Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Turkey
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.N.Srihari F.Vahid X.Ding H.Srinivasan Y.Qu P.Zhang S.Sirowy Y.Chen C.Fang B.Zhang J.Zhang S.Kabra P.T.Jaeger J.Wells W.S.Hayes J.E.Hayes X.Jin
Talks about:
word (3) handwritten (2) coprocessor (2) document (2) languag (2) base (2) multiclass (1) microblog (1) earthquak (1) transmut (1)
Person: Chen Huang
DBLP: Huang:Chen
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CSCW-2011-QuHZZ #case study #microblog
- Microblogging after a major disaster in China: a case study of the 2010 Yushu earthquake (YQ, CH, PZ, JZ), pp. 25–34.
- DAC-2010-SirowyHV #online
- Online SystemC emulation acceleration (SS, CH, FV), pp. 30–35.
- DRR-2010-HuangDC #modelling #recognition #word
- A word language model based contextual language processing on Chinese character recognition (CH, XD, YC), pp. 1–10.
- HT-2010-ZhangQHJWHHJ #approach #collaboration #hybrid #identification #web
- Collaborative identification and annotation of government deep web resources: a hybrid approach (PZ, YQ, CH, PTJ, JW, WSH, JEH, XJ), pp. 285–286.
- ICPR-2010-HuangDF #classification #estimation #multi #random
- Head Pose Estimation Based on Random Forests for Multiclass Classification (CH, XD, CF), pp. 934–937.
- DAC-2009-HuangV
- Transmuting coprocessors: dynamic loading of FPGA coprocessors (CH, FV), pp. 848–851.
- DRR-2008-HuangS #documentation #segmentation #word
- Word segmentation of off-line handwritten documents (CH, SNS), p. 68150.
- ICDAR-2007-SrinivasanKHS #on the #verification
- On Computing Strength of Evidence for Writer Verification (HS, SK, CH, SNS), pp. 844–848.
- DRR-2005-SrihariHS #documentation
- Search engine for handwritten documents (SNS, CH, HS), pp. 66–75.
- DRR-2004-ZhangSH #image #retrieval #using #word
- Word image retrieval using binary features (BZ, SNS, CH), pp. 45–53.