Travelled to:
1 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Endert D.A.Bowman E.A.Fox P.Fiaux T.Ni C.Andrews R.Ball B.Yost Y.Haciahmetoglu B.Shneiderman C.Plaisant N.Kampanya R.Shen S.Kim J.Wang A.Agrawal A.Bazaza S.Angle
Talks about:
visual (4) interfac (3) display (3) user (3) larg (3) librari (2) text (2) unistrok (1) sensemak (1) perceptu (1)
Person: Chris North
DBLP: North:Chris
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CHI-2012-EndertFN #interactive #semantics #visual notation
- Semantic interaction for visual text analytics (AE, PF, CN), pp. 473–482.
- CHI-2011-NiBN #gesture #interface #named
- AirStroke: bringing unistroke text entry to freehand gesture interfaces (TN, DAB, CN), pp. 2473–2476.
- CHI-2010-AndrewsEN #scalability
- Space to think: large high-resolution displays for sensemaking (CA, AE, CN), pp. 55–64.
- CHI-2007-BallNB #navigation #performance #physics #scalability
- Move to improve: promoting physical navigation to increase user performance with large displays (RB, CN, DAB), pp. 191–200.
- CHI-2007-YostHN #scalability #visual notation #visualisation
- Beyond visual acuity: the perceptual scalability of information visualizations for large displays (BY, YH, CN), pp. 101–110.
- ECDL-2004-KampanyaSKNF #named #user interface #visual notation
- Citiviz: A Visual User Interface to the CITIDEL System (NK, RS, SK, CN, EAF), pp. 122–133.
- DL-1996-NorthSP #case study #image #library
- User Controlled Overviews of an Image Library: A Case Study of the Visible Human (CN, BS, CP), pp. 74–82.
- JCDL-2002-WangABAFN #interface #library
- Enhancing the ENVISION interface for digital libraries (JW, AA, AB, SA, EAF, CN), pp. 275–276.