Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Poland
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Portugal
2 × USA
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
K.G.Larsen A.Fehnker R.Pelánek A.David P.Bouyer T.Hune E.Fleury H.R.Andersen H.Hulgaard J.Lind-Nielsen J.I.Rasmussen F.W.Vaandrager J.Pearson C.Weise W.Yi A.Cougnard D.Lime K.J.Kristoffersen S.Kupferschmid K.Dräger J.Hoffmann B.Finkbeiner H.Dierks A.Podelski E.Brinksma P.Pettersson J.Romijn
Talks about:
time (6) uppaal (4) automata (3) analysi (3) effici (3) verif (3) state (3) base (3) use (3) reachabl (2)
Person: Gerd Behrmann
DBLP: Behrmann:Gerd
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CAV-2007-BehrmannCDFLL #exclamation #game studies #named
- UPPAAL-Tiga: Time for Playing Games! (GB, AC, AD, EF, KGL, DL), pp. 121–125.
- TACAS-2007-KupferschmidDHFDPB #heuristic #model checking
- Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking (SK, KD, JH, BF, HD, AP, GB), pp. 679–682.
- TACAS-2007-RasmussenBL #complexity #flexibility
- Complexity in Simplicity: Flexible Agent-Based State Space Exploration (JIR, GB, KGL), pp. 231–245.
- SFM-2004-BehrmannDL #tutorial
- A Tutorial on Uppaal (GB, AD, KGL), pp. 200–236.
- TACAS-2004-BehrmannBLP #abstraction #automaton #bound
- Lower and Upper Bounds in Zone Based Abstractions of Timed Automata (GB, PB, KGL, RP), pp. 312–326.
- CAV-2003-BehrmannLP
- To Store or Not to Store (GB, KGL, RP), pp. 433–445.
- TACAS-2003-BehrmannBFL #analysis #automaton #verification
- Static Guard Analysis in Timed Automata Verification (GB, PB, EF, KGL), pp. 254–277.
- CAV-2001-LarsenBBFHPR #automaton #performance #reachability
- As Cheap as Possible: Efficient Cost-Optimal Reachability for Priced Timed Automata (KGL, GB, EB, AF, TH, PP, JR), pp. 493–505.
- TACAS-2001-BehrmannF #performance #towards
- Efficient Guiding Towards Cost-Optimality in UPPAAL (GB, AF), pp. 174–188.
- CAV-2000-BehrmannHV #how #matter #model checking #order
- Distributing Timed Model Checking — How the Search Order Matters (GB, TH, FWV), pp. 216–231.
- CAV-1999-BehrmannLPWY #analysis #diagrams #difference #performance #reachability #using
- Efficient Timed Reachability Analysis Using Clock Difference Diagrams (GB, KGL, JP, CW, WY), pp. 341–353.
- TACAS-1999-BehrmannLAHL #composition #reuse #usability #using #verification
- Verification of Hierarchical State/Event Systems Using Reusability and Compositionality (GB, KGL, HRA, HH, JLN), pp. 163–177.
- TACAS-1998-Lind-NielsenABHKL #analysis #composition #dependence #scalability #using #verification
- Verification of Large State/Event Systems Using Compositionality and Dependency Analysis (JLN, HRA, GB, HH, KJK, KGL), pp. 201–216.