Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Kim O.Mutlu L.Subramanian D.Lee Sridhar Gopinath Nikhil Ghanathe R.S.0001 B.Jaiyen J.Liu G.Pekhimenko S.M.Khan K.K.Chang
Talks about:
dram (4) latenc (3) low (2) architectur (1) predict (1) perform (1) system (1) provid (1) memori (1) machin (1)
Person: Vivek Seshadri
DBLP: Seshadri:Vivek
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- HPCA-2015-LeeKPKSCM #adaptation #optimisation
- Adaptive-latency DRAM: Optimizing DRAM timing for the common-case (DL, YK, GP, SMK, VS, KKWC, OM), pp. 489–501.
- HPCA-2013-LeeKSLSM #architecture #latency #low cost
- Tiered-latency DRAM: A low latency and low cost DRAM architecture (DL, YK, VS, JL, LS, OM), pp. 615–626.
- HPCA-2013-SubramanianSKJM #in memory #memory management #named #performance #predict
- MISE: Providing performance predictability and improving fairness in shared main memory systems (LS, VS, YK, BJ, OM), pp. 639–650.
- PLDI-2019-GopinathGSS #compilation #machine learning #modelling
- Compiling KB-sized machine learning models to tiny IoT devices (SG, NG, VS, RS0), pp. 79–95.