Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.C.Norrie B.Signer J.D.Hollan A.M.Piper A.Fouse C.Johnson C.Emmenegger W.Friedman E.Hutchins M.Grossniklaus R.Belotti C.Decurtins D.S.Kusunoki A.Sarcevic I.Marsic Z.Zhang G.Tuveson R.S.Burd
Talks about:
paper (6) interact (3) digit (3) social (2) design (2) print (2) pen (2) multidisciplinari (1) trajectori (1) teamwork (1)
Person: Nadir Weibel
DBLP: Weibel:Nadir
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CHI-2014-KusunokiSWMZTB #ad hoc #design #multi
- Balancing design tensions: iterative display design to support ad hoc and multidisciplinary medical teamwork (DSK, AS, NW, IM, ZZ, GT, RSB), pp. 3777–3786.
- CHI-2013-FouseWJH #social
- Reifying social movement trajectories (AF, NW, CJ, JDH), pp. 2945–2948.
- CSCW-2013-PiperWH #interactive #social
- Audio-enhanced paper photos: encouraging social interaction at age 105 (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 215–224.
- CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support
- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
- CHI-2012-WeibelFEFHH #research
- Digital pen and paper practices in observational research (NW, AF, CE, WF, EH, JDH), pp. 1331–1340.
- ECDL-2008-NorrieSW #interactive #library
- Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries (MCN, BS, NW), pp. 232–243.
- DocEng-2007-WeibelNS #documentation
- A model for mapping between printed and digital document instances (NW, MCN, BS), pp. 19–28.
- DocEng-2006-NorrieSW #named #weaving #web
- Print-n-link: weaving the paper web (MCN, BS, NW), pp. 34–43.
- SIGMOD-2006-SignerNGBDW #data access #database #mobile
- Paper-based mobile access to databases (BS, MCN, MG, RB, CD, NW), pp. 763–765.