Collaborated with:
E.A.Fox W.Fan M.A.Gonçalves N.S.Vemuri R.d.S.Torres L.N.Cassel U.Ravindranathan J.W.Flanagan J.L.Sam-Rajkumar N.Kampanya S.Kim C.North Q.Zhu M.Luo M.F.Ali S.Tupe A.Raghavan B.Marshall Y.Zhang H.Chen A.M.Lally S.Perugini K.McDevitt R.Richardson M.A.Pérez-Quiñones N.Ramakrishnan C.Williams
Talks about:
librari (8) digit (8) etana (6) archaeolog (5) visual (5) integr (4) heterogen (3) interfac (3) collect (3) studi (3)
Person: Rao Shen
DBLP: Shen:Rao
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ECDL-2006-Sam-RajkumarSVFF #coordination #interface #multi #named #visual notation
- EtanaCMV: A Visual Browsing Interface for ETANA-DL Based on Coordinated Multiple Views (JLSR, RS, NSV, WF, EAF), pp. 492–494.
- ECDL-2006-ShenVFF #library #question #what
- What Is a Successful Digital Library? (RS, NSV, WF, EAF), pp. 208–219.
- ECDL-2006-VemuriTSGFF #image #retrieval
- A Content-Based Image Retrieval Service for Archaeology Collections (NSV, RdST, RS, MAG, WF, EAF), pp. 438–440.
- ECDL-2005-RaghavanVSGFF #automation #case study #incremental #integration #library
- Incremental, Semi-automatic, Mapping-Based Integration of Heterogeneous Collections into Archaeological Digital Libraries: Megiddo Case Study (AR, NSV, RS, MAG, WF, EAF), pp. 139–150.
- ECDL-2005-ShenGFF #case study #framework #library #modelling #requirements
- Requirements Gathering and Modeling of Domain-Specific Digital Libraries with the 5S Framework: An Archaeological Case Study with ETANA (RS, MAG, WF, EAF), pp. 1–12.
- ECDL-2004-KampanyaSKNF #named #user interface #visual notation
- Citiviz: A Visual User Interface to the CITIDEL System (NK, RS, SK, CN, EAF), pp. 122–133.
- ECDL-2004-RavindranathanSGFFF #case study #data flow #library #prototype #semistructured data
- Prototyping Digital Libraries Handling Heterogeneous Data Sources — The ETANA-DL Case Study (UR, RS, MAG, WF, EAF, JWF), pp. 186–197.
- ECDL-2003-ZhuGSCF #library #modelling #semantics #visual notation
- Visual Semantic Modeling of Digital Libraries (QZ, MAG, RS, LNC, EAF), pp. 325–337.
- ECDL-2002-GoncalvesLSAF #analysis #library #standard #xml
- An XML Log Standard and Tool for Digital Library Logging Analysis (MAG, ML, RS, MFA, EAF), pp. 129–143.
- JCDL-2003-MarshallZCLSFC #convergence #experience #information management
- Convergence of Knowledge Management and E-Learning: The GetSmart Experience (BM, YZ, HC, AML, RS, EAF, LNC), pp. 135–146.
- JCDL-2004-PeruginiMRPSRWF #interactive #interface #multimodal #usability #visualisation
- Enhancing usability in CITIDEL: multimodal, multilingual, and interactive visualization interfaces (SP, KM, RR, MAPQ, RS, NR, CW, EAF), pp. 315–324.
- JCDL-2004-RavindranathanSGFFF #library #named
- ETANA-DL: a digital library for integrated handling of heterogeneous archaeological data (UR, RS, MAG, WF, EAF, JWF), pp. 76–77.
- JCDL-2006-ShenVFTF #library #visualisation
- Exploring digital libraries: integrating browsing, searching, and visualization (RS, NSV, WF, RdST, EAF), pp. 1–10.
- JCDL-2006-VemuriSTFF #interactive #named
- ETANA-ADD: an interactive tool for integrating archaeological DL collections (NSV, RS, ST, WF, EAF), pp. 161–162.