Stem statechart$ (all stems)
79 papers:
PLDI-2014-HanxledenDMSMAMO #named #safety- SCCharts: sequentially constructive statecharts for safety-critical applications: HW/SW-synthesis for a conservative extension of synchronous statecharts (RvH, BD, CM, SS, MM, JA, SM, OO), p. 39.
SAC-2014-PimentelCMAS #design #refinement #requirements- From requirements to statecharts via design refinement (JP, JC, JM, KA, VESS), pp. 995–1000.
TACAS-2013-BalasubramanianPKL #analysis #multi #named #statechart- Polyglot: Systematic Analysis for Multiple Statechart Formalisms (DB, CSP, GK, MRL), pp. 523–529.
ASE-2012-AbadiF #automation- Automatic recovery of statecharts from procedural code (MA, YAF), pp. 238–241.
SAC-2012-TiwariG #case study #validation- Statechart-based use case requirement validation of event-driven systems (ST, AG), pp. 1091–1093.
ICST-2012-PasareanuB #analysis #statechart- Statechart Analysis with Symbolic PathFinder (CSP, DB), p. 772.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-ArissX #modelling #security- Modeling security attacks with statecharts (OeA, DX), pp. 123–132.
GCM-2010-GolasBEE11 #graph transformation #interpreter #semantics #visual notation- A Visual Interpreter Semantics for Statecharts Based on Amalgamated Graph Transformation (UG, EB, HE, CE).
ISSTA-2011-BalasubramanianPWKL #analysis #modelling #multi #named #statechart- Polyglot: modeling and analysis for multiple Statechart formalisms (DB, CSP, MWW, GK, MRL), pp. 45–55.
CIAA-2009-LuY #automaton #finite #question- Are Statecharts Finite Automata? (HL, SY), pp. 258–261.
FM-2009-Eshuis #petri net- Translating Safe Petri Nets to Statecharts in a Structure-Preserving Way (RE), pp. 239–255.
MoDELS-2009-DrusinskyS #logic #uml #using- Using UML Statecharts with Knowledge Logic Guards (DD, MtS), pp. 586–590.
MoDELS-2009-DrusinskyS #logic #uml #using- Using UML Statecharts with Knowledge Logic Guards (DD, MtS), pp. 586–590.
SAC-2008-BelliH #generative #testing- Test generation and minimization with “basic” statecharts (FB, AH), pp. 718–723.
SAC-2008-ReynosoCGP #diagrams #metric #ocl #statechart #uml #using- Formal definition of measures for UML statechart diagrams using OCL (LR, JACL, MG, MP), pp. 846–847.
MoDELS-2007-ProchnowH #development #statechart- Statechart Development Beyond WYSIWYG (SP, RvH), pp. 635–649.
MoDELS-2007-ProchnowH #development #statechart- Statechart Development Beyond WYSIWYG (SP, RvH), pp. 635–649.
ICSE-2007-NejatiSCEZ #specification- Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications (SN, MS, MC, SME, PZ), pp. 54–64.
ASE-2005-ShankarASX #realtime #reasoning #semantics- Reasoning about real-time statecharts in the presence of semantic variations (SS, SA, VS, XX), pp. 243–252.
IFM-2005-LamP #consistency #diagrams #sequence chart #statechart #using #π-calculus- Consistency Checking of Sequence Diagrams and Statechart Diagrams Using the π-Calculus (VSWL, JAP), pp. 347–365.
MoDELS-2005-CraneD #modelling #uml- UML Vs. Classical Vs. Rhapsody Statecharts: Not All Models Are Created Equal (MLC, JD), pp. 97–112.
MoDELS-2005-Cruz-LemusGMP #diagrams #statechart #uml- Evaluating the Effect of Composite States on the Understandability of UML Statechart Diagrams (JACL, MG, MEM, MP), pp. 113–125.
MoDELS-2005-CraneD #modelling #uml- UML Vs. Classical Vs. Rhapsody Statecharts: Not All Models Are Created Equal (MLC, JD), pp. 97–112.
MoDELS-2005-Cruz-LemusGMP #diagrams #statechart #uml- Evaluating the Effect of Composite States on the Understandability of UML Statechart Diagrams (JACL, MG, MEM, MP), pp. 113–125.
ECOOP-2005-LamP #consistency #diagrams #statechart- Consistency Checking of Statechart Diagrams of a Class Hierarchy (VSWL, JAP), pp. 412–427.
ASE-2004-LiWQ #generative #testing #uml- Property-Oriented Test Generation from UML Statecharts (SL, JW, ZCQ), pp. 122–131.
SEFM-2004-MengNB #algebra #on the #perspective #refinement #semantics #uml- On Semantics and Refinement of UML Statecharts: A Coalgebraic View (SM, ZN, LSB), pp. 164–173.
SEKE-2004-Cruz-LemusGORP #diagrams #fuzzy #predict #statechart #uml #using- Predicting UML Statechart Diagrams Understandability Using Fuzzy Logic-Based Techniques (JACL, MG, JAO, FPR, MP), pp. 238–245.
ICSE-2004-BriandLW #empirical #simulation #statechart #test coverage #using- Using Simulation to Empirically Investigate Test Coverage Criteria Based on Statechart (LCB, YL, YW), pp. 86–95.
ICSE-2004-ZiadiHJ #algebra #approach #statechart #synthesis- Revisiting Statechart Synthesis with an Algebraic Approach (TZ, LH, JMJ), pp. 242–251.
LCTES-2004-Wasowski- Flattening statecharts without explosions (AW), pp. 257–266.
TestCom-2004-MuckeH #generative #uml- Generation of Optimized Testsuites for UML Statecharts with Time (TM, MH), pp. 128–143.
FME-2003-QinC #hardware- Mapping Statecharts to Verilog for Hardware/Software Co-specification (SQ, WNC), pp. 282–300.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MirandaGP #diagrams #empirical #metric #statechart #uml #validation- Empirical Validation of Metrics for UML Statechart Diagrams (DM, MG, MP), pp. 87–95.
SEKE-2003-DongFH #diagrams #statechart- Deriving Hierarchical Predicate/Transition Nets from Statechart Diagrams (ZD, YF, XH), pp. 150–157.
UML-2003-BriandCL #automation #testing #towards #uml- Towards Automated Support for Deriving Test Data from UML Statecharts (LCB, JC, YL), pp. 249–264.
UML-2003-JansenHK #uml- A QoS-Oriented Extension of UML Statecharts (DNJ, HH, JPK), pp. 76–91.
LCTES-2003-Wasowski #on the #performance #synthesis- On efficient program synthesis from statecharts (AW), pp. 163–170.
FASE-2002-DavidMY #realtime #uml #verification- Formal Verification of UML Statecharts with Real-Time Extensions (AD, MOM, WY), pp. 218–232.
IFM-2002-SekerinskiZ- Translating Statecharts to B (ES, RZ), pp. 128–144.
ICGT-2002-LaraV #modelling #multi #petri net #process- Computer Aided Multi-paradigm Modelling to Process Petri-Nets and Statecharts (JdL, HV), pp. 239–253.
ICGT-2002-Varro #semantics #uml- A Formal Semantics of UML Statecharts by Model Transition Systems (DV), pp. 378–392.
SAC-2002-Jurjens #message passing #semantics #uml- A UML statecharts semantics with message-passing (JJ), pp. 1009–1013.
ISSTA-2002-LatellaM #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #on the #statechart #testing #uml- On testing and conformance relations for UML statechart diagrams behaviours (DL, MM), pp. 144–153.
WICSA-2001-EgyedW #architecture #modelling #statechart- Statechart Simulator for Modeling Architectural Dynamics (AE, DSW), p. 87–?.
FASE-J-1998-GrieskampHD01 #component #embedded #specification- Specifying embedded systems with statecharts and Z: an agenda for cyclic software components (WG, MH, HD), pp. 31–57.
FASE-J-1998-Scholz01 #design #incremental #specification #statechart- Incremental design of statechart specifications (PS), pp. 119–145.
UML-2001-Beeck #formal method #uml- Formalization of UML-Statecharts (MvdB), pp. 406–421.
UML-2001-SekerinskiZ #named #statechart- iState: A Statechart Translator (ES, RZ), pp. 376–390.
ICALP-2000-LuttgenM #modelling #semantics- Fully-Abstract Statecharts Semantics via Intuitionistic Kripke Models (GL, MM), pp. 163–174.
ICEIS-2000-LauderK #modelling #process- Statecharts for Business Process Modelling (AL, SK), pp. 310–314.
UML-2000-Kwon #model checking #semantics #uml- Rewrite rules and Operational Semantics for Model Checking UML Statecharts (GK), pp. 528–540.
UML-2000-Pazzi #behaviour #representation- Part-Whole Statecharts for the Explicit Representation of Compound Behaviors (LP), pp. 541–555.
FSE-2000-LuttgenBC #approach #composition #semantics- A compositional approach to statecharts semantics (GL, MvdB, RC), pp. 120–129.
ICSE-2000-WhittleS #design #generative #statechart- Generating statechart designs from scenarios (JW, JS), pp. 314–323.
FM-v2-1999-SeshiaSBD- A Translation of Statecharts to Esterel (SAS, RKS, AKB, SDD), pp. 983–1007.
IFM-1999-Deiss #approach- An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques: Statecharts and TLA (TD), pp. 231–250.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LiQ #testing #uml- Test Selection from UML Statecharts (LL, ZQ), pp. 273–281.
ICSE-1999-ChanABJNW #model checking #performance- Decoupling Synchronization from Local Control for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts (WC, RJA, PB, DHJ, DN, WEW), pp. 142–151.
FASE-1998-BussowGK #case study #embedded #safety #specification- Specifying Safety-Critical Embedded Systems with Statecharts and Z: A Case Study (RB, RG, MK), pp. 71–87.
FASE-1998-Scholz #calculus #refinement- A Refinement Calculus for Statecharts (PS), pp. 285–301.
FM-1998-BogdanovHS #automation #generative #testing- Automated Test Set Generation for Statecharts (KB, MH, HS), pp. 107–121.
HT-1997-TurineOM #hypermedia #modelling- A Navigation-Oriented Hypertext Model Based on Statecharts (MAST, MCFdO, PCM), pp. 102–111.
TACAS-1997-PhilippsS #verification- Formal Verification of Statecharts with Instantaneous Chain Reaction (JP, PS), pp. 224–238.
FME-1997-PetersohnU #implementation #semantics- A Timed Semantics for the STATEMATE Implementation of Statecharts (CP, LU), pp. 553–572.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-StobartPT #case study #object-oriented #polymorphism #source code #testing #using- Using Extended General Statecharts to Generate Test Cases for Overloaded/Polymorphic Object-Oriented Programs: A Case Study (SS, NP, BYT), pp. 96–103.
CAV-1997-Harel #years after- Some Thoughts on Statecharts, 13 Years Later (DH), pp. 226–231.
FME-1996-Weber #design #safety- Combining Statecharts and Z for the Design of Safety-Critical Control Systems (MW), pp. 307–326.
ICRE-1996-NobeW #lessons learnt #modelling #requirements #using- Lessons Learned from a Trial Application of Requirements Modeling Using Statecharts (CRN, WEW), pp. 86–93.
ICSE-1996-HarelG #execution #modelling- Executable Object Modeling with Statecharts (DH, EG), pp. 246–257.
SEKE-1995-Junkermann #design #process- A Dedicated Process Design Language based on EER-models, Statecharts and Tables (GJ), pp. 487–496.
OOPSLA-1995-AllenC #scheduling #statechart- Extending the Statechart Formalism: Event Scheduling & Disposition (AA, DdC), pp. 1–16.
ESEC-1995-Glinz #formal method- An Integrated Formal Model of Scenarios Based on Statecharts (MG), pp. 254–271.
EDAC-1994-HelbigK- An OBDD-Representation of Statecharts (JH, PK), pp. 142–149.
TAGT-1994-Maggiolo-SchettiniP #framework #graph grammar #semantics- A Graph Rewriting Framework for Statecharts Semantics (AMS, AP), pp. 107–121.
ESEC-1993-Beeck #analysis #concurrent #integration #realtime #specification- Integration of Structured Analysis and Timed Statecharts for Real-Time and Concurrency Specification (MvdB), pp. 313–328.
HT-ECHT-1992-ZhengP #hypermedia #using- Using Statecharts to Model Hypertext (YZ, MCP), pp. 242–250.
CHI-1989-Wellner #implementation #named #prototype- Statemaster: A UIMS based on statecharts for prototyping and target implementation (PDW), pp. 177–182.
LICS-1987-HarelPSS #on the #semantics- On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (DH, AP, JPS, RS), pp. 54–64.