Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Israel
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Guestrin L.Song A.J.Smola K.Fukumizu R.C.Davis J.A.Landay V.Chen R.B.Lee C.Piech A.Nguyen M.Phulsuksombati M.Sahami L.J.Guibas
Talks about:
group (3) learn (2) embed (2) note (2) distribut (1) independ (1) hierarch (1) feedback (1) student (1) program (1)
Person: Jonathan Huang
DBLP: Huang:Jonathan
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICML-2015-PiechHNPSG #feedback #learning #student
- Learning Program Embeddings to Propagate Feedback on Student Code (CP, JH, AN, MP, MS, LJG), pp. 1093–1102.
- ICML-2010-HuangG #independence #learning #ranking
- Learning Hierarchical Riffle Independent Groupings from Rankings (JH, CG), pp. 455–462.
- ICML-2009-SongHSF
- Hilbert space embeddings of conditional distributions with applications to dynamical systems (LS, JH, AJS, KF), pp. 961–968.
- CHI-1999-DavisLCHL #named
- NotePals: Light Weight Note Sharing by the Group, for the Group (RCD, JAL, VC, JH, RBL), pp. 338–345.