Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Germany
2 × Ireland
Collaborated with:
X.Yong J.Peleska C.George ∅ A.A.Kjær M.L.Bliguet
Talks about:
develop (2) system (2) formal (2) verif (2) interlock (1) distribut (1) railway (1) control (1) concurr (1) algebra (1)
Person: Anne Elisabeth Haxthausen
DBLP: Haxthausen:Anne_Elisabeth
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- FM-2011-HaxthausenKB #automation #development #modelling #verification
- Formal Development of a Tool for Automated Modelling and Verification of Relay Interlocking Systems (AEH, AAK, MLB), pp. 118–132.
- IFM-2000-HaxthausenY
- Linking DC Together with TRSL (AEH, XY), pp. 25–44.
- FM-v2-1999-HaxthausenP #development #distributed #verification
- Formal Development and Verification of a Distributed Railway Control System (AEH, JP), pp. 1546–1563.
- FME-1993-HaxthausenG #case study #concurrent #using
- A Concurrency Case Study Using RAISE (AEH, CG), pp. 367–387.
- VDME-1988-Haxthausen #algebra #equation #recursion
- Mutually Recursive Algebraic Domain Equations (AEH), pp. 299–317.