach #multi- A Multicriteria Approach to Project Portfolio Selection (EG, RMB), pp. 43–48.
REFSQ-2014-OjameruayeB #requirements #using- Systematic Elaboration of Compliance Requirements Using Compliance Debt and Portfolio Theory (BO, RB), pp. 152–167.
SAC-2014-AmadiniGM #constraints #theorem proving- An enhanced features extractor for a portfolio of constraint solvers (RA, MG, JM), pp. 1357–1359.
ICLP-J-2014-AmadiniGM #approach #constraints #lazy evaluation #named #theorem proving- SUNNY: a Lazy Portfolio Approach for Constraint Solving (RA, MG, JM), pp. 509–524.
SAT-2014-SonobeKI #branch #community #parallel #satisfiability- Community Branching for Parallel Portfolio SAT Solvers (TS, SK, MI), pp. 188–196.
SAT-2013-SamulowitzRSS #algorithm #named- Snappy: A Simple Algorithm Portfolio (HS, CR, AS, MS), pp. 422–428.
EDOC-2012-IacobQJ #architecture #enterprise- Capturing Business Strategy and Value in Enterprise Architecture to Support Portfolio Valuation (MEI, DACQ, HJ), pp. 11–20.
CIKM-2012-HuHXLUZ #analysis #mining- Finding nuggets in IP portfolios: core patent mining through textual temporal analysis (PH, MH, PX, WL, AKU, XZ), pp. 1819–1823.
ICML-2012-LiH #online- On-Line Portfolio Selection with Moving Average Reversion (BL, SCHH), p. 76.
SIGIR-2012-ShiZWLH #adaptation #recommendation- Adaptive diversification of recommendation results via latent factor portfolio (YS, XZ, JW, ML, AH), pp. 175–184.
PLEASE-2012-HuYWRW #case study #industrial- Value-based portfolio scoping: an industrial case study (JH, YY, QW, GR, HW), pp. 45–48.
SPLC-2012-GillainFHJS #optimisation- Product portfolio scope optimization based on features and goals (JG, SF, PH, IJ, MS), pp. 161–170.
SAT-2012-XuHHL #algorithm #component- Evaluating Component Solver Contributions to Portfolio-Based Algorithm Selectors (LX, FH, HH, KLB), pp. 228–241.
CIKM-2011-WangC #information retrieval #modelling #probability #ranking #statistics- Statistical information retrieval modelling: from the probability ranking principle to recent advances in diversity, portfolio theory, and beyond (JW, KCT), pp. 2603–2604.
ICML-2011-NockMBN #adaptation #on the- On tracking portfolios with certainty equivalents on a generalization of Markowitz model: the Fool, the Wise and the Adaptive (RN, BM, EB, FN), pp. 73–80.
KDD-2011-DasB #optimisation- Meta optimization and its application to portfolio selection (PD, AB), pp. 1163–1171.
ICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF #named- Portfolio: finding relevant functions and their usage (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 111–120.
ICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF11a #named- Portfolio: a search engine for finding functions and their usages (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 1043–1045.
SPLC-2011-Muller #optimisation #product line- Value-Based Portfolio Optimization for Software Product Lines (JM), pp. 15–24.
SAT-2011-MalitskySSS #algorithm #satisfiability- Non-Model-Based Algorithm Portfolios for SAT (YM, AS, HS, MS), pp. 369–370.
EDOC-2010-QuartelSL #architecture #enterprise #modelling #requirements #using- IT Portfolio Valuation — Using Enterprise Architecture and Business Requirements Modeling (DACQ, MWAS, MML), pp. 3–13.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-TaveiraAS #approach #incremental- A Method for Portfolio Management and Prioritization — An Incremental Funding Method Approach (GT, AJA, EAS), pp. 23–33.
SEKE-2010-CostaBR- Software Project Portfolio Selection: a Modern Portfolio Theory Based Technique (HRC, MdOB, ARR), pp. 387–392.
SIGIR-2010-ZucconAR #question- Has portfolio theory got any principles? (GZ, LA, KvR), pp. 755–756.
CASE-2009-KumarB #multi- Multi-agent model for threshold constrained portfolio selection (RK, SB), pp. 140–145.
RecSys-2009-NathansonBG #recommendation- Donation dashboard: a recommender system for donation portfolios (TN, EB, KYG), pp. 253–256.
SIGIR-2009-WangZ #information retrieval- Portfolio theory of information retrieval (JW, JZ), pp. 115–122.
CAV-2009-WintersteigerHM #approach #concurrent #smt- A Concurrent Portfolio Approach to SMT Solving (CMW, YH, LMdM), pp. 715–720.
REFSQ-2008-Daneva #concept #enterprise #estimation #simulation- Integrating Portfolio Management and Simulation Concepts in the ERP Project Estimation Practice (MD), pp. 147–152.
CSEET-2007-FiedlerK #lens- Electronic Portfolios through a Qualitative Lens (RLF, CK), pp. 247–254.
ICSM-2007-Arcelli #reverse engineering- Working Session on Reverse Engineering techniques for Application Portfolio Management — RE4APM 2007 - (FA), pp. 495–496.
HCI-IDU-2007-HoferZJ #design #process- Alignment of Product Portfolio Definition and User Centered Design Activities (RH, DZ, MJ), pp. 98–107.
OCSC-2007-HerreraONBAF #community #education #mobile- A Mobile Portfolio to Support Communities of Practice in Science Education (OAH, SFO, HAN, MB, RGA, DAF), pp. 416–425.
ISSTA-2007-Koster #consistency #quality #using- Using portfolio theory for better and more consistent quality (KK), pp. 108–117.
ICPC-2006-Autor #comprehension #evolution #legacy- Evolving a Legacy Application Portfolio at Sallie Mae: Program Comprehension and Beyond (RSA), p. xiii.
ICML-2006-AgarwalHKS #algorithm- Algorithms for portfolio management based on the Newton method (AA, EH, SK, RES), pp. 9–16.
ICSE-2006-JiamthubthugsinS #development #using- Portfolio management of software development projects using COCOMO II (WJ, DS), pp. 889–892.
SPLC-2005-HelferichHS #deployment #named #product line #quality #using- QFD-PPP: Product Line Portfolio Planning Using Quality Function Deployment (AH, GH, SS), pp. 162–173.
SEKE-2004-BarberAGLG- Agent Technology Portfolio Manager (KSB, JA, NG, DNL, TJG), pp. 37–44.
SAC-2004-KantardzicSS #approach #monitoring- The time diversification monitoring of a stock portfolio: an approach based on the fractal dimension (MMK, PS, CS), pp. 637–641.
MLDM-2003-ChiuX #mining #optimisation- Optimizing Financial Portfolios from the Perspective of Mining Temporal Structures of Stock Returns (KCC, LX), pp. 266–275.
RE-2002-Schmid #approach #product line- The Product Line Mapping Approach to Defining and Structuring Product Portfolios (KS), pp. 219–226.
STOC-2000-KaoNT #optimisation #problem- The risk profile problem for stock portfolio optimization (extended abstract) (MYK, AN, SRT), pp. 228–234.
CHI-1998-LohRRGRE #design #tool support- The Progress Portfolio: Designing Reflective Tools for a Classroom Context (BL, JR, ER, LMG, BJR, DCE), pp. 627–634.
KDD-1998-MoodyS #learning- Reinforcement Learning for Trading Systems and Portfolios (JEM, MS), pp. 279–283.
ICML-1996-HelmboldSSW #multi #online #using- On-Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates (DPH, RES, YS, MKW), pp. 243–251.