Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Jouault K.v.d.Berg ∅ A.Goknil J.Bézivin A.Laarman T.Cleenewerck J.Millo M.v.Amstel S.Bosems L.F.Pires F.Erata B.Tekinerdogan F.Büttner M.Gogolla A.Lindow S.Bouzitouna M.D.D.Fabro M.Gervais D.S.Kolovos R.F.Paige
Talks about:
model (15) transform (8) languag (5) atl (4) metamodel (3) reason (3) base (3) qvt (3) architectur (2) approach (2)
♂ Person: Ivan Kurtev
DBLP: Kurtev:Ivan
Facilitated 9 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- EDOC-2013-GoknilKM #approach #metamodelling #modelling #multi #reasoning #requirements
- A metamodeling approach for reasoning on multiple requirements models (AG, IK, JVM), pp. 159–166.
- ICMT-2011-AmstelBKP #atl #model transformation #performance #qvt
- Performance in Model Transformations: Experiments with ATL and QVT (MvA, SB, IK, LFP), pp. 198–212.
- SLE-2009-LaarmanK #metamodelling #ontology
- Ontological Metamodeling with Explicit Instantiation (AL, IK), pp. 174–183.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-GoknilKB #approach #metamodelling #reasoning #requirements
- A Metamodeling Approach for Reasoning about Requirements (AG, IK, KvdB), pp. 310–325.
- ICMT-2008-Kurtev #model transformation #transformation language
- Application of Reflection in Model Transformation Languages (IK), pp. 199–213.
- AGTIVE-2007-Kurtev #model transformation #qvt #standard #state of the art #transformation language
- State of the Art of QVT: A Model Transformation Language Standard (IK), pp. 377–393.
- SAC-2007-CleenewerckK #domain-specific language #semantics
- Separation of concerns in translational semantics for DSLs in model engineering (TC, IK), pp. 985–992.
- ECMDA-FA-2006-BezivinBFGJKKP #canonical #composition
- A Canonical Scheme for Model Composition (JB, SB, MDDF, MPG, FJ, DSK, IK, RFP), pp. 346–360.
- GPCE-2006-JouaultBK #domain-specific language #named #specification
- TCS: a DSL for the specification of textual concrete syntaxes in model engineering (FJ, JB, IK), pp. 249–254.
- MoDELS-2006-BezivinBGJKL #exclamation #model transformation #modelling
- Model Transformations? Transformation Models! (JB, FB, MG, FJ, IK, AL), pp. 440–453.
- SAC-2006-JouaultK #architecture #atl #on the #qvt
- On the architectural alignment of ATL and QVT (FJ, IK), pp. 1188–1195.
- SAC-2006-KurtevBJ #atl #composition #evaluation #model transformation #rule-based #transformation language
- Evaluation of rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 1202–1209.
- SAC-MT-J-2006-JouaultK07 #model transformation #on the #transformation language
- On the interoperability of model-to-model transformation languages (FJ, IK), pp. 114–137.
- SAC-MT-J-2006-KurtevBJ07 #atl #composition #model transformation #rule-based #transformation language
- Rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 138–154.
- DocEng-2003-KurtevB #architecture #modelling #xml
- Model driven architecture based XML processing (IK, KvdB), pp. 246–248.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-ErataGKT #automation #first-order #logic #named #reasoning #relational
- AlloyInEcore: embedding of first-order relational logic into meta-object facility for automated model reasoning (FE, AG, IK, BT), pp. 920–923.