14 papers:
DATE-2014-WanK #embedded- An embedded offset and gain instrument for OpAmp IPs (JW, HGK), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2014-WinklerSDR #constant #mobile #pervasive- Pervasive information through constant personal projection: the ambient mobile pervasive display (AMP-D) (CW, JS, DD, ER), pp. 4117–4126.
VLDB-2012-FunkeKN #database #hybrid #transaction- Compacting Transactional Data in Hybrid OLTP & OLAP Databases (FF, AK, TN), pp. 1424–1435.
VLDB-2012-GetoorM #challenge- Entity Resolution: Theory, Practice & Open Challenges (LG, AM), pp. 2018–2019.
VLDB-2012-KhalefaFPL #integration #modelling- Model-based Integration of Past & Future in TimeTravel (MEK, UF, TBP, WL), pp. 1974–1977.
DATE-2010-GaoH #geometry #optimisation #programming #using- A power optimization method for CMOS Op-Amps using sub-space based geometric programming (WG, RH), pp. 508–513.
KMIS-2010-Kenfack #collaboration #communication #community #information management- JADE Agent is Intermediation System (JAIS) for Knowledge Emergence in Community of Practices — Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing (CK), pp. 372–377.
DAC-2008-Cummings #design #verification- SystemVerilog implicit port enhancements accelerate system design & verification (CEC), pp. 231–236.
DAC-2008-SuhendraM #clustering #multi #predict- Exploring locking & partitioning for predictable shared caches on multi-cores (VS, TM), pp. 300–303.
ISSTA-2007-HarmanM #empirical #generative #testing- A theoretical & empirical znalysis of evolutionary testing and hill climbing for structural test data generation (MH, PM), pp. 73–83.
ITiCSE-2006-Bergin #editing- Karel universe drag & drop editor (JB), p. 307.
ITiCSE-2006-OKellyG #approach #education #learning #problem #programming- RoboCode & problem-based learning: a non-prescriptive approach to teaching programming (JO, JPG), pp. 217–221.
CIKM-2006-ZigorisZ #adaptation #feedback #profiling- Bayesian adaptive user profiling with explicit & implicit feedback (PZ, YZ), pp. 397–404.
EDTC-1997-LuS- A CMOS low-voltage, high-gain op-amp (GNL, GS), pp. 51–55.