Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × China
2 × Greece
Collaborated with:
M.D.Johnson D.A.Guerra-Zubiaga J.Camba E.G.Mendívil F.Naya N.Aleixos P.Company A.C.Martínez M.J.Martínez-Segura M.Laguna-Segovia D.C.P.López G.Alducin-Quintero J.Martín-Gutiérrez
Talks about:
product (2) sketch (2) model (2) annot (2) cad (2) parametr (1) knowledg (1) interfac (1) interact (1) geometri (1)
Person: Manuel Contero
DBLP: Contero:Manuel
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DUXU-DI-2014-CambaCJ #3d #case study #comparative #modelling #visual notation
- Management of Visual Clutter in Annotated 3D CAD Models: A Comparative Study (JC, MC, MDJ), pp. 405–416.
- LCT-TRE-2014-MartinezMLLC #3d #interactive #learning
- Supporting Learning with 3D Interactive Applications in Early Years (ACM, MJMS, MLS, DCPL, MC), pp. 11–22.
- OCSC-2011-Alducin-QuinteroCMGJ #design #modelling #process #using
- Productivity Improvement by Using Social-Annotations about Design Intent in CAD Modelling Process (GAQ, MC, JMG, DAGZ, MDJ), pp. 153–161.
- HCI-IPT-2007-NayaCAC #2d #editing #geometry #interface #named #parametricity #sketching
- ParSketch: A Sketch-Based Interface for a 2D Parametric Geometry Editor (FN, MC, NA, PC), pp. 115–124.
- OCSC-2007-GonzalezGC #development
- Fostering Knowledge Mode Conversion in New Product Development Environment (EGM, DAGZ, MC), pp. 352–361.