Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Norway
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Cyprus
2 × Portugal
3 × China
3 × Italy
3 × Spain
Collaborated with:
B.Mutschler S.Rinderle T.Bauer B.Weber J.Kolb J.Bumiller C.Iochpe L.H.Thom B.Michelberger S.Bassil R.Bobrik S.Rinderle-Ma R.Wieringa D.Müller J.Herbst A.Hallerbach S.Buchwald J.Tiedeken M.Zimoch M.Hipp J.M.Lau G.S.d.Nascimento C.M.Chiao J.Gordijn H.Weigand L.Bodenstaff A.Wombacher M.C.Jaeger R.K.Keller P.G.Kropf C.Cabanillas D.Knuplesch M.Resinas J.Mendling A.R.Cortés
Talks about:
process (27) system (9) inform (8) manag (8) busi (7) model (6) orient (5) pattern (4) analyz (4) dynam (4)
Person: Manfred Reichert
DBLP: Reichert:Manfred
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 29 papers:
- CAiSE-2015-CabanillasKRRMC #named #process #visual notation
- RALph: A Graphical Notation for Resource Assignments in Business Processes (CC, DK, MR, MR, JM, ARC), pp. 53–68.
- ICEIS-v3-2015-BauerBTR #analysis #flexibility #maintenance #repository
- A SOA Repository with Advanced Analysis Capabilities — Improving the Maintenance and Flexibility of Service-Oriented Applications (TB, SB, JT, MR), pp. 238–248.
- SAC-2014-KolbZWR #design #distance #empirical #how #modelling #process #social
- How social distance of process designers affects the process of process modeling: insights from a controlled experiment (JK, MZ, BW, MR), pp. 1364–1370.
- SAC-2013-HippMMR #framework #process #visualisation
- A framework for the intelligent delivery and user-adequate visualization of process information (MH, BM, BM, MR), pp. 1383–1390.
- SAC-2013-KolbR #abstraction #adaptation #data flow #process
- Data flow abstractions and adaptations through updatable process views (JK, MR), pp. 1447–1453.
- EDOC-2012-MichelbergerMR #enterprise #process
- Process-oriented Information Logistics: Aligning Enterprise Information with Business Processes (BM, BM, MR), pp. 21–30.
- SAC-2012-ReichertKBB #personalisation #process #scalability #visualisation
- Enabling personalized visualization of large business processes through parameterizable views (MR, JK, RB, TB), pp. 1653–1660.
- CAiSE-2009-MutschlerR #cost analysis #enterprise #evaluation #information management
- Evaluation Patterns for Analyzing the Costs of Enterprise Information Systems (BM, MR), pp. 379–394.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-LauITR #analysis #modelling #process
- Discovery and Analysis of Activity Pattern Co-occurrences in Business Process Models (JML, CI, LHT, MR), pp. 83–88.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-NascimentoITR #legacy #process #using
- A Method for Rewriting Legacy Systems using Business Process Management Technology (GSdN, CI, LHT, MR), pp. 57–62.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2009-BodenstaffWWJR #composition #design #monitoring #validation
- Monitoring Service Compositions in MoDe4SLA — Design of Validation (LB, AW, RW, MCJ, MR), pp. 114–121.
- CAiSE-2008-MullerRH #adaptation #data-driven #paradigm #process
- A New Paradigm for the Enactment and Dynamic Adaptation of Data-Driven Process Structures (DM, MR, JH), pp. 48–63.
- CAiSE-2008-MutschlerR #information management #modelling #on the
- On Modeling and Analyzing Cost Factors in Information Systems Engineering (BM, MR), pp. 510–524.
- CAiSE-2008-WeberR #modelling #process #refactoring #repository #scalability
- Refactoring Process Models in Large Process Repositories (BW, MR), pp. 124–139.
- EDOC-2008-Rinderle-MaR #lifecycle
- Managing the Life Cycle of Access Rules in CEOSIS (SRM, MR), pp. 257–266.
- ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-ThomRCI #modelling #process
- Applying Activity Patterns for Developing an Intelligent Process Modeling Tool (LHT, MR, CMC, CI), pp. 112–119.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-HallerbachBR #lifecycle #process
- Managing Process Variants in the Process Life Cycle (AH, TB, MR), pp. 154–161.
- SAC-2008-GordijnWRW #self #towards
- Towards self-configuration and management of e-service provisioning in dynamic value constellations (JG, HW, MR, RW), pp. 566–571.
- SAC-2008-MutschlerWR #empirical #workflow
- Workflow management versus case handling: results from a controlled software experiment (BM, BW, MR), pp. 82–89.
- CAiSE-2007-MutschlerRR #approach #information management #modelling
- Analyzing the Dynamic Cost Factors of Process-Aware Information Systems: A Model-Based Approach (BM, MR, SR), pp. 589–603.
- CAiSE-2007-WeberRR #information management
- Change Patterns and Change Support Features in Process-Aware Information Systems (BW, SR, MR), pp. 574–588.
- CAiSE-2006-RinderleR #data-driven #exception #process
- Data-Driven Process Control and Exception Handling in Process Management Systems (SR, MR), pp. 273–287.
- EDOC-2006-MutschlerBR #empirical #industrial #information management #why
- Why Process-Orientation is Scarce: An Empirical Study of Process-oriented Information Systems in the Automotive Industry (BM, JB, MR), pp. 433–440.
- EDOC-2006-MutschlerBR06a #approach #evaluation #perspective #workflow
- An Evaluation Approach for Analyzing Workflow Management Systems from a Value-based Perspective (BM, JB, MR), pp. 477–482.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-RinderleBR #framework #process #semantics
- A Framework for Semantic Recovery Strategies in Case of Process Activity Failures (SR, SB, MR), pp. 136–143.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-RinderleBRB #case study #challenge #process #visualisation
- Business Process Visualization — Use Cases, Challenges, Solutions (SR, RB, MR, TB), pp. 204–211.
- ICSE-2006-MutschlerBR #design #evaluation #framework
- Designing an economic-driven evaluation framework for process-oriented software technologies (BM, JB, MR), pp. 885–888.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-BassilRKKR #process
- Preserving the Context of Interrupted Business Process Activities (SB, SR, RKK, PGK, MR), pp. 38–45.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-BauerR #distributed #workflow
- Dynamic Change of Server Assignments in Distributed Workflow Management Systems (TB, MR), pp. 91–98.