Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
T.Pahikkala Markus Viljanen Antti Airola E.Mustonen-Ollila P.Powell S.S.Brandt P.Engelhardt H.Nyerwanire A.Valpas M.Varsta J.d.R.Millán J.Mouriño J.Pohjankukka P.Nevalainen P.Hänninen E.Hyvönen R.Sutinen
Talks about:
retent (2) model (2) mobil (2) user (2) soil (2) game (2) spectroscopi (1) gynaecolog (1) differenti (1) transmiss (1)
Person: Jukka Heikkonen
DBLP: Heikkonen:Jukka
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICPR-2014-PohjankukkaNPHHSH #recognition
- Arctic Soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Type Recognition Based on Aerial Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Topographical Data (JP, PN, TP, PH, EH, RS, JH), pp. 1822–1827.
- KDIR-2014-Mustonen-Ollila14a #process
- Actors and Factors in IS Process Innovation Decisions (EMO, JH, PP), pp. 202–209.
- KMIS-2014-NyerwanireMVH #case study #experience #information management #problem
- Knowledge Management Problems in Hospital Work — A Case Study on Experiences in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department (HN, EMO, AV, JH), pp. 261–267.
- ICPR-v2-2002-BrandtHE #image #on the
- On the Alignment of Transmission Electron Microscope Images without Fiducial Markers (SSB, JH, PE), pp. 278–281.
- ICPR-v2-2000-VarstaHMM #human-computer #interface #performance #set
- Evaluating the Performance of Three Feature Sets for Brain-Computer Interfaces with an Early Stopping MLP Committee (MV, JH, JdRM, JM), pp. 2907–2910.
- CIG-2016-ViljanenAPH #game studies #mobile #modelling
- Modelling user retention in mobile games (MV, AA, TP, JH), pp. 1–8.
- CIG-2016-ViljanenAPH16a #difference #equation #game studies #mobile #process #question
- User activity decay in mobile games determined by simple differential equations? (MV, AA, TP, JH), pp. 1–8.
- AIIDE-2017-ViljanenAHP #using
- A/B-Test of Retention and Monetization Using the Cox Model (MV, AA, JH, TP), pp. 248–254.