Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
2 × Canada
3 × USA
6 × Germany
Collaborated with:
K.Schneider O.Brill D.Damian D.Lübke K.Stapel I.Hammouda D.Ott C.E.Boustani S.Meyer A.Andersson M.Rybacki E.Israelsson D.E.Damian A.Knauss A.Borici A.Averbakh S.Kiesling G.Poo-Caamaño J.Cleland-Huang R.Wohlrab P.Pelliccione R.Heldal S.H.Houmb S.Islam J.Jürjens
Talks about:
requir (13) support (5) softwar (3) heurist (3) ecosystem (2) feedback (2) critiqu (2) clarif (2) better (2) assess (2)
Person: Eric Knauss
DBLP: Knauss:Eric
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- REFSQ-2015-KnaussARI #development #feedback #requirements #research
- Research Preview: Supporting Requirements Feedback Flows in Iterative System Development (EK, AA, MR, EI), pp. 277–283.
- RE-2014-KnaussDKB #ecosystem #requirements #trade-off
- Openness and requirements: Opportunities and tradeoffs in software ecosystems (EK, DED, AK, AB), pp. 213–222.
- RE-2014-KnaussH #assessment #named
- EAM: Ecosystemability assessment method (EK, IH), pp. 319–320.
- REFSQ-2014-KnaussO #automation #categorisation #natural language #requirements
- (Semi-) automatic Categorization of Natural Language Requirements (EK, DO), pp. 39–54.
- SEKE-2014-AverbakhKKS #distributed #experience
- Dedicated Support for Experience Sharing in Distributed Software Projects (AA, EK, SK, KS), pp. 355–360.
- ICSE-2013-KnaussD #communication #named #online #requirements
- V: ISSUE: LIZER: exploring requirements clarification in online communication over time (EK, DD), pp. 1327–1330.
- RE-2012-KnaussDPC #detection #requirements
- Detecting and classifying patterns of requirements clarifications (EK, DD, GPC, JCH), pp. 251–260.
- REFSQ-2012-KnaussS #documentation #heuristic #learning #requirements
- Supporting Learning Organisations in Writing Better Requirements Documents Based on Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS), pp. 165–171.
- RE-2011-BrillK #elicitation #requirements
- Structured and unobtrusive observation of anonymous users and their context for requirements elicitation (OB, EK), pp. 175–184.
- REFSQ-2011-KnaussHSIJ #requirements #security
- Supporting Requirements Engineers in Recognising Security Issues (EK, SHH, KS, SI, JJ), pp. 4–18.
- REFSQ-2010-BrillSK #case study #question #requirements
- Videos vs. Use Cases: Can Videos Capture More Requirements under Time Pressure? (OB, KS, EK), pp. 30–44.
- ICSE-2009-KnaussLM #heuristic #requirements
- Feedback-driven requirements engineering: The Heuristic Requirements Assistant (EK, DL, SM), pp. 587–590.
- RE-2009-KnaussSS #heuristic #learning #requirements
- Learning to Write Better Requirements through Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS, KS), pp. 387–388.
- ICSE-2008-StapelLK #design #programming
- Best practices in extreme programming course design (KS, DL, EK), pp. 769–776.
- RE-2008-KnaussB #quality #requirements #specification
- Assessing the Quality of Software Requirements Specifications (EK, CEB), pp. 341–342.
- ICSA-2019-WohlrabPKH #agile #architecture #case study #interface #on the
- On Interfaces to Support Agile Architecting in Automotive: An Exploratory Case Study (RW, PP, EK, RH), pp. 161–170.