Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Estonia
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
1 × Portugal
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
2 × Austria
2 × Hungary
2 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Schewe L.Tentrup H.Torfah W.Damm F.K.0001 C.Hahn H.Peter P.Faymonville A.Kupriyanov M.Stenger C.Sánchez M.N.Rabe R.Dimitrova S.Jacobs L.Kuhtz ∅ R.Piskac M.Santolucito K.Dräger M.Gieseking E.Olderog D.Peled H.Wehrheim N.Coenen M.Kovács H.Seidl P.R.D'Argenio G.Barthe S.Biewer H.Hermanns P.Lukert S.Kupferschmid J.Hoffmann H.Dierks A.Podelski G.Behrmann M.Schledjewski M.Schwenger
Talks about:
synthesi (10) system (9) model (9) check (8) distribut (4) logic (4) base (4) hyperproperti (3) synthes (3) reactiv (3)
Person: Bernd Finkbeiner
DBLP: Finkbeiner:Bernd
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 32 papers:
- CAV-2015-FinkbeinerGO #distributed #named #synthesis
- Adam: Causality-Based Synthesis of Distributed Systems (BF, MG, ERO), pp. 433–439.
- CAV-2015-FinkbeinerRS #algorithm #model checking
- Algorithms for Model Checking HyperLTL and HyperCTL ^* (BF, MNR, CS), pp. 30–48.
- CAV-2014-KupriyanovF #concurrent #multi #source code #termination #thread
- Causal Termination of Multi-threaded Programs (AK, BF), pp. 814–830.
- FM-2014-DammF #automation #composition #distributed #synthesis
- Automatic Compositional Synthesis of Distributed Systems (WD, BF), pp. 179–193.
- LATA-2014-FinkbeinerT #linear #logic #modelling
- Counting Models of Linear-Time Temporal Logic (BF, HT), pp. 360–371.
- SAT-2014-FinkbeinerT #performance
- Fast DQBF Refutation (BF, LT), pp. 243–251.
- TACAS-2014-FinkbeinerT #detection #distributed #specification
- Detecting Unrealizable Specifications of Distributed Systems (BF, LT), pp. 78–92.
- VMCAI-2014-FaymonvilleFP #logic #monitoring #parametricity
- Monitoring Parametric Temporal Logic (PF, BF, DP), pp. 357–375.
- TACAS-2012-FinkbeinerP #synthesis
- Template-Based Controller Synthesis for Timed Systems (BF, HJP), pp. 392–406.
- VMCAI-2012-DimitrovaFKRS #data flow #model checking
- Model Checking Information Flow in Reactive Systems (RD, BF, MK, MNR, HS), pp. 169–185.
- VMCAI-2012-FinkbeinerJ #lazy evaluation #synthesis
- Lazy Synthesis (BF, SJ), pp. 219–234.
- FM-2011-DammF #question
- Does It Pay to Extend the Perimeter of a World Model? (WD, BF), pp. 12–26.
- CSL-2010-FinkbeinerS #coordination #logic
- Coordination Logic (BF, SS), pp. 305–319.
- TACAS-2010-DragerKFW #concurrent #infinity #model checking #named
- SLAB: A Certifying Model Checker for Infinite-State Concurrent Systems (KD, AK, BF, HW), pp. 271–274.
- ICALP-v2-2009-KuhtzF #ltl
- LTL Path Checking Is Efficiently Parallelizable (LK, BF), pp. 235–246.
- TACAS-2008-FinkbeinerPS #composition #model checking #named #synthesis
- RESY: Requirement Synthesis for Compositional Model Checking (BF, HJP, SS), pp. 463–466.
- TACAS-2007-KupferschmidDHFDPB #heuristic #model checking
- Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking (SK, KD, JH, BF, HD, AP, GB), pp. 679–682.
- CSL-2006-ScheweF #calculus #finite #satisfiability #μ-calculus
- Satisfiability and Finite Model Property for the Alternating-Time μ-Calculus (SS, BF), pp. 591–605.
- LOPSTR-2006-ScheweF #synthesis
- Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems (SS, BF), pp. 127–142.
- LICS-2005-FinkbeinerS #distributed #synthesis
- Uniform Distributed Synthesis (BF, SS), pp. 321–330.
- TACAS-2001-Finkbeiner #nondeterminism
- Language Containment Checking with Nondeterministic BDDs (BF), pp. 24–38.
- ESOP-2017-DArgenioBBFH #analysis #formal method #source code
- Is Your Software on Dope? - Formal Analysis of Surreptitiously “enhanced” Programs (PRD, GB, SB, BF, HH), pp. 83–110.
- CAV-2016-FinkbeinerK #bound #synthesis
- Bounded Cycle Synthesis (BF, FK0), pp. 118–135.
- CAV-2017-FaymonvilleFT #bound #framework #named #synthesis
- BoSy: An Experimentation Framework for Bounded Synthesis (PF, BF, LT), pp. 325–332.
- CAV-2017-FinkbeinerHS #equivalence #named #satisfiability
- EAHyper: Satisfiability, Implication, and Equivalence Checking of Hyperproperties (BF, CH, MS), pp. 564–570.
- CAV-2018-FinkbeinerHLST
- Synthesizing Reactive Systems from Hyperproperties (BF, CH, PL, MS, LT), pp. 289–306.
- CAV-2018-FinkbeinerHT #model checking
- Model Checking Quantitative Hyperproperties (BF, CH, HT), pp. 144–163.
- CAV-2019-CoenenFST #verification
- Verifying Hyperliveness (NC, BF, CS, LT), pp. 121–139.
- CAV-2019-DimitrovaFT #approximate #implementation #specification
- Synthesizing Approximate Implementations for Unrealizable Specifications (RD, BF, HT), pp. 241–258.
- CAV-2019-FaymonvilleFSSS #cyber-physical #monitoring #named
- StreamLAB: Stream-based Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems (PF, BF, MS, MS, MS, LT, HT), pp. 421–431.
- CAV-2019-Finkbeiner0PS #logic #synthesis
- Temporal Stream Logic: Synthesis Beyond the Bools (BF, FK0, RP, MS), pp. 609–629.
- Haskell-2019-Finkbeiner0PS #functional #source code
- Synthesizing functional reactive programs (BF, FK0, RP, MS), pp. 162–175.