Travelled to:
1 × South Korea
2 × China
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Rauschenberger J.J.Lin I.Sapundshiev Baoxiang Wang Tongfang Sun M.Wang G.Matos S.Zhang I.Chakraborty S.Zapf C.Knapheide S.T.Iqbal P.D.Adamczyk B.P.Bailey C.Foucault P.M.d.Silva S.Dasari T.Yang S.Goose
Talks about:
user (3) technolog (2) experi (2) task (2) understand (1) streamlin (1) workload (1) workflow (1) reinforc (1) perceptu (1)
Person: Xianjun Sam Zheng
DBLP: Zheng:Xianjun_Sam
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2015-ZhengFSDYG #maintenance
- Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation (XSZ, CF, PMdS, SD, TY, SG), pp. 2125–2134.
- HCI-DDA-2011-ZhengWMZ #design #development #experience #user interface #workflow
- Streamlining User Experience Design and Development: Roles, Tasks and Workflow of Applying Rich Application Technologies (XSZ, MW, GM, SZ), pp. 142–151.
- CHI-2009-ZhengCLR #agile #correlation #image #low level #statistics #web
- Correlating low-level image statistics with users — rapid aesthetic and affective judgments of web pages (XSZ, IC, JJWL, RR), pp. 1–10.
- DHM-2007-ZhengLZK #assessment #concurrent #experience #usability #user interface #visualisation
- Visualizing User Experience Through “Perceptual Maps”: Concurrent Assessment of Perceived Usability and Subjective Appearance in Car Infotainment Systems (XSZ, JJWL, SZ, CK), pp. 536–545.
- OCSC-2007-ZhengSR #authoring #collaboration #data transformation #named
- WikiTable: A New Tool for Collaborative Authoring and Data Management (XSZ, IS, RR), pp. 501–508.
- CHI-2005-IqbalAZB #comprehension #execution #towards
- Towards an index of opportunity: understanding changes in mental workload during task execution (STI, PDA, XSZ, BPB), pp. 311–320.
- AIIDE-2019-WangSZ #behaviour #learning #modelling
- Beyond Winning and Losing: Modeling Human Motivations and Behaviors with Vector-Valued Inverse Reinforcement Learning (BW, TS, XSZ), pp. 195–201.