Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Roe C.J.Soon H.Liang Y.Xu P.Christen L.Wang B.Pham Zachary Fitz-Walter P.Wyeth Daniel M. Johnson 0001
Talks about:
collabor (2) mobil (2) recommend (1) approach (1) univers (1) support (1) student (1) orient (1) explor (1) effect (1)
Person: Dian Tjondronegoro
DBLP: Tjondronegoro:Dian
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIKM-2012-LiangXTC #recommendation #topic
- Time-aware topic recommendation based on micro-blogs (HL, YX, DT, PC), pp. 1657–1661.
- SAC-2008-SoonRT #approach #collaboration #mobile
- An approach to mobile collaborative mapping (CJS, PR, DT), pp. 1929–1934.
- SAC-2008-WangRPT #collaboration #mobile #wiki
- An audio wiki supporting mobile collaboration (LW, PR, BP, DT), pp. 1889–1896.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-Fitz-WalterWTJ #student
- Exploring the effect of achievements on students attending university orientation (ZFW, PW, DT, DMJ0), pp. 87–96.