Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
2 × Portugal
3 × Italy
3 × Spain
5 × Germany
Collaborated with:
D.Hatebur I.Côté A.Alebrahim W.Reif W.Stephan H.Schmidt W.Grieskamp H.Dörr N.Lévy K.Beckers S.Faßbender A.Fülleborn K.Meffert I.Wentzlaff T.Santen D.Zimmermann F.Moyano M.C.F.Gago R.Meis J.Jürjens W.Schwittek S.Eicker A.Lanoix J.Souquières R.Hähnle C.Choppy
Talks about:
softwar (7) system (6) base (6) architectur (5) problem (5) requir (5) design (4) verif (4) interact (3) support (3)
♀ Person: Maritta Heisel
DBLP: Heisel:Maritta
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- SAC-2015-BeckersHMG #internet #security
- Engineering trust- and reputation-based security controls for future internet systems (KB, MH, FM, MCFG), pp. 1344–1349.
- REFSQ-2014-AlebrahimFHM #analysis #interactive #problem #requirements
- Problem-Based Requirements Interaction Analysis (AA, SF, MH, RM), pp. 200–215.
- SAC-2013-BeckersFHHC #development
- Common criteria compliant software development (CC-CASD) (KB, SF, DH, MH, IC), pp. 1298–1304.
- QoSA-2012-AlebrahimH #design #modelling #quality #variability
- Supporting quality-driven design decisions by modeling variability (AA, MH), pp. 43–48.
- SAC-2012-AlebrahimCHCH #architecture #design #interactive #model transformation #problem
- Designing architectures from problem descriptions by interactive model transformation (AA, IC, MH, CC, DH), pp. 1256–1258.
- CSMR-2011-CoteH #requirements #tool support #uml
- A UML Profile and Tool Support for Evolutionary Requirements Engineering (IC, MH), pp. 161–170.
- ECSA-2011-AlebrahimHH #architecture #integration #quality #requirements #towards
- Towards Systematic Integration of Quality Requirements into Software Architecture (AA, DH, MH), pp. 17–25.
- FASE-2011-HateburHJS #design #development #modelling #requirements #security
- Systematic Development of UMLsec Design Models Based on Security Requirements (DH, MH, JJ, HS), pp. 232–246.
- KMIS-2011-SchwittekSEH #towards
- Towards a Common Body of Knowledge for Engineering Secure Software and Services (WS, HS, SE, MH), pp. 369–374.
- RE-2011-CoteHSH #analysis #named #problem #requirements #uml
- UML4PF — A tool for problem-oriented requirements analysis (IC, MH, HS, DH), pp. 349–350.
- FASE-2009-FullebornMH #design pattern #documentation #problem
- Problem-Oriented Documentation of Design Patterns (AF, KM, MH), pp. 294–308.
- MoDELS-2008-HateburHS #metamodelling #problem
- A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames (DH, MH, HS), pp. 68–82.
- AdaEurope-2007-LanoixHHS #component #dependence
- Enhancing Dependability of Component-Based Systems (AL, DH, MH, JS), pp. 41–54.
- ECSA-2007-CoteHW #architecture #evolution
- Pattern-Based Evolution of Software Architectures (IC, MH, IW), pp. 29–43.
- FASE-1998-GrieskampHD #component #embedded #specification
- Specifying Embedded Systems with Staecharts and Z: An Agenda for Cyclic Software Components (WG, MH, HD), pp. 88–106.
- FASE-J-1998-GrieskampHD01 #component #embedded #specification
- Specifying embedded systems with statecharts and Z: an agenda for cyclic software components (WG, MH, HD), pp. 31–57.
- ESEC-1995-HeiselSZ #architecture #development #formal method #tool support
- Tool Support for Formal Software Development: A Generic Architecture (MH, TS, DZ), pp. 272–293.
- CADE-1990-HeiselRS #proving #theorem proving #verification
- Tactical Theorem Proving in Program Verification (MH, WR, WS), pp. 117–131.
- CADE-1988-HeiselRS #implementation #verification
- Implementing Verification Strategies in the KIV-System (MH, WR, WS), pp. 131–140.
- CSL-1987-HeiselRS #logic #using #verification
- Program Verification Using Dynamic Logic (MH, WR, WS), pp. 102–117.
- CADE-1986-HahnleHRS #interactive #logic #verification
- An Interactive Verification System Based on Dynamic Logic (RH, MH, WR, WS), pp. 306–315.
- TAPSOFT-1997-HeiselL #architecture #using
- Using LOTOS Patterns to Characterize Architectural Styles (MH, NL), pp. 818–832.