Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Kumar A.Das P.N.Khanh K.M.M.Aung J.Ng X.Wang T.S.T.Mak M.Shafique J.Henkel
Talks about:
system (3) exploit (2) mani (2) core (2) multiprocessor (1) defragment (1) synthesi (1) resourc (1) current (1) acceler (1)
Person: Amit Kumar Singh
DBLP: Singh:Amit_Kumar
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2015-KhanhSKA #dependence #design #synthesis
- Exploiting loop-array dependencies to accelerate the design space exploration with high level synthesis (PNK, AKS, AK, KMMA), pp. 157–162.
- PDP-2015-NgWSM #manycore #named #performance #resource management #runtime
- DeFrag: Defragmentation for Efficient Runtime Resource Allocation in NoC-Based Many-core Systems (JN, XW, AKS, TSTM), pp. 345–352.
- DAC-2013-SinghDK #energy #execution #multi #optimisation #streaming
- Energy optimization by exploiting execution slacks in streaming applications on multiprocessor systems (AKS, AD, AK), p. 7.
- DAC-2013-SinghSKH #manycore #overview #roadmap
- Mapping on multi/many-core systems: survey of current and emerging trends (AKS, MS, AK, JH), p. 10.