Collaborated with:
∅ Darshana Jayemanne B.Nansen
Talks about:
piraci (2) venezuela (1) postdigit (1) caribbean (1) videogam (1) recruit (1) aesthet (1) chávez (1) stake (1) polit (1)
Person: Thomas Apperley
DBLP: Apperley:Thomas
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DiGRA-2007-Apperley #game studies
- Piracy in the Caribbean: The Political Stakes of Videogame Piracy in Chávez's Venezuela (TA).
- DiGRA-2015-JayemanneNA #game studies
- Postdigital Play and the Aesthetics of Recruitment (DJ, BN, TA).