Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Ireland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Poland
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ J.I.Perna B.K.Aichernig X.Yong A.E.Haxthausen W.Chen A.Iqbal A.Abdrakhmanov J.Parlar M.Lawford T.S.E.Maibaum A.Wassyng A.P.Vargas A.G.Garis S.L.T.Tarifa M.Nielsen K.Havelund K.R.Wagner
Talks about:
rais (6) specif (3) model (3) enterpris (2) system (2) impact (2) scale (2) check (2) chang (2) larg (2)
Person: Chris George
DBLP: George:Chris
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ICEIS-J-2012-ChenIAPGLMW12a #enterprise #scalability
- Large-Scale Enterprise Systems: Changes and Impacts (WC, AI, AA, JP, CG, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 274–290.
- ICEIS-v2-2012-ChenIAPGLMW #enterprise #impact analysis #scalability
- Change Impact Analysis for Large-scale Enterprise Systems (WC, AI, AA, JP, CG, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 359–368.
- IFM-2009-VargasGTG #ltl #model checking
- Model Checking LTL Formulae in RAISE with FDR (APV, AGG, SLTT, CG), pp. 231–245.
- SEFM-2007-PernaG #model checking #specification
- Model Checking RAISE Applicative Specifications (JIP, CG), pp. 257–268.
- MBT-2006-AichernigG #modelling #testing
- When Model-based Testing Fails (BKA, CG), pp. 115–128.
- FM-v2-1999-YongG #semantics
- An Operational Semantics for Timed RAISE (XY, CG), pp. 1008–1027.
- FME-1996-George #formal method
- A Theory of Distributing Train Rescheduling (CG), pp. 499–517.
- FME-1993-HaxthausenG #case study #concurrent #using
- A Concurrency Case Study Using RAISE (AEH, CG), pp. 367–387.
- VDME-1988-NielsenHWG #tool support
- The RAISE Language, Method and Tools (MN, KH, KRW, CG), pp. 376–405.
- VDME-1987-George #development #specification
- Heap Storage Specification and Development (CG), pp. 97–105.
- VDME-1991-George #specification #tutorial
- The RAISE Specification Langiage: A Tutorial (CG), pp. 238–319.