42 papers:
CHI-2015-BrookerVSBFL #social #social media #twitter- Debating Poverty Porn on Twitter: Social Media as a Place for Everyday Socio-Political Talk (PB, JV, SS, JB, TF, SWL), pp. 3177–3186.
CHI-2015-CrivellaroCDBWO- Contesting the City: Enacting the Political Through Digitally Supported Urban Walks (CC, RC, MDR, SJB, PCW, PO), pp. 2853–2862.
CHI-2015-PineL #metric- The Politics of Measurement and Action (KHP, ML), pp. 3147–3156.
CHI-2015-SemaanFRMD #design #interactive- Designing Political Deliberation Environments to Support Interactions in the Public Sphere (BS, HAF, SPR, MM, SKD), pp. 3167–3176.
CSCW-2015-Borge-Holthoefer #network #twitter- Content and Network Dynamics Behind Egyptian Political Polarization on Twitter (JBH, WM, KD, IW), pp. 700–711.
ECIR-2015-DehghaniAMK #automation- Sources of Evidence for Automatic Indexing of Political Texts (MD, HA, MM, JK), pp. 568–573.
SIGIR-2015-FangOHML #classification #topic #twitter- Topic-centric Classification of Twitter User’s Political Orientation (AF, IO, PH, CM, NL), pp. 791–794.
CADE-2015-ChocronFR #revisited- A Polite Non-Disjoint Combination Method: Theories with Bridging Functions Revisited (PC, PF, CR), pp. 419–433.
CHI-2014-CrivellaroCBWO #facebook #social- A pool of dreams: facebook, politics and the emergence of a social movement (CC, RC, JB, PCW, PO), pp. 3573–3582.
CSCW-2014-GrevetTG #difference #social #social media- Managing political differences in social media (CG, LGT, EG), pp. 1400–1408.
CSCW-2014-MaruyamaRDSF #how #hybrid #twitter- Hybrid media consumption: how tweeting during a televised political debate influences the vote decision (MM, SPR, SKD, BS, HAF), pp. 1422–1432.
CSCW-2014-SemaanRDM #multi #social #social media #towards- Social media supporting political deliberation across multiple public spheres: towards depolarization (BS, SPR, SKD, MM), pp. 1409–1421.
ECIR-2014-MeguebliKDP #approach #identification- Unsupervised Approach for Identifying Users’ Political Orientations (YM, MK, BLD, FP), pp. 507–512.
KDIR-2014-TisserantRP #classification #mining #semantics #statistics #twitter- Mining Tweet Data — Statistic and Semantic Information for Political Tweet Classification (GT, MR, VP), pp. 523–529.
HT-2013-BastosPT #topic #twitter- Tweeting across hashtags: overlapping users and the importance of language, topics, and politics (MTB, CP, RT), pp. 164–168.
CHI-2013-WulfAKASRYR #social #social media- Fighting against the wall: social media use by political activists in a Palestinian village (VW, KA, IAK, MA, KS, MR, GPY, DR), pp. 1979–1988.
CSCW-2013-GarrettW #realtime- The promise and peril of real-time corrections to political misperceptions (RKG, BEW), pp. 1047–1058.
OCSC-2013-Abascal-MenaLZ #analysis #behaviour #mining #twitter- User Generated Content: An Analysis of User Behavior by Mining Political Tweets (RAM, ÉLO, JSZH), pp. 3–12.
ICEIS-v2-2013-RothPS #communication #social #social media- Some Insights into the Role of Social Media in Political Communication (MR, GP, JS), pp. 351–360.
ECIR-2013-WeberGT #hashtag #roadmap- Political Hashtag Trends (IW, VRKG, AT), pp. 857–860.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-DimasKV #approach #sentiment #twitter- Every Character Counts — A Character based Approach to Determine Political Sentiment on Twitter (AD, PCK, EMV), pp. 261–266.
SIGIR-2013-RooijOR #named #visualisation- ThemeStreams: visualizing the stream of themes discussed in politics (OdR, DO, MdR), pp. 1077–1078.
CIKM-2012-AwadallahRW #classification #named- PolariCQ: polarity classification of political quotations (RA, MR, GW), pp. 1945–1949.
CIKM-2012-WangYYLM- Diversionary comments under political blog posts (JW, CTY, PSY, BL, WM), pp. 1789–1793.
SIGIR-2012-WeberGB #roadmap- Political search trends (IW, VRKG, EB), p. 1012.
CHI-2011-GolbeckH #twitter- Computing political preference among twitter followers (JG, DLH), pp. 1105–1108.
CSCW-2011-ParkKKLS #predict #sentiment- The politics of comments: predicting political orientation of news stories with commenters’ sentiment patterns (SP, MK, JK, YL, JS), pp. 113–122.
CIKM-2011-AwadallahRW #comprehension #named #network #topic- OpinioNetIt: understanding the opinions-people network for politically controversial topics (RA, MR, GW), pp. 2481–2484.
RE-2011-MilneM #requirements #research- Power and politics in requirements engineering: A proposed research agenda (AM, NAMM), pp. 187–196.
CHI-2010-BaumerST- America is like Metamucil: fostering critical and creative thinking about metaphor in political blogs (EPSB, JS, BT), pp. 1437–1446.
CHI-2010-MunsonR #how- Presenting diverse political opinions: how and how much (SAM, PR), pp. 1457–1466.
SIGIR-2010-AwadallahRW #classification- Language-model-based pro/con classification of political text (RA, MR, GW), pp. 747–748.
CIKM-2009-ZhuM #analysis #identification #multi- Multidimensional political spectrum identification and analysis (LZ, PM), pp. 2045–2048.
CSCW-2008-BurkeK08a #community #online- Mind your Ps and Qs: the impact of politeness and rudeness in online communities (MB, RK), pp. 281–284.
SIGIR-2008-JiangA #analysis #categorisation- Exploiting subjectivity analysis in blogs to improve political leaning categorization (MJ, SA), pp. 725–726.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Clear #agile #student- Students becoming political and “incorrect” through agile methods (TC), pp. 13–15.
CSCW-2004-CarpenterNMRDBFJ #lessons learnt #online- Online political organizing: lessons from the field (KC, BAN, JM, SR, DD, IB, KAF, QJ), pp. 59–62.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Lyytinen #analysis #functional #requirements #scalability #source code- Large Scale Requirements Engineering in Action: An Ethnographic Analysis of Functional and Political Ecologies in Situ in Space Mission Programs (KL), p. V.
CIKM-2004-Efron #documentation #using #web- The liberal media and right-wing conspiracies: using cocitation information to estimate political orientation in web documents (ME), pp. 390–398.
HT-2002-Walker #web- Links and power: the political economy of linking on the Web (JW), pp. 72–73.
REFSQ-1998-SantosC #requirements #social- The Structural, Social, Political and Symbolic Dimensions of Computer-Based Systems Requirements (IS, JAC), pp. 121–129.
HT-1996-Greco #hypermedia- Hypertext with Consequence: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext (DG), pp. 85–92.