196 papers:
DAC-2015-ZhangMMWSS #3d #design- A cross-layer design exploration of charge-recycled power-delivery in many-layer 3d-IC (RZ, KM, BHM, KW, KS, MRS), p. 6.
DATE-2015-CastrillonTSSJA #manycore #programming #question- Multi/many-core programming: where are we standing? (JC, LT, LS, WS, BHHJ, MAM, AP, RJ, VR, RL), pp. 1708–1717.
DATE-2015-ChenM #distributed #learning #manycore #optimisation #performance- Distributed reinforcement learning for power limited many-core system performance optimization (ZC, DM), pp. 1521–1526.
DATE-2015-KhanSH #adaptation #manycore #power management- Power-efficient accelerator allocation in adaptive dark silicon many-core systems (MUKK, MS, JH), pp. 916–919.
DATE-2015-KobbeBH #adaptation #modelling #on the fly #performance- Adaptive on-the-fly application performance modeling for many cores (SK, LB, JH), pp. 730–735.
DATE-2015-MaHJ #manycore- A packet-switched interconnect for many-core systems with BE and RT service (RM, ZH, AJ), pp. 980–983.
DATE-2015-MajumderPK #architecture #biology #manycore- On-chip network-enabled many-core architectures for computational biology applications (TM, PPP, AK), pp. 259–264.
DATE-2015-ShafiqueGGH #manycore #variability- Variability-aware dark silicon management in on-chip many-core systems (MS, DG, SG, JH), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2015-YaoWGMCZ #architecture #manycore #named- SelectDirectory: a selective directory for cache coherence in many-core architectures (YY, GW, ZG, TM, WC, NZ), pp. 175–180.
DATE-2015-ZhangJSPHP #hardware #manycore #named #pipes and filters- E-pipeline: elastic hardware/software pipelines on a many-core fabric (XZ, HJ, MS, JP, JH, SP), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2015-ZhuCPP #manycore #named- TAPP: temperature-aware application mapping for NoC-based many-core processors (DZ, LC, TMP, MP), pp. 1241–1244.
PLDI-2015-LidburyLCD #compilation #fuzzing #manycore- Many-core compiler fuzzing (CL, AL, NC, AFD), pp. 65–76.
ICML-2015-CarpentierV #infinity- Simple regret for infinitely many armed bandits (AC, MV), pp. 1133–1141.
RecSys-2015-Nemeth #recommendation #scalability- Scaling Up Recommendation Services in Many Dimensions (BN), p. 233.
SIGIR-2015-KellyA #behaviour #case study #experience #how #user interface- How many results per page?: A Study of SERP Size, Search Behavior and User Experience (DK, LA), pp. 183–192.
ESEC-FSE-2015-XuJFZPT #comprehension #exclamation- Hey, you have given me too many knobs!: understanding and dealing with over-designed configuration in system software (TX, LJ, XF, YZ, SP, RT), pp. 307–319.
ASPLOS-2015-HaqueEHEBM #incremental #interactive #latency #named #parallel- Few-to-Many: Incremental Parallelism for Reducing Tail Latency in Interactive Services (MEH, YHE, YH, SE, RB, KSM), pp. 161–175.
ICST-2015-PanichellaKT #branch #optimisation #problem- Reformulating Branch Coverage as a Many-Objective Optimization Problem (AP, FMK, PT), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2014-FattahPLPT #manycore #named #runtime- SHiFA: System-Level Hierarchy in Run-Time Fault-Aware Management of Many-Core Systems (MF, MP, PL, JP, HT), p. 6.
DATE-2014-CilardoFGM #communication #manycore #scheduling #synthesis- Joint communication scheduling and interconnect synthesis for FPGA-based many-core systems (AC, EF, LG, AM), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KarkarDATMY #architecture #communication #hybrid- Hybrid wire-surface wave architecture for one-to-many communication in networks-on-chip (AK, ND, RAD, KT, TSTM, AY), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KhanSH #architecture #manycore #performance #power management #video- Software architecture of High Efficiency Video Coding for many-core systems with power-efficient workload balancing (MUKK, MS, JH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangXWCWW #manycore #power management- Characterizing power delivery systems with on/off-chip voltage regulators for many-core processors (XW, JX, ZW, KJC, XW, ZW), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-WangZMYJDP #adaptation #manycore- Adaptive power allocation for many-core systems inspired from multiagent auction model (XW, BZ, TSTM, MY, YJ, MD, MP), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-WildermannGT #distributed #multi #resource management #runtime- Multi-objective distributed run-time resource management for many-cores (SW, MG, JT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WuWDHYY #in memory #integration #manycore #memory management- A thermal resilient integration of many-core microprocessors and main memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os (SSW, KW, SMPD, TYH, MY, HY), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2014-LeisBK0 #evaluation #framework #manycore #parallel #query- Morsel-driven parallelism: a NUMA-aware query evaluation framework for the many-core age (VL, PAB, AK, TN), pp. 743–754.
SIGMOD-2014-TrummerK #approximate #optimisation #query- Approximation schemes for many-objective query optimization (IT, CK), pp. 1299–1310.
TACAS-2014-GurfinkelB #contest #named #verification- FrankenBit: Bit-Precise Verification with Many Bits — (Competition Contribution) (AG, AB), pp. 408–411.
TACAS-2014-WijsB #manycore #named #on the fly #using- GPUexplore: Many-Core On-the-Fly State Space Exploration Using GPUs (AW, DB), pp. 233–247.
FLOPS-2014-Parys #how #question- How Many Numbers Can a λ-Term Contain? (PP), pp. 302–318.
IFM-2014-FathabadiSB #manycore #modelling #process #runtime- Applying an Integrated Modelling Process to Run-time Management of Many-Core Systems (ASF, CFS, MJB), pp. 120–135.
HCI-TMT-2014-Moran #interface- One Interface, Many Views: A Case for Repeatable Patterns (WM), pp. 340–349.
CIKM-2014-GrbovicHKM #category theory #email #how- How Many Folders Do You Really Need?: Classifying Email into a Handful of Categories (MG, GH, ZSK, YM), pp. 869–878.
CIKM-2014-Sakai #design- Designing Test Collections for Comparing Many Systems (TS), pp. 61–70.
ICML-c2-2014-Chen0 #big data #learning #modelling #topic #using- Topic Modeling using Topics from Many Domains, Lifelong Learning and Big Data (ZC, BL), pp. 703–711.
SPLC-2014-McGregor #ecosystem- The many flavors of ecosystems (JDM), p. 366.
HPCA-2014-DemetriadesC #manycore #scalability- Stash directory: A scalable directory for many-core coherence (SD, SC), pp. 177–188.
HPCA-2014-JungK #named #resource management- Sprinkler: Maximizing resource utilization in many-chip solid state disks (MJ, MTK), pp. 524–535.
HPDC-2014-El-HelwHB #clustering #manycore #named #pipes and filters- Glasswing: accelerating mapreduce on multi-core and many-core clusters (IEH, RFHH, HEB), pp. 295–298.
HPDC-2014-GerofiSHTI #memory management #named #novel #policy- CMCP: a novel page replacement policy for system level hierarchical memory management on many-cores (BG, AS, AH, MT, YI), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2014-KriederWAWKGFR #design #evaluation #framework- Design and evaluation of the gemtc framework for GPU-enabled many-task computing (SJK, JMW, TGA, MW, DSK, BG, ITF, IR), pp. 153–164.
HPDC-2014-RajachandrasekarPVHWP #architecture #distributed #framework #named- MIC-Check: a distributed check pointing framework for the intel many integrated cores architecture (RR, SP, AV, KH, MWuR, DKP), pp. 121–124.
LCTES-2014-BebelisFG #data flow #framework #manycore #parametricity- A framework to schedule parametric dataflow applications on many-core platforms (VB, PF, AG), pp. 125–134.
PPoPP-2014-MaAC #algorithm #analysis #manycore #thread- Theoretical analysis of classic algorithms on highly-threaded many-core GPUs (LM, KA, RDC), pp. 391–392.
DAC-2013-AnagnostopoulosTBS #distributed #manycore #resource management #runtime- Distributed run-time resource management for malleable applications on many-core platforms (IA, VT, AB, DS), p. 6.
DAC-2013-FattahDLP #agile #manycore- Smart hill climbing for agile dynamic mapping in many-core systems (MF, MD, PL, JP), p. 6.
DAC-2013-JahnPKCH #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters- Optimizations for configuring and mapping software pipelines in many core systems (JJ, SP, SK, JJC, JH), p. 8.
DAC-2013-SinghSKH #bibliography #manycore #roadmap- Mapping on multi/many-core systems: survey of current and emerging trends (AKS, MS, AK, JH), p. 10.
DATE-2013-JahnH #architecture #manycore #named #pipes and filters #self- Pipelets: self-organizing software pipelines for many-core architectures (JJ, JH), pp. 1516–1521.
DATE-2013-KodakaTSYKTXSUTMM #manycore #power management #predict- A near-future prediction method for low power consumption on a many-core processor (TK, AT, SS, AY, TK, TT, HX, TS, HU, JT, TM, NM), pp. 1058–1059.
DATE-2013-MiyamoriXKUST #development #manycore #power management- Development of low power many-core SoC for multimedia applications (TM, HX, TK, HU, TS, JT), pp. 773–777.
DATE-2013-OjailDLG #embedded #framework #lightweight #manycore #named- ARTM: a lightweight fork-join framework for many-core embedded systems (MO, RD, YL, AG), pp. 1510–1515.
DATE-2013-PaoneVZSMHL #embedded #manycore #modelling #simulation- Improving simulation speed and accuracy for many-core embedded platforms with ensemble models (EP, NV, VZ, CS, DM, GH, TL), pp. 671–676.
DATE-2013-ShafiqueVH #adaptation #hybrid #manycore #power management #self- Self-adaptive hybrid dynamic power management for many-core systems (MS, BV, JH), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2013-ThabetLAPD #architecture #flexibility #hardware #manycore #performance- An efficient and flexible hardware support for accelerating synchronization operations on the STHORM many-core architecture (FT, YL, CA, JMP, RD), pp. 531–534.
DATE-2013-WangYWZ #3d #configuration management #manycore #network- 3D reconfigurable power switch network for demand-supply matching between multi-output power converters and many-core microprocessors (KW, HY, BW, CZ), pp. 1643–1648.
DATE-2013-WildermannZT #analysis #distributed #game studies #manycore- Game-theoretic analysis of decentralized core allocation schemes on many-core systems (SW, TZ, JT), pp. 1498–1503.
DATE-2013-YingHH #3d #performance- Fast and optimized task allocation method for low vertical link density 3-dimensional networks-on-chip based many core systems (HY, TH, KH), pp. 1777–1782.
DATE-2013-ZhaoLBT #detection #manycore #probability #runtime- Run-time probabilistic detection of miscalibrated thermal sensors in many-core systems (JZ, S(L, WB, RT), pp. 1395–1398.
PLDI-2013-SankaranarayananCG #probability #source code #static analysis- Static analysis for probabilistic programs: inferring whole program properties from finitely many paths (SS, AC, SG), pp. 447–458.
ICALP-v1-2013-BulanekKS #on the #online #random- On Randomized Online Labeling with Polynomially Many Labels (JB, MK, MES), pp. 291–302.
CHI-2013-ZhaoSNAVC #facebook #performance #social #social media- The many faces of facebook: experiencing social media as performance, exhibition, and personal archive (XZ, NS, SN, SA, SV, DC), pp. 1–10.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HermannCW #human-computer #industrial #interactive #manycore #parallel- Parallel Rendering of Human-Computer Interaction Industrial Applications on Multi-/Many-Core Platforms (SH, AC, L(W), pp. 350–360.
HILT-2013-MichellMP #manycore #programming #realtime- Real-time programming on accelerator many-core processors (SM, BM, LMP), pp. 23–36.
ICML-c3-2013-BiK #classification #multi #performance- Efficient Multi-label Classification with Many Labels (WB, JTYK), pp. 405–413.
MLDM-2013-DoanDP #classification #scalability #visual notation- Large Scale Visual Classification with Many Classes (TND, TND, FP), pp. 629–643.
OOPSLA-2013-ClebschD #concurrent #garbage collection #manycore- Fully concurrent garbage collection of actors on many-core machines (SC, SD), pp. 553–570.
SAC-2013-LikitvivatanavongY #set- Many-to-many interchangeable sets of values in CSPs (CL, RHCY), pp. 86–91.
PPoPP-2013-WozniakAWKLF #data flow #named #programming #scalability- Swift/T: scalable data flow programming for many-task applications (JMW, TGA, MW, DSK, ELL, ITF), pp. 309–310.
CASE-2012-ZhangLCCJ #set #simulation- An improved simulation budget allocation procedure to efficiently select the optimal subset of many alternatives (SZ, LHL, EPC, CHC, HYJ), pp. 230–236.
DAC-2012-MelpignanoBFJLHCD #embedded #evaluation #framework #manycore #performance #visual notation- Platform 2012, a many-core computing accelerator for embedded SoCs: performance evaluation of visual analytics applications (DM, LB, EF, BJ, TL, GH, FC, DD), pp. 1137–1142.
DAC-2012-SuYZ #named #order #performance #reduction- AMOR: an efficient aggregating based model order reduction method for many-terminal interconnect circuits (YS, FY, XZ), pp. 295–300.
DATE-2012-AnagnostopoulosBKS #distributed #divide and conquer #manycore #runtime- A divide and conquer based distributed run-time mapping methodology for many-core platforms (IA, AB, GK, DS), pp. 111–116.
DATE-2012-BolchiniMS #adaptation #approach #architecture #fault #manycore #online- An adaptive approach for online fault management in many-core architectures (CB, AM, DS), pp. 1429–1432.
DATE-2012-MarongiuBB #clustering #embedded #lightweight #parallel #performance- Fast and lightweight support for nested parallelism on cluster-based embedded many-cores (AM, PB, LB), pp. 105–110.
STOC-2012-LouisRTV- Many sparse cuts via higher eigenvalues (AL, PR, PT, SV), pp. 1131–1140.
MLDM-2012-OshiroPB #how #question #random- How Many Trees in a Random Forest? (TMO, PSP, JAB), pp. 154–168.
RecSys-2012-KluverNESR #how #question #rating- How many bits per rating? (DK, TTN, MDE, SS, JR), pp. 99–106.
ISMM-2012-ZhouD #configuration management #locality #manycore #memory management #policy- Memory management for many-core processors with software configurable locality policies (JZ, BD), pp. 3–14.
LICS-2012-RabinovichR #branch- Interpretations in Trees with Countably Many Branches (AR, SR), pp. 551–560.
DAC-2011-RajavelA #clustering #named- MO-pack: many-objective clustering for FPGA CAD (STR, AA), pp. 818–823.
DATE-2011-HealyL #3d #network #novel- A novel TSV topology for many-tier 3D power-delivery networks (MBH, SKL), pp. 261–264.
HT-2011-JonesA #tool support- Many views, many modes, many tools & one structure (WJ, KMA), pp. 113–122.
VLDB-2011-SewallCKSD #architecture #manycore #named #parallel- PALM: Parallel Architecture-Friendly Latch-Free Modifications to B+ Trees on Many-Core Processors (JS, JC, CK, NS, PD), pp. 795–806.
ITiCSE-2011-Ernst #architecture #manycore #performance #student- Preparing students for future architectures with an exploration of multi- and many-core performance (DJE), pp. 57–62.
DLT-J-2010-YuanCL11 #fault #graph- Linearly Many Faults in (n, k)-Star Graphs (AY, EC, LL), pp. 1729–1745.
CHI-2011-AssogbaRDM #visualisation- Many bills: engaging citizens through visualizations of congressional legislation (YA, IR, JMD, MM), pp. 433–442.
OCSC-2011-ReedM #education #roadmap- Teacher Agents: The Current State, Future Trends, and Many Roles of Intelligent Agents in Education (KR, GM), pp. 69–78.
CIKM-2011-KrulisLBSS #architecture #distance #gpu #manycore #polynomial- Processing the signature quadratic form distance on many-core GPU architectures (MK, JL, CB, TS, TS), pp. 2373–2376.
HPCA-2011-FerdmanLBF #manycore #scalability- Cuckoo directory: A scalable directory for many-core systems (MF, PLK, KB, BF), pp. 169–180.
ISMM-2011-Mutlu #challenge #manycore #memory management- Memory systems in the many-core era: challenges, opportunities, and solution directions (OM), pp. 77–78.
CADE-2011-ClaessenLS #first-order #logic- Sort It Out with Monotonicity — Translating between Many-Sorted and Unsorted First-Order Logic (KC, AL, NS), pp. 207–221.
ECSA-2010-Hock-koonO #approach- Many to Many Service Discovery: A First Approach (AAHk, MO), pp. 449–456.
QoSA-2010-GhezziMMT- QoS Driven Dynamic Binding in-the-many (CG, AM, VPLM, GT), pp. 68–83.
DAC-2010-GeMQ #distributed #manycore #migration- Distributed task migration for thermal management in many-core systems (YG, PM, QQ), pp. 579–584.
DAC-2010-IhrigMJ #automation #design #manycore #modelling- Automated modeling and emulation of interconnect designs for many-core chip multiprocessors (CJI, RGM, AKJ), pp. 431–436.
DAC-2010-KochteSWZ #fault #manycore #performance #simulation- Efficient fault simulation on many-core processors (MAK, MS, HJW, CGZ), pp. 380–385.
DAC-2010-TruongB #architecture #design #manycore #modelling- Circuit modeling for practical many-core architecture design exploration (DT, BMB), pp. 627–628.
DAC-2010-ZhangL #manycore #network- A multilayer nanophotonic interconnection network for on-chip many-core communications (XZ, AL), pp. 156–161.
DAC-2010-ZhaoDX #3d #cost analysis #design #manycore- Cost-aware three-dimensional (3D) many-core multiprocessor design (JZ, XD, YX), pp. 126–131.
DATE-2010-LoiB #3d #distributed #framework #interface #manycore #memory management #performance- An efficient distributed memory interface for many-core platform with 3D stacked DRAM (IL, LB), pp. 99–104.
DATE-2010-ZhangYDHRL #manycore #symmetry- Performance-asymmetry-aware topology virtualization for defect-tolerant NoC-based many-core processors (LZ, YY, JD, YH, SR, XL), pp. 1566–1571.
PLDI-2010-ZhouD #approach #manycore #named #object-oriented- Bamboo: a data-centric, object-oriented approach to many-core software (JZ, BD), pp. 388–399.
STOC-2010-Talagrand #question #set- Are many small sets explicitly small? (MT), pp. 13–36.
AFL-J-2008-Blanchet-SadriOR10 #theorem #word- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for Partial Words with Arbitrarily Many Weak Periods (FBS, TO, TDR), pp. 705–722.
CHI-2010-FreirePSG #analysis #interface #multi #named #network #visualisation- ManyNets: an interface for multiple network analysis and visualization (MF, CP, BS, JG), pp. 213–222.
CIKM-2010-QiYXD #automation #generative #taxonomy- Choosing your own adventure: automatic taxonomy generation to permit many paths (XQ, DY, ZX, BDD), pp. 1853–1856.
SIGIR-2010-WangL #multi #summary- Many are better than one: improving multi-document summarization via weighted consensus (DW, TL), pp. 809–810.
SPLC-2010-McGregor #quality- The Many Paths to Quality Core Assets (JDM), p. 502.
OSDI-2010-Boyd-WickizerCMPKMZ #analysis #linux #scalability- An Analysis of Linux Scalability to Many Cores (SBW, ATC, YM, AP, MFK, RM, NZ), pp. 1–16.
PPoPP-2010-PerarnauH #cpu #generative #named- KRASH: reproducible CPU load generation on many cores machines (SP, GH), pp. 327–328.
DAC-2009-NanshiS #abstraction #constraints #refinement- Constraints in one-to-many concretization for abstraction refinement (KN, FS), pp. 569–574.
DAC-2009-WenCCS #architecture #concurrent #debugging #detection #manycore #named- NUDA: a non-uniform debugging architecture and non-intrusive race detection for many-core (CNW, SHC, TFC, APS), pp. 148–153.
DATE-2009-SartoriK #architecture #distributed #manycore #power management- Distributed peak power management for many-core architectures (JS, RK), pp. 1556–1559.
ICDAR-2009-KermorvantBMM #recognition- From Isolated Handwritten Characters to Fields Recognition: There’s Many a Slip Twixt Cup and Lip (CK, ALB, PM, FM), pp. 1031–1035.
LATA-2009-Blanchet-SadriABM #how #question #word- How Many Holes Can an Unbordered Partial Word Contain? (FBS, EA, CB, RM), pp. 176–187.
ICMT-2009-Garcia-MagarinoGF #algorithm #generative #model transformation- Model Transformation By-Example: An Algorithm for Generating Many-to-Many Transformation Rules in Several Model Transformation Languages (IGM, JJGS, RFF), pp. 52–66.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Taylor #architecture- Software architecture: many faces, many places, yet a central discipline (RNT), pp. 303–304.
PPoPP-2009-LongFZ #architecture #manycore- Architectural support for cilk computations on many-core architectures (GL, DF, JZ), pp. 285–286.
SAT-2009-AtseriasFT #algorithm #bound- Clause-Learning Algorithms with Many Restarts and Bounded-Width Resolution (AA, JKF, MT), pp. 114–127.
DAC-2008-HuangSSRS #design #manycore #perspective- Many-core design from a thermal perspective (WH, MRS, KS, RJR, KS), pp. 746–749.
DATE-2008-NanshiS- Improved Visibility in One-to-Many Trace Concretization (KN, FS), pp. 819–824.
VLDB-2008-LiuTG #concept #documentation #named- ManyAspects: a system for highlighting diverse concepts in documents (KL, ET, TG), pp. 1444–1447.
LATA-2008-Giraud #string- Not So Many Runs in Strings (MG), pp. 232–239.
LATA-2008-MoczuradM #how #question #set- How Many Figure Sets Are Codes? (MM, WM), pp. 385–396.
CIKM-2008-LongZLM- Information shared by many objects (CL, XZ, ML, BM), pp. 1213–1220.
ICML-2008-SzitaL #approach- The many faces of optimism: a unifying approach (IS, AL), pp. 1048–1055.
KR-2008-SchroderP #how #logic #strict- How Many Toes Do I Have? Parthood and Number Restrictions in Description Logics (LS, DP), pp. 307–317.
HPDC-2008-DiamosY #execution #named #runtime- Harmony: an execution model and runtime for heterogeneous many core systems (GFD, SY), pp. 197–200.
OSDI-2008-Boyd-WickizerCCMKMPSWDZZ #named #operating system- Corey: An Operating System for Many Cores (SBW, HC, RC, YM, MFK, RM, AP, LS, MW, YhD, YZ, ZZ), pp. 43–57.
SAT-2008-SchederZ #how #question #satisfiability- How Many Conflicts Does It Need to Be Unsatisfiable? (DS, PZ), pp. 246–256.
PASTE-2007-HovemeyerP #debugging #null #pointer- Finding more null pointer bugs, but not too many (DH, WP), pp. 9–14.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-CarreiraGPW #data transformation #execution #optimisation- One-to-many data transformation operations — optimization and execution on an RDBMS (PJFC, HG, JLMP, AW), pp. 21–27.
ICEIS-J-2007-CarreiraGPW07a #on the #relational- On Handling One-to-Many Transformations in Relational Systems (PC, HG, JLMP, AW), pp. 121–134.
CIKM-2007-ZaragozaRMACA #ranking #wiki- Ranking very many typed entities on wikipedia (HZ, HR, PM, JA, MC, GA), pp. 1015–1018.
ICML-2007-LarochelleECBB #architecture #empirical #evaluation #problem- An empirical evaluation of deep architectures on problems with many factors of variation (HL, DE, ACC, JB, YB), pp. 473–480.
SAT-2007-AnsoteguiBLM #csp #satisfiability- Mapping CSP into Many-Valued SAT (CA, MLB, JL, FM), pp. 10–15.
ICALP-v2-2006-MicciancioP #encryption #multi- Corrupting One vs. Corrupting Many: The Case of Broadcast and Multicast Encryption (DM, SP), pp. 70–82.
ICML-2006-GorurJR #infinity- A choice model with infinitely many latent features (DG, FJ, CER), pp. 361–368.
ICPR-v1-2006-Fisher #distributed- Scene recovery from many randomly distributed single pixel cameras (RBF), pp. 988–991.
ICPR-v2-2006-GanD #relational #using- Differentiating Between Many Similar Features using Relational Information in Space and Scale (TSYG, TD), pp. 638–641.
ICPR-v3-2006-IsukapalliE #identification #learning #policy- Learning Policies for Efficiently Identifying Objects of Many Classes (RI, AME, RG), pp. 356–361.
KDD-2006-FormanKS #mining- Pragmatic text mining: minimizing human effort to quantify many issues in call logs (GF, EK, JS), pp. 852–861.
HPCA-2006-Yavatkar #challenge #design #framework #industrial- Industrial Perspectives: Platform Design Challenges with Many cores (RY), p. 201.
SIGMOD-2005-Bernstein #integration- The many roles of meta data in data integration (PAB), p. 792.
ICML-2005-HillD #adaptation #classification #problem- Adapting two-class support vector classification methods to many class problems (SIH, AD), pp. 313–320.
CADE-2005-BaaderG- Connecting Many-Sorted Theories (FB, SG), pp. 278–294.
ICLP-2005-JaffarYZ #coordination- Coordination of Many Agents (JJ, RHCY, KQZ), pp. 98–112.
IFM-2004-VilasARGD #imperative #incremental #logic #modelling #semantics #specification- A Many-Valued Logic with Imperative Semantics for Incremental Specification of Timed Models (AFV, JJPA, RPDR, AGS, JGD), pp. 382–401.
ICML-2004-GabrilovichM #categorisation #feature model #using- Text categorization with many redundant features: using aggressive feature selection to make SVMs competitive with C4.5 (EG, SM).
KDD-2004-LiuYM #algorithm #classification #parametricity #performance- The IOC algorithm: efficient many-class non-parametric classification for high-dimensional data (TL, KY, AWM), pp. 629–634.
VISSOFT-2003-FavreSE #architecture #component #scalability- Exploring the Many Architectures of a Very Large Component-Based Software (JMF, RS, JE), pp. 46–47.
VISSOFT-2003-FavreSE1 #architecture #component #scalability- Exploring the Many Architectures of a Very Large Component-Based Software (JMF, RS, JE), pp. 46–53.
WRLA-2002-ClavelMP #equation #logic #similarity- Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic (MC, JM, MP), pp. 110–126.
PASTE-2002-SutherlandGS #thread- The code of many colors: relating threads to code and shared state (DFS, AG, WLS), pp. 77–83.
ICPR-v2-2002-Schiele #classification #how #question- How Many Classifiers Do I Need? (BS), pp. 176–179.
KR-2002-Cristani- Many-Sorted Preference Relations (MC), pp. 265–276.
SEKE-2002-Briand #information management #on the #re-engineering- On the many ways software engineering can benefit from knowledge engineering (LCB), pp. 3–6.
SIGIR-2002-FranzM #how #question- How Many Bits are Needed to Store Term Frequencies? (MF, JSM), pp. 377–378.
SAT-2002-ManyaABCL- Resolution methods for many-valued CNF formulas (FM, CA, RB, AC, CML), p. 42.
SAT-2001-BejarCFMG #logic #satisfiability- Extending the Reach of SAT with Many-Valued Logics (RB, AC, CF, FM, CPG), pp. 392–407.
TLCA-2001-Danvy- Many Happy Returns (OD), p. 1.
ICALP-2000-McKenzieSTV- The Many Faces of a Translation (PM, TS, DT, HV), pp. 890–901.
CADE-2000-EmersonK #model checking- Reducing Model Checking of the Many to the Few (EAE, VK), pp. 236–254.
CL-2000-DemoenN- So Many WAM Variations, So Little Time (BD, PLN), pp. 1240–1254.
STOC-1999-LiMW #string- Finding Similar Regions in Many Strings (ML, BM, LW), pp. 473–482.
ICALP-1999-Szegedy #artificial reality #logic #proving- Many-Valued Logics and Holographic Proofs (MS), pp. 676–686.
EDOC-1999-Persson #ontology- Shibboleth of many meanings. An essay on the ontology of business objects (EP), pp. 2–17.
CADE-1999-KonradW #first-order #generative #logic- System Description: Kimba, A Model Generator for Many-Valued First-Order Logics (KK, DAW), pp. 282–286.
LICS-1999-HalpernS #infinity #reasoning- Reasoning about Common Knowledge with Infinitely Many Agents (JYH, RAS), pp. 384–393.
ICML-1998-Ng #feature model #learning #on the- On Feature Selection: Learning with Exponentially Many Irrelevant Features as Training Examples (AYN), pp. 404–412.
CSL-1998-Lukasiewicz #first-order #logic #probability #semantics- Many-Valued First-Order Logics with Probabilistic Semantics (TL), pp. 415–429.
IFL-1997-Mogensen- Types for 0, 1 or Many Uses (TÆM), pp. 112–122.
CADE-1996-BaazFSZ #logic #towards- MUltlog 1.0: Towards an Expert System for Many-Valued Logics (MB, CGF, GS, RZ), pp. 226–230.
VLDB-1995-Madnick #database #scalability #semantics- From VLDB to VMLDB (Very MANY Large Data Bases): Dealing with Large-Scale Semantic Heterogenity (SEM), pp. 11–16.
STOC-1995-HellersteinPRW #how #query #question- How many queries are needed to learn? (LH, KP, VR, DW), pp. 190–199.
STOC-1995-MansourP- Many-to-one packet routing on grids (Extended Abstract) (YM, BPS), pp. 258–267.
LICS-1994-DawarH #power of #quantifier- The Expressive Power of Finitely Many Generalized Quantifiers (AD, LH), pp. 20–29.
STOC-1993-RaviMRRH #algorithm #approximate #multi- Many birds with one stone: multi-objective approximation algorithms (RR, MVM, SSR, DJR, HBHI), pp. 438–447.
TOOLS-USA-1993-BielakM- The Many Faces of a Class: Views and Contrasts (RB, JCM), pp. 153–161.
SAC-1993-GallionSCB #algorithm #learning- Dynamic ID3: A Symbolic Learning Algorithm for Many-Valued Attribute Domains (RG, CLS, DCSC, WEB), pp. 14–20.
CADE-1992-Cohn #logic- A Many Sorted Logic with Possibly Empty Sorts (AGC), pp. 633–647.
JICSLP-1992-Fitting #logic programming #semantics- Many-Valued Semantics for Logic Programming (MF), pp. 23–24.
POPL-1989-AttieE #concurrent #process #synthesis- Synthesis of Concurrent Systems with Many Similar Sequential Processes (PCA, EAE), pp. 191–201.
ASPLOS-1987-ChowCHKW #how #question- How Many Addressing Modes are Enough? (FCC, SC, MIH, EK, LW), pp. 117–121.
LICS-1987-SistlaG #process #reasoning- Reasoning with Many Processes (APS, SMG), pp. 138–152.
POPL-1986-SneltingH #algebra #analysis #incremental #semantics #unification- Unification in Many-Sorted Algebras as a Device for Incremental Semantic Analysis (GS, WH), pp. 229–235.
CADE-1986-Schmidt-Schauss #unification- Unification in Many-Sorted Eqational Theories (MSS), pp. 538–552.
CADE-1986-Walther #classification #problem #unification- A Classification of Many-Sorted Unification Problems (CW), pp. 525–537.
ICSE-1985-KafuraC #metric #using #validation- A Validation of Software Metrics Using Many Metrics and Two Resources (DGK, JC), pp. 378–385.
RTA-1985-PurdomB #algorithm #performance- Fast Many-to-One Matching Algorithms (PWPJ, CAB), pp. 407–416.
ICALP-1983-Vitanyi #on the #simulation- On the Simulation of Many Storage Heads by a Single One (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 687–694.
STOC-1980-CarlsonS #graph- Graph Pebbling with Many Free Pebbles can be Difficult (DAC, JES), pp. 326–332.
STOC-1979-Long #on the #polynomial- On γ-Reducibility versus Polynomial Time Many-One Reducibility (Extended Abstract) (TJL), pp. 278–287.
ICALP-1977-Simon #difference #on the- On the Difference Between One and Many (Preliminary Version) (JS), pp. 480–491.