Travelled to:
1 × Georgia
1 × India
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.D.Herbsleb K.Ehrlich ∅ S.Nambiar J.M.d.R.Costa C.R.B.d.Souza N.Ramasubbu R.K.Balan P.Wagstrom K.M.Carley M.Bass V.Mikulovic L.Bass
Talks about:
develop (6) distribut (5) communic (4) softwar (4) analysi (4) geograph (3) collabor (3) project (3) product (3) implic (3)
Person: Marcelo Cataldo
DBLP: Cataldo:Marcelo
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- CSCW-2014-EhrlichC #communication #development #performance
- The communication patterns of technical leaders: impact on product development team performance (KE, MC), pp. 733–744.
- CHI-2012-CataldoE #communication #development
- The impact of communication structure on new product development outcomes (MC, KE), pp. 3081–3090.
- CSCW-2012-EhrlichC #analysis #communication #development #distributed #multi #performance
- All-for-one and one-for-all?: a multi-level analysis of communication patterns and individual performance in geographically distributed software development (KE, MC), pp. 945–954.
- CHI-2011-CostaCS #collaboration #coordination #distributed #evolution #generative #scalability #tool support
- The scale and evolution of coordination needs in large-scale distributed projects: implications for the future generation of collaborative tools (JMdRC, MC, CRBdS), pp. 3151–3160.
- ICSE-2011-CataldoH #analysis #development #empirical #feature model #integration
- Factors leading to integration failures in global feature-oriented development: an empirical analysis (MC, JDH), pp. 161–170.
- ICSE-2011-RamasubbuCBH #analysis #configuration management #multi #quality
- Configuring global software teams: a multi-company analysis of project productivity, quality, and profits (NR, MC, RKB, JDH), pp. 261–270.
- CSCW-2010-Cataldo #collaboration #development #distributed #fault #tool support
- Sources of errors in distributed development projects: implications for collaborative tools (MC), pp. 281–290.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-CataldoN #analysis #empirical #maturity #on the #process #quality
- On the relationship between process maturity and geographic distribution: an empirical analysis of their impact on software quality (MC, SN), pp. 101–110.
- CSCW-2008-CataldoH #communication #development #distributed #network
- Communication networks in geographically distributed software development (MC, JDH), pp. 579–588.
- WICSA-2007-BassMBHC #architecture #case study #experience
- Architectural Misalignment: An Experience Report (MB, VM, LB, JDH, MC), p. 17.
- CSCW-2006-CataldoWHC #collaboration #coordination #design #identification #requirements #tool support
- Identification of coordination requirements: implications for the Design of collaboration and awareness tools (MC, PW, JDH, KMC), pp. 353–362.