58 papers:
DHM-EH-2015-LiuCKQF #data analysis #power management- Balancing Power Consumption and Data Analysis Accuracy Through Adjusting Sampling Rates: Seeking for the Optimal Configuration of Inertial Sensors for Power Wheelchair Users (TL, CC, MK, GQ, JF), pp. 184–192.
SIGIR-2015-AzzopardiZ #modelling #retrieval #tutorial #using- Building and Using Models of Information Seeking, Search and Retrieval: Full Day Tutorial (LA, GZ), pp. 1107–1110.
ASE-2014-Reiss #user interface- Seeking the user interface (SPR), pp. 103–114.
CHI-2014-ChoudhuryMW #health #online #social #social media- Seeking and sharing health information online: comparing search engines and social media (MDC, MRM, RWW), pp. 1365–1376.
CHI-2014-HaimsonBH #online- DDFSeeks same: sexual health-related language in online personal ads for men who have sex with men (OLH, JRB, GRH), pp. 1615–1624.
HIMI-DE-2014-LeeY14a #documentation- Types of Document Search Tasks and Users’ Cognitive Information Seeking Strategies (HEL, WCY), pp. 449–460.
CIKM-2014-HasanainEM #identification #microblog- Identification of Answer-Seeking Questions in Arabic Microblogs (MH, TE, WM), pp. 1839–1842.
ECIR-2014-StangeN #bibliography #collaboration #traceability- Search Maps — Enhancing Traceability and Overview in Collaborative Information Seeking (DS, AN), pp. 763–766.
SIGIR-2014-Hearst #user interface- Seeking simplicity in search user interfaces (MAH), pp. 333–334.
CASE-2013-HoC #contest #design #game studies- Stackelberg game formulation of prize competition design for seeking shortest path solutions (TYH, SCC), pp. 374–379.
WCRE-2013-LiXPZ #developer #how #question #what- What help do developers seek, when and how? (HL, ZX, XP, WZ), pp. 142–151.
CHI-2013-HuFM #community #social #social media #using- Whoo.ly: facilitating information seeking for hyperlocal communities using social media (YH, SDF, AMH), pp. 3481–3490.
CHI-2013-KangBK #design #internet #people #policy #why- Why do people seek anonymity on the internet?: informing policy and design (RK, SB, SBK), pp. 2657–2666.
CHI-2013-ZhaoWB #multi #named- TrailMap: facilitating information seeking in a multi-scale digital map via implicit bookmarking (JZ, DW, RB), pp. 3009–3018.
CSCW-2013-BatemanGM #navigation #social #using- Social navigation for loosely-coupled information seeking in tightly-knit groups using webwear (SB, CG, GIM), pp. 955–966.
OCSC-2013-YueSC #network #social- Who Are Seeking Friends? The Portrait of Stranger-Seeker in Social Network Sites (XY, YS, HC), pp. 120–125.
ECIR-2013-TaoT #case study #collaboration- An Exploratory Study of Sensemaking in Collaborative Information Seeking (YT, AT), pp. 26–37.
SIGIR-2013-HallCFGSAOSFGB- Information seeking in digital cultural heritage with PATHS (MMH, PDC, SF, PG, MS, EA, AO, AS, KF, JG, RB), pp. 1105–1106.
ICML-2012-ReyR #clustering- Copula Mixture Model for Dependency-seeking Clustering (MR, VR), p. 40.
SIGIR-2012-Shah #collaboration #information retrieval- Collaborative information seeking: art and science of achieving 1+1>2 in IR (CS), pp. 1198–1199.
FSE-2012-CossetteW #evolution #library #migration- Seeking the ground truth: a retroactive study on the evolution and migration of software libraries (BC, RJW), p. 55.
CHI-2011-DorkCW #fresh look- The information flaneur: a fresh look at information seeking (MD, MSTC, CW), pp. 1215–1224.
CIKM-2011-MetzgerEHS #named- S3K: seeking statement-supporting top-K witnesses (SM, SE, KH, RS), pp. 37–46.
ECIR-2011-KoflerLH #internet #video- To Seek, Perchance to Fail: Expressions of User Needs in Internet Video Search (CK, ML, AH), pp. 611–616.
SIGIR-2011-ShahG #collaboration- Evaluating the synergic effect of collaboration in information seeking (CS, RIGI), pp. 913–922.
VLDB-2010-DongBHS10a #detection #named- SOLOMON: Seeking the Truth Via Copying Detection (XD, LBE, YH, DS), pp. 1617–1620.
CSCW-2010-PaulR #collaboration #comprehension- Understanding together: sensemaking in collaborative information seeking (SAP, MCR), pp. 321–330.
ICML-2010-LiuY #graph #robust- Robust Graph Mode Seeking by Graph Shift (HL, SY), pp. 671–678.
HPDC-2010-JacksonRRT #in the cloud #performance- Seeking supernovae in the clouds: a performance study (KRJ, LR, KJR, RCT), pp. 421–429.
ICPC-2009-SharifB #open source- Observation of Open Source programmers’ information seeking (KYS, JB), pp. 307–308.
HIMI-II-2009-FangZ #game studies- Sensation Seeking, Self Forgetfulness, and Computer Game Enjoyment (XF, FZ), pp. 632–641.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ParkMJCJR #interactive #interface- An Interactive Information Seeking Interface for Exploratory Search (HP, SHM, GJ, JwC, SJ, HcR), pp. 276–285.
SIGIR-2008-Arapakis #feedback #process- Affective feedback: an investigation into the role of emotions in the information seeking process (IA), p. 891.
SIGIR-2008-ArapakisJG #feedback #process- Affective feedback: an investigation into the role of emotions in the information seeking process (IA, JMJ, PDG), pp. 395–402.
SIGIR-2008-Shah #behaviour #collaboration #comprehension #implementation- Understanding system implementation and user behavior in a collaborative information seeking environment (CS), p. 896.
VLDB-2007-BansalCKT #clustering- Seeking Stable Clusters in the Blogosphere (NB, FC, NK, FWT), pp. 806–817.
VLDB-2007-LiuWC #keyword #named #semantics #using #xml- XSeek: A Semantic XML Search Engine Using Keywords (ZL, JW, YC), pp. 1330–1333.
CIKM-2007-RoussinovT #online #semantics #verification- Semantic verification in an online fact seeking environment (DR, OT), pp. 71–78.
MLDM-2007-NgaiY- Fast-Maneuvering Target Seeking Based on Double-Action Q-Learning (DCKN, NHCY), pp. 653–666.
SIGIR-2007-YuanB #framework #multi- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (XJY, NJB), pp. 247–254.
CHI-2006-Dawe #how #product line- Desperately seeking simplicity: how young adults with cognitive disabilities and their families adopt assistive technologies (MD), pp. 1143–1152.
IWPC-2005-OBrienB #approach #behaviour #empirical #modelling- Modelling the Information-Seeking Behaviour of Programmers — An Empirical Approach (MPO, JB), pp. 125–134.
CIKM-2005-RoussinovFN #semantics #verification- Semantic verification for fact seeking engines (DR, WF, FADN), pp. 323–324.
HT-2004-BuchananBTJ #hypermedia #library- Integrating information seeking and structuring: exploring the role of spatial hypertext in a digital library (GB, AB, HWT, MJ), pp. 225–234.
SIGIR-2004-Yuan #framework #multi- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (abstract only) (XY), p. 604.
KDD-2003-Jermaine #correlation #game studies- Playing hide-and-seek with correlations (CJ), pp. 559–564.
WCRE-2002-Galal-Edeen #architecture- Reverse Architecting: Seeking the Architectonic (GHGE), pp. 141–150.
CSCW-2002-ReddyD- A finger on the pulse: temporal rhythms and information seeking in medical work (MCR, PD), pp. 344–353.
SAC-2000-AlhajjP- Maximizing Reuseability: Seeking Appropriate Positions for Derived Classes Within the Class Hierarchy (RA, FP), pp. 351–355.
SIGIR-1999-AnickT #feedback- The Paraphrase Search Assistant: Terminological Feedback for Iterative Information Seeking (PGA, ST), pp. 153–159.
SIGIR-1999-Hirsh #process #research- Information Seeking at Different Stages of the RD Research Process (poster abstract) (SGH), pp. 285–286.
SIGMOD-1998-LacroixSC #exclamation #web #what- User-oriented smart-cache for the Web: What You Seek is What You Get! (ZL, AS, RC), pp. 572–574.
CHI-1998-WallaceSKBHHKKPRR #design #education #named- ARTEMIS: Learner-Centered Design of an Information Seeking Environment for K-12 Education (RW, ES, JK, NB, JH, HEH, DK, EK, GP, DR, OR), pp. 195–202.
ICPR-1998-LiuGY #symmetry- Segmenting by seeking the symmetry axis (TLL, DG, ALY), pp. 994–998.
SIGIR-1996-HendryH #architecture #implementation- An Architecture for Implementing Extensible Information-Seeking Environments (DGH, DJH), pp. 94–100.
CHI-1994-AhlbergS94c #query #visual notation- Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays (CA, BS), pp. 313–317.
ICSE-1992-RomanGB #concurrent #programming #rule-based- Seeking Concurrency in Rule-Based Programming (GCR, RFG, WEB), pp. 225–234.
SIGIR-1991-Tissen #architecture- A Case-Based Architecture for A Dialogue Manager for Information Seeking (AT), pp. 152–161.