Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Greece
1 × Turkey
3 × China
Collaborated with:
L.Cui H.Yang Y.Zhou W.K.Chan B.M.Tudor B.C.Ooi G.Kim E.P.Xing W.Wu Jianfeng Lu 0004 G.Chen Z.Zhao M.He D.Loghin Y.M.Teo F.Lu Q.Zeng Y.Bao J.An S.Li W.Xu G.Chen J.Guo X.Wang H.Gong B.Li Z.Zhuang J.Galiastro D.Ribeiro A.Mele W.Craelius K.Li C.Zhang L.Chen F.Zhang H.Feng G.Dai X.Qian H.Huang G.Long J.Zhang D.Fan Pinxin Long Dandan Zhou Zhongfeng Qian Zheng Wang 0002 W.Wan D.Manocha Chonhyon Park Tommy Hu Chao Cao Y.Chen Marco Chow J.Pan
Talks about:
model (5) data (4) analysi (3) system (3) dynam (3) support (2) perform (2) general (2) invari (2) driven (2)
Person: Hao Zhang
DBLP: Zhang:Hao
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- KDD-2015-ZhangKX #contest #image #modelling #monitoring #online #topic
- Dynamic Topic Modeling for Monitoring Market Competition from Online Text and Image Data (HZ, GK, EPX), pp. 1425–1434.
- VLDB-2015-LoghinTZOT #big data #performance
- A Performance Study of Big Data on Small Nodes (DL, BMT, HZ, BCO, YMT), pp. 762–773.
- DHM-2014-GaliastroZRMCL #development
- Development of a Tendon-Driven Dexterous Hand for Fine Manipulation (JG, HZ, DR, AM, WC, KL), pp. 527–534.
- VLDB-2014-ZhangTCO #analysis #data transformation #in memory #performance
- Efficient In-memory Data Management: An Analysis (HZ, BMT, GC, BCO), pp. 833–836.
- SEKE-2012-LuZZBA #decidability #invariant #petri net
- Decidability of Minimal Supports of S-invariants and the Computation of their Supported S-invariants of Petri Nets (FL, QZ, HZ, YB, JA), pp. 340–345.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-CuiYZ #analysis #empirical #industrial #social
- An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Social Consumption Demand Factors and the Cultural Industry in China (LC, HY, HZ), pp. 606–610.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-YangZZZ #policy
- Urban Motor Vehicle Limiting Policy based on System Dynamics (HY, ZZ, YZ, HZ), pp. 539–542.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhangCZh #collaboration #optimisation #performance
- A Collaborative Optimization Model for Strategic Performance (HZ, LC, YZ, MH), pp. 645–649.
- ICPR-2010-LiZXCG #analysis #documentation #multi #sentiment
- Exploiting Combined Multi-level Model for Document Sentiment Analysis (SL, HZ, WX, GC, JG), pp. 4141–4144.
- DHM-2007-ZhangCZZFD
- A New Virtual Dynamic Dentomaxillofacial System for Analyzing Mandibular Movement, Occlusal Contact, and TMJ Condition (CZ, LC, FZ, HZ, HF, GD), pp. 747–756.
- PDP-2007-QianHZLZF #architecture #design #float #implementation #stack
- Design and Implementation of Floating Point Stack on General RISC Architecture (XQ, HH, HZ, GL, JZ, DF), pp. 238–245.
- ICPR-v3-2006-WangGZLZ #identification #using
- Palmprint Identification using Boosting Local Binary Pattern (XW, HG, HZ, BL, ZZ), pp. 503–506.
- ASE-2019-ZhangC #adaptation #approach #learning #modelling #named
- Apricot: A Weight-Adaptation Approach to Fixing Deep Learning Models (HZ, WKC), pp. 376–387.
- CASE-2016-ZhangLZQWWMPHCC #named
- DoraPicker: An autonomous picking system for general objects (HZ, PL, DZ, ZQ, ZW0, WW, DM, CP, TH, CC, YC, MC, JP), pp. 721–726.
- CASE-2019-Wu0Z #data-driven #optimisation
- Data-driven Manufacturing Service Optimization Model in Smart Factory (WW, JL0, HZ), pp. 362–367.