Dale Miller 0001
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction
FSCD, 2017.
editor = "Dale Miller 0001",
ee = "http://www.dagstuhl.de/dagpub/978-3-95977-047-7",
isbn = "978-3-95977-047-7",
publisher = "{Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik}",
series = "{Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics}",
title = "{Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction}",
volume = 84,
year = 2017,
Contents (33 items)
- FSCD-2017-Gaboardi #higher-order #relational #source code #type system #verification
- Type Systems for the Relational Verification of Higher Order Programs (Invited Talk) (MG), p. 1.
- FSCD-2017-Silva #concurrent #theorem
- Brzozowski Goes Concurrent - A Kleene Theorem for Pomset Languages (Invited Talk) (AS0), p. 1.
- FSCD-2017-Tasson #probability #programming #semantics
- Quantitative Semantics for Probabilistic Programming (Invited Talk) (CT), p. 1.
- FSCD-2017-Moser #analysis
- Uniform Resource Analysis by Rewriting: Strenghts and Weaknesses (Invited Talk) (GM), p. 10.
- FSCD-2017-DudenhefnerR #complexity
- The Complexity of Principal Inhabitation (AD, JR), p. 14.
- FSCD-2017-AhrensL #category theory
- Displayed Categories (BA, PLL), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-BarenbaumB #calculus #linear
- Optimality and the Linear Substitution Calculus (PB, EB), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-CastellanCW #abstraction #concurrent
- Observably Deterministic Concurrent Strategies and Intensional Full Abstraction for Parallel-or (SC, PC, GW), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-Czajka #combinator #confluence #logic
- Confluence of an Extension of Combinatory Logic by Boolean Constants (LC0), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-GuerriniS #implementation
- Is the Optimal Implementation Inefficient? Elementarily Not (SG, MS), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-HirokawaMSW #infinity
- Infinite Runs in Abstract Completion (NH, AM, CS, SW), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-OrtonP #modelling #type system
- Models of Type Theory Based on Moore Paths (IO, AMP), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-PradicR #approach #synthesis
- A Curry-Howard Approach to Church's Synthesis (PP, CR), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-Zeilberger #calculus
- A Sequent Calculus for a Semi-Associative Law (NZ), p. 16.
- FSCD-2017-BiernackaCZ #automaton #hybrid
- Generalized Refocusing: From Hybrid Strategies to Abstract Machines (MB, WC, KZ), p. 17.
- FSCD-2017-KanovichKMS #algorithm #bound #calculus #order #polynomial
- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Lambek Calculus with Brackets of Bounded Order (MIK, SK, GM, AS), p. 17.
- FSCD-2017-KesnerV #deduction
- Types as Resources for Classical Natural Deduction (DK, PV), p. 17.
- FSCD-2017-Pistone #modelling #on the
- On Dinaturality, Typability and beta-eta-Stable Models (PP), p. 17.
- FSCD-2017-Strassburger #combinator #normalisation
- Combinatorial Flows and Their Normalisation (LS), p. 17.
- FSCD-2017-0001TK #approach #confluence #induction #proving
- Improving Rewriting Induction Approach for Proving Ground Confluence (TA0, YT, YK), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-BlanchetteFT #higher-order #multi
- Nested Multisets, Hereditary Multisets, and Syntactic Ordinals in Isabelle/HOL (JCB, MF, DT), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-FioreS #algebra
- List Objects with Algebraic Structure (MF, PS), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-IntrigilaMP
- Refutation of Sallé's Longstanding Conjecture (BI, GM, AP), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-KawamuraS #polynomial
- Polynomial Running Times for Polynomial-Time Oracle Machines (AK, FS), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-LitakPR
- Negative Translations and Normal Modality (TL, MP, UR), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-SuzukiF0T #automaton #higher-order #model checking #recursion
- Streett Automata Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (RS0, KF, NK0, TT), p. 18.
- FSCD-2017-Akama #confluence #term rewriting #λ-calculus
- The Confluent Terminating Context-Free Substitutive Rewriting System for the lambda-Calculus with Surjective Pairing and Terminal Type (YA), p. 19.
- FSCD-2017-HillerstromLAS #continuation
- Continuation Passing Style for Effect Handlers (DH, SL, RA, KCS), p. 19.
- FSCD-2017-KaiserPS #case study #coq #system f
- Relating System F and Lambda2: A Case Study in Coq, Abella and Beluga (JK, BP, GS), p. 19.
- FSCD-2017-Bahr #graph grammar #reduction #term rewriting
- Böhm Reduction in Infinitary Term Graph Rewriting Systems (PB), p. 20.
- FSCD-2017-LichtmanH #array #ml
- Arrays and References in Resource Aware ML (BL, JH0), p. 20.
- FSCD-2017-CockettL #difference
- There Is Only One Notion of Differentiation (JRBC, JSL), p. 21.
- FSCD-2017-LicataSR #framework #logic
- A Fibrational Framework for Substructural and Modal Logics (DRL, MS, MR), p. 22.