Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Romania
1 × Russia
1 × South Africa
13 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
4 × Italy
Collaborated with:
G.Denaro L.Mariani L.Baresi M.Young A.Gorla A.Carzaniga P.Braione F.Pastore A.Mattavelli C.Ghezzi S.Morasca V.Terragni O.Riganelli M.Santoro N.Perino M.MirzaAghaei A.Orso M.Vivanti F.A.Bianchi ∅ L.Lambers H.Ehrig A.Goffi K.Rubinov J.Wuttke D.Tosi D.Lo H.Chang D.Lorenzoli S.Papagiannakis U.A.Buy M.Felder G.Taentzer A.Margara M.Sama G.Tamburrelli A.Coen-Porisini A.Aquino M.Chen P.Tonella
Talks about:
test (16) automat (8) model (8) softwar (7) generat (5) analysi (5) symbol (5) formal (5) applic (5) base (5)
♂ Person: Mauro Pezzè
DBLP: Pezz=egrave=:Mauro
Facilitated 8 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 44 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-BraioneDP #execution #source code #symbolic computation
- Symbolic execution of programs with heap inputs (PB, GD, MP), pp. 602–613.
- ICSE-v1-2015-CarzanigaMP
- Measuring Software Redundancy (AC, AM, MP), pp. 156–166.
- ICSE-v1-2015-DenaroMPV #data flow #object-oriented #testing
- Dynamic Data Flow Testing of Object Oriented Systems (GD, AM, MP, MV), pp. 947–958.
- ISSTA-2015-AquinoBCDP #constraints #program analysis #proving #reuse
- Reusing constraint proofs in program analysis (AA, FAB, MC, GD, MP), pp. 305–315.
- FSE-2014-GoffiGMPT #search-based #sequence #synthesis
- Search-based synthesis of equivalent method sequences (AG, AG, AM, MP, PT), pp. 366–376.
- ICSE-2014-CarzanigaGGMP
- Cross-checking oracles from intrinsic software redundancy (AC, AG, AG, AM, MP), pp. 931–942.
- ICSE-2014-GhezziPST #behaviour #mining #modelling #web
- Mining behavior models from user-intensive web applications (CG, MP, MS, GT), pp. 277–287.
- ICST-2014-DenaroPV #data flow #on the #testing
- On the Right Objectives of Data Flow Testing (GD, MP, MV), pp. 71–80.
- ISSTA-2014-MarianiPRS #named #testing #web
- Link: exploiting the web of data to generate test inputs (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 373–384.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-BraioneDP #execution #lazy evaluation #symbolic computation #term rewriting
- Enhancing symbolic execution with built-in term rewriting and constrained lazy initialization (PB, GD, MP), pp. 411–421.
- ICSE-2013-CarzanigaGMPP #automation #runtime
- Automatic recovery from runtime failures (AC, AG, AM, NP, MP), pp. 782–791.
- ICST-2013-PezzeRW #effectiveness #generative #integration #testing
- Generating Effective Integration Test Cases from Unit Ones (MP, KR, JW), pp. 11–20.
- ICSM-2012-Pezze #maintenance #online
- From off-Line to continuous on-line maintenance (MP), pp. 2–3.
- ICST-2012-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #interactive #named #testing
- AutoBlackTest: Automatic Black-Box Testing of Interactive Applications (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 81–90.
- ICST-2012-MirzaAghaeiPP #adaptation #evolution #testing
- Supporting Test Suite Evolution through Test Case Adaptation (MM, FP, MP), pp. 231–240.
- ICSE-2011-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #named #testing
- AutoBlackTest: a tool for automatic black-box testing (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 1013–1015.
- FSE-2010-CarzanigaGPP #automation #web
- Automatic workarounds for web applications (AC, AG, NP, MP), pp. 237–246.
- ICSE-2010-CarzanigaGPP #automation #named #runtime
- RAW: runtime automatic workarounds (AC, AG, NP, MP), pp. 321–322.
- ICSM-2010-MirzaAghaeiPP #automation #evolution #testing
- Automatically repairing test cases for evolving method declarations (MM, FP, MP), pp. 1–5.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-DenaroPT #self
- Ensuring interoperable service-oriented systems through engineered self-healing (GD, MP, DT), pp. 253–262.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-LoMP #automation #behaviour #model inference
- Automatic steering of behavioral model inference (DL, LM, MP), pp. 345–354.
- ICSE-2009-ChangMP #component #integration #off the shelf #problem
- In-field healing of integration problems with COTS components (HC, LM, MP), pp. 166–176.
- ICSE-2009-MarianiPP #analysis #automation #tool support
- A toolset for automated failure analysis (LM, FP, MP), pp. 563–566.
- FASE-2008-DenaroGP #integration #testing
- Contextual Integration Testing of Classes (GD, AG, MP), pp. 246–260.
- FASE-2008-LambersMEP #adaptation #framework
- A Formal Framework for Developing Adaptable Service-Based Applications (LL, LM, HE, MP), pp. 392–406.
- ICSE-2008-LorenzoliMP #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling
- Automatic generation of software behavioral models (DL, LM, MP), pp. 501–510.
- ASE-2007-LambersEMP #adaptation #development #modelling
- Iterative model-driven development of adaptable service-based applications (LL, HE, LM, MP), pp. 453–456.
- ICSE-2007-MarianiPP #component #testing
- Compatibility and Regression Testing of COTS-Component-Based Software (LM, SP, MP), pp. 85–95.
- ICSE-2004-PezzeY #object-oriented #testing
- Testing Object Oriented Software (MP, MY), pp. 739–740.
- FASE-2002-BaresiP #automation #re-engineering #visual notation
- A Toolbox for Automating Visual Software Engineering (LB, MP), pp. 189–202.
- ICSE-2002-DenaroP #empirical #evaluation #modelling
- An empirical evaluation of fault-proneness models (GD, MP), pp. 241–251.
- SEKE-2002-DenaroMP #modelling
- Deriving models of software fault-proneness (GD, SM, MP), pp. 361–368.
- ESEC-FSE-2001-Coen-PorisiniDGP #execution #safety #symbolic computation #using #verification
- Using symbolic execution for verifying safety-critical systems (ACP, GD, CG, MP), pp. 142–151.
- ISSTA-2000-BuyOP #automation #testing
- Automated Testing of Classes (UAB, AO, MP), pp. 39–48.
- AGTIVE-1999-BaresiP #analysis #graph grammar #programmable
- A Formal Definition of Stuctured Analysis with Programmable Graph Grammars (LB, MP), pp. 193–208.
- ICSE-1997-BaresiOP #industrial #specification
- Introducing Formal Specification Methods in Industrial Practice (LB, AO, MP), pp. 56–66.
- ICSE-1997-PezzeY #analysis #modelling #multi #semantics #tool support #using
- Constructing Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools: Using Rules to Specify Dynamic Semantics of Models (MP, MY), pp. 239–249.
- ISSTA-1996-PezzeY #analysis #generative #multi #tool support
- Generation of Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools (MP, MY), pp. 172–179.
- ISSTA-1993-FelderGP #specification
- Analyzing Refinements of State Based Specifications: The Case of TB Nets (MF, CG, MP), pp. 28–39.
- ESEC-1989-MorascaP #ada #concurrent #execution #source code #symbolic computation #using #validation
- Validation of Concurrent ADA Programs using Symbolic Execution (SM, MP), pp. 469–486.
- FSE-2016-BraioneDP #java #named #source code
- JBSE: a symbolic executor for Java programs with complex heap inputs (PB, GD, MP), pp. 1018–1022.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-BianchiPT #concurrent
- Reproducing concurrency failures from crash stacks (FAB, MP, VT), pp. 705–716.
- ASE-2018-TerragniP #challenge #concurrent #effectiveness #generative #testing #thread
- Effectiveness and challenges in generating concurrent tests for thread-safe classes (VT, MP), pp. 64–75.
- GT-VMT-2001-BaresiPT #graph transformation #modelling #visual notation
- Introduction - Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques - GT-VMT 2001 (LB, MP, GT), pp. 325–326.