Collaborated with:
M.P.Fanti W.Ukovich Giovanni Pedroncelli
Talks about:
approach (2) problem (2) vehicl (2) rout (2) new (2) cluster (1) window (1) review (1) dynam (1) time (1)
Person: Lorenzo Abbatecola
DBLP: Abbatecola:Lorenzo
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2016-AbbatecolaFU #overview #problem
- A review of new approaches for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (LA, MPF, WU), pp. 361–366.
- CASE-2018-AbbatecolaFPU #approach #clustering #problem
- A New Cluster-Based Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (LA, MPF, GP, WU), pp. 744–749.