Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
A.Z.Henley E.Kraemer R.E.K.Stirewalt L.K.Dillon S.Xie D.Piorkowski C.Scaffidi M.M.Burnett R.K.E.Bellamy I.Kwan T.Nabi J.Jordahl C.Bogart B.E.John C.Swart J.Macbeth C.Hill A.Horvath
Talks about:
forag (4) navig (3) programm (2) softwar (2) mainten (2) develop (2) concurr (2) theori (2) inform (2) dure (2)
Person: Scott D. Fleming
DBLP: Fleming:Scott_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSME-2015-PiorkowskiFSBKH #bias #debugging #developer #how #information management
- To fix or to learn? How production bias affects developers’ information foraging during debugging (DP, SDF, CS, MMB, IK, AZH, JM, CH, AH), pp. 11–20.
- CHI-2014-HenleyF #editing #navigation #performance #towards
- The patchworks code editor: toward faster navigation with less code arranging and fewer navigation mistakes (AZH, SDF), pp. 2511–2520.
- CHI-2013-PiorkowskiFKBSBJ
- The whats and hows of programmers’ foraging diets (DP, SDF, IK, MMB, CS, RKEB, JJ), pp. 3063–3072.
- CHI-2012-PiorkowskiFSBBJBS #empirical #information management #recommendation
- Reactive information foraging: an empirical investigation of theory-based recommender systems for programmers (DP, SDF, CS, CB, MMB, BEJ, RKEB, CS), pp. 1471–1480.
- ICPC-2008-FlemingKSDX #comprehension #concurrent #maintenance
- Refining Existing Theories of Program Comprehension During Maintenance for Concurrent Software (SDF, EK, REKS, LKD, SX), pp. 23–32.
- ICSE-2008-FlemingKSXD #case study #concurrent #maintenance #student
- A study of student strategies for the corrective maintenance of concurrent software (SDF, EK, REKS, SX, LKD), pp. 759–768.
- SOFTVIS-2008-XieKSDF #diagrams #sequence chart
- Assessing the benefits of synchronization-adorned sequence diagrams: two controlled experiments (SX, EK, REKS, LKD, SDF), pp. 9–18.
- FSE-2016-PiorkowskiHNFSB #developer #predict
- Foraging and navigations, fundamentally: developers' predictions of value and cost (DP, AZH, TN, SDF, CS, MMB), pp. 97–108.