Travelled to:
1 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Potkonjak S.Wei M.Sarrafzadeh J.B.Wendt S.Meguerdichian M.Nelson T.Massey P.Brisk J.Macbeth P.Lombardo A.Acquaviva L.Benini
Talks about:
techniqu (2) function (2) unclon (2) physic (2) use (2) architectur (1) reconfigur (1) differenti (1) dictionari (1) construct (1)
Person: Ani Nahapetian
DBLP: Nahapetian:Ani
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DAC-2014-WeiWNP #physics #reverse engineering #using
- Reverse Engineering and Prevention Techniques for Physical Unclonable Functions Using Side Channels (SW, JBW, AN, MP), p. 6.
- DAC-2011-PotkonjakMNW #architecture #difference
- Differential public physically unclonable functions: architecture and applications (MP, SM, AN, SW), pp. 242–247.
- DAC-2009-PotkonjakNNM #detection #hardware #using
- Hardware Trojan horse detection using gate-level characterization (MP, AN, MN, TM), pp. 688–693.
- DATE-2007-NahapetianLABS #configuration management #energy #network
- Dynamic reconfiguration in sensor networks with regenerative energy sources (AN, PL, AA, LB, MS), pp. 1054–1059.
- LCTES-2005-BriskMNS #taxonomy
- A dictionary construction technique for code compression systems with echo instructions (PB, JM, AN, MS), pp. 105–114.