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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Germany
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
11 × USA
2 × Portugal
2 × Switzerland
2 × The Netherlands
3 × France
Collaborated with:
F.Jouault P.Muller I.Kurtev P.Albert D.Lopes S.Hammoudi O.Gerbé E.Breton F.Barbier M.D.D.Fabro H.Brunelière M.Kleiner A.Pierantonio A.Vallecillo M.Belaunde T.H.Pham P.Studer K.Garcés P.Cointe J.S.Cuadrado J.G.Molina M.Barbero J.Gray J.Cabot C.Clasen M.Tisi P.Fraternali S.Ceri N.Farcet J.Jézéquel B.Langlois D.Pollet U.Frank D.S.Batory B.Henderson-Sellers H.Younessi B.Vanhooff G.Doux Y.Berbers F.Büttner M.Gogolla A.Lindow S.Bouzitouna M.Gervais D.S.Kolovos R.F.Paige
Talks about:
model (23) transform (8) engin (5) platform (4) object (4) languag (3) orient (3) driven (3) web (3) mda (3)

♂ Person: Jean Bézivin

DBLP DBLP: B=eacute=zivin:Jean

Facilitated 16 volumes:

ICMT 2014SCo
ICMT 2013SCo
MoDELS 2013SCo
ICMT 2012SCo
MoDELS 2012SCo
ICMT 2011SCo
ICMT 2010SCo
GTTSE 2009SciCo
ICMT 2009SCo
SLE 2009KN
ICMT 2008SCo
SLE 2008PrCo
TOOLS Europe 2007Ed
UML 1998Ed
ECOOP 1987Ed

Contributed to:

ECMFA 20102010
SAC 20102010
ECMDA-FA 20092009
ICMT 20092009
MoDELS 20092009
SLE 20092009
BX 20082008
ECMDA-FA 20072007
ECMDA-FA 20062006
GPCE 20062006
MoDELS 20062006
SAC 20062006
CAiSE 20052005
GTTSE 20052005
EDOC 20042004
WCRE 20042004
EDOC 20032003
UML 20032003
ASE 20012001
EDOC 20012001
TOOLS USA 20012001
TOOLS USA 19991999
UML 19981998
TOOLS USA 19931993
TOOLS Europe 19921992
OOPSLA 19871987

Wrote 30 papers:

ECMFA-2010-BruneliereCCJB #eclipse #modelling #tool support #towards
Towards Model Driven Tool Interoperability: Bridging Eclipse and Microsoft Modeling Tools (HB, JC, CC, FJ, JB), pp. 32–47.
SAC-2010-JouaultVBDBB #coordination #megamodelling #weaving
Inter-DSL coordination support by combining megamodeling and model weaving (FJ, BV, HB, GD, YB, JB), pp. 2011–2018.
ECMDA-FA-2009-GarcesJCB #adaptation #detection #metamodelling #precise
Managing Model Adaptation by Precise Detection of Metamodel Changes (KG, FJ, PC, JB), pp. 34–49.
ECMDA-FA-2009-TisiJFCB #higher-order #model transformation #on the #using
On the Use of Higher-Order Model Transformations (MT, FJ, PF, SC, JB), pp. 18–33.
ICMT-2009-CuadradoJMB #navigation
Experiments with a High-Level Navigation Language (JSC, FJ, JGM, JB), pp. 229–238.
ICMT-2009-FabroABJ #model transformation #using
Achieving Rule Interoperability Using Chains of Model Transformations (MDDF, PA, JB, FJ), pp. 249–259.
MoDELS-2009-KleinerAB #parsing
Parsing SBVR-Based Controlled Languages (MK, PA, JB), pp. 122–136.
SLE-2009-Bezivin #problem #question #what
If MDE Is the Solution, Then What Is the Problem? (JB), p. 2.
BX-2008-Bezivin #modelling
Models and Transformations Short Talk 1 (JB), p. 22.
ECMDA-FA-2007-BarberoJGB #approach
A Practical Approach to Model Extension (MB, FJ, JG, JB), pp. 32–42.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BezivinBFGJKKP #canonical #composition
A Canonical Scheme for Model Composition (JB, SB, MDDF, MPG, FJ, DSK, IK, RFP), pp. 346–360.
GPCE-2006-JouaultBK #domain-specific language #named #specification
TCS: a DSL for the specification of textual concrete syntaxes in model engineering (FJ, JB, IK), pp. 249–254.
MoDELS-2006-BezivinBGJKL #exclamation #model transformation #modelling
Model Transformations? Transformation Models! (JB, FB, MG, FJ, IK, AL), pp. 440–453.
SAC-2006-BezivinPV #model transformation
Special track on model transformation (MT 2006) (JB, AP, AV), pp. 1186–1187.
CAiSE-2005-LopesHBJ #framework #generative #platform #specification #web #web service
Generating Transformation Definition from Mapping Specification: Application to Web Service Platform (DL, SH, JB, FJ), pp. 309–325.
GTTSE-2005-Bezivin #modelling #technological space
Model Driven Engineering: An Emerging Technical Space (JB), pp. 36–64.
EDOC-2004-BezivinHLJ #approach #framework #web #web service
Applying MDA Approach for Web Service Platform (JB, SH, DL, FJ), pp. 58–70.
WCRE-2004-Bezivin #legacy
Model Engineering for Software Modernization (JB), p. 4.
EDOC-2003-BelaundeBP #component #framework #implementation
Implementing EDOC business components on top of a CCM platform (MB, JB, THP), pp. 208–221.
UML-2003-BezivinFJLP #modelling
Reflective Model Driven Engineering (JB, NF, JMJ, BL, DP), pp. 175–189.
UML-2003-MullerSB #framework #independence #modelling #platform #web
Platform Independent Web Application Modeling (PAM, PS, JB), pp. 220–233.
ASE-2001-BezivinG #framework #precise #towards
Towards a Precise Definition of the OMG/MDA Framework (JB, OG), pp. 273–280.
Process-Centered Model Engineering (EB, JB), pp. 179–182.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Bezivin #modelling
Models Everywhere (JB), pp. 348–349.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Bezivin01a #composition #model transformation
From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA (JB), pp. 350–354.
TOOLS-USA-1999-FrankBBHY #adaptation #generative #modelling #process #quality
High level Modelling Languages, Adaptable Process Models and Software Generation: Drivers for Quality and Productivity (UF, DSB, JB, BHS, HY), pp. 563–570.
UML-1998-BezivinM #modelling #named #standard #uml
UML: The Birth and Rise of a Standard Modeling Notation (JB, PAM), pp. 1–8.
TOOLS-USA-1993-BarbierB #design #object-oriented
Object-Oriented Design: the OSM Scheme (FB, JB), pp. 57–68.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Bezivin #object-oriented #simulation
Object-Oriented Simulation (JB), p. 411.
OOPSLA-1987-Bezivin #object-oriented #simulation
Some Experiments In Object-Oriented Simulation (JB), pp. 394–405.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.