Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Ghiasi M.Hashemi
Talks about:
embed (3) processor (2) voltag (2) energi (2) compil (2) applic (2) scale (2) optim (2) awar (2) intraprogram (1)
Person: Po-Kuan Huang
DBLP: Huang:Po=Kuan
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2007-HuangG #energy #optimisation #performance #realtime #scalability
- Efficient and scalable compiler-directed energy optimization for realtime applications (PKH, SG), pp. 785–790.
- LCTES-2007-HuangHG #embedded #energy #execution #optimisation #pipes and filters #streaming #throughput
- Joint throughput and energy optimization for pipelined execution of embedded streaming applications (PKH, MH, SG), pp. 137–139.
- DAC-2006-HuangG #embedded #scalability
- Leakage-aware intraprogram voltage scaling for embedded processors (PKH, SG), pp. 364–369.
- DATE-2006-HuangG06a #adaptation #compilation #embedded #power management #scalability
- Power-aware compilation for embedded processors with dynamic voltage scaling and adaptive body biasing capabilities (PKH, SG), pp. 943–944.