Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
2 × Finland
2 × Italy
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
8 × Germany
Collaborated with:
S.Kuske A.Habel F.Drewes ∅ H.Ehrig R.Klempien-Hinrichs P.Knirsch K.Hölscher P.Padawitz G.Valiente E.Jeltsch A.Wilharm J.W.Thatcher E.G.Wagner J.B.Wright R.Wille B.Cordes H.Weber W.Vogler N.G.David A.Lye M.Luderer M.Ermler C.v.Totth A.H.Dediu B.Nagy M.Gogolla R.Kollmann S.Ewert S.Taubenberger F.Parisi-Presicce J.Steensgaard-Madsen J.W.Hughes M.S.Powell L.S.Nielsen J.Abrial I.H.Sørensen R.M.Gallimore D.Coleman J.A.Goguen
Talks about:
graph (15) transform (10) grammar (9) replac (9) hyperedg (6) languag (6) algebra (6) unit (6) generat (5) specif (5)
Person: Hans-Jörg Kreowski
DBLP: Kreowski:Hans=J=ouml=rg
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 37 papers:
- ICGT-2014-KreowskiKLL #evaluation #generative #graph transformation #synthesis
- Graph Transformation Meets Reversible Circuits: Generation, Evaluation, and Synthesis (HJK, SK, AL, ML), pp. 237–252.
- AGTIVE-2011-ErmlerKKT #graph transformation
- From Graph Transformation Units via MiniSat to GrGen.NET (ME, HJK, SK, CvT), pp. 153–168.
- ICGT-2010-KreowskiKW #graph transformation #satisfiability
- Graph Transformation Units Guided by a SAT Solver (HJK, SK, RW), pp. 27–42.
- ICGT-2008-KreowskiK #framework #graph #parallel
- Graph Multiset Transformation as a Framework for Massively Parallel Computation (HJK, SK), pp. 351–365.
- AGTIVE-2007-KreowskiK #community
- Communities of Autonomous Units for Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing (HJK, SK), pp. 281–296.
- DLT-2006-DediuKKN #approach #generative #graph grammar
- Contextual Hypergraph Grammars — A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages (AHD, RKH, HJK, BN), pp. 327–338.
- ICGT-2006-HolscherKK #semantics
- Autonomous Units and Their Semantics — The Sequential Case (KH, HJK, SK), pp. 245–259.
- ICGT-2004-Klempien-HinrichsKK #graph transformation #type system
- Typing of Graph Transformation Units (RKH, HJK, SK), pp. 112–127.
- AGTIVE-2003-CordesHK #collaboration #diagrams #interactive #sequence chart #uml
- UML Interaction Diagrams: Correct Translation of Sequence Diagrams into Collaboration Diagrams (BC, KH, HJK), pp. 275–291.
- IFM-2002-KuskeGKK #diagrams #graph transformation #semantics #uml
- An Integrated Semantics for UML Class, Object and State Diagrams Based on Graph Transformation (SK, MG, RK, HJK), pp. 11–28.
- CIAA-2000-DrewesEKK #grid #image
- Computing Raster Images from Grid Picture Grammars (FD, SE, RKH, HJK), pp. 113–121.
- AGTIVE-1999-DrewesKKK #composition #graph transformation
- Graph Transformation Modules and Their Composition (FD, PK, HJK, SK), pp. 15–30.
- AGTIVE-1999-KnirschK #graph transformation #modelling
- A Note on Modeling Agent Systems by Graph Transformation (PK, HJK), pp. 79–86.
- DLT-1999-DrewesKK
- Table-driven and context-sensitive collage languages (FD, RKH, HJK), pp. 326–337.
- TAGT-1998-KreowskiV
- Redundancy and Subsumption in High-Level Replacement Systems (HJK, GV), pp. 215–227.
- GG-Handbook-Vol1-DrewesKH #graph grammar
- Hyperedge Replacement, Graph Grammars (FD, HJK, AH), pp. 95–162.
- TAGT-1994-KreowskiK #on the
- On the Interleaving Sematics of Transformation Units — A Step into GRACE (HJK, SK), pp. 89–106.
- DLT-1993-DrewesHKT #generative #self
- Generating Self-Affine Fractals by Collage Grammars (FD, AH, HJK, ST), pp. 278–289.
- GG-1990-DrewesK
- A Note on Hyperedge Replacement (FD, HJK), pp. 1–12.
- GG-1990-EhrigHKP #graph grammar
- From Graph Grammars to High Level Replacement Systems (HE, AH, HJK, FPP), pp. 269–291.
- GG-1990-HabelK
- Collage Grammars (AH, HJK), pp. 411–429.
- GG-1990-JeltschK #grammar inference
- Grammatical Inference Based on Hyperedge Replacement (EJ, HJK), pp. 461–474.
- GG-1990-Kreowski #graph transformation
- Applied Graph Transformation (HJK), pp. 51–52.
- ICALP-1987-Kreowski #algebra #specification
- Partial Algebras Flow From Algebraic Specifications (HJK), pp. 521–530.
- GG-1986-HabelK
- May we introduce to you: hyperedge replacement (AH, HJK), pp. 15–26.
- GG-1986-Kreowski #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel
- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 1: Derivations in graph grammars (HJK), pp. 343–360.
- GG-1986-KreowskiW #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel #process
- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 2: Non-sequential processes in graph grammars (HJK, AW), pp. 361–377.
- GG-1982-HabelK #on the
- On context-free gragh languages generated by edge replacement (AH, HJK), pp. 143–158.
- PS-1981-EhrigKTWW #algebra #parametricity #specification
- Parameter Passing in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 322–369.
- PS-1981-Steensgaard-MadsenHPEKNASGCG #generative
- KWIC-index generation (JSM, JWH, MSP, HE, HJK, LSN, JRA, IHS, RMG, DC, JAG), pp. 47–117.
- ICALP-1980-EhrigKP #algebra #concept #correctness #data type #implementation #semantics #syntax
- Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 142–156.
- ICALP-1980-EhrigKTWW #algebra #data type #specification
- Parameterized Data Types in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 157–168.
- GG-1978-Kreowski #graph
- A Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Graph Languages (HJK), pp. 270–283.
- ICALP-1978-EhrigKP #data type #implementation #specification
- Stepwise Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 205–226.
- VLDB-1978-EhrigKW #algebra #database #specification
- Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems (HE, HJK, HW), pp. 427–440.
- CAAP-1989-HabelKV #bound #decidability #graph grammar #problem
- Decidable Boundedness Problems for Hyperedge-Replacement Graph Grammar (AH, HJK, WV), pp. 275–289.
- TAPSOFT-1993-DavidDK
- Hyperedge Replacement with Rendevous (NGD, FD, HJK), pp. 167–181.