23 papers:
CHI-2014-LiangCTKHYC #interactive #named- GaussBricks: magnetic building blocks for constructive tangible interactions on portable displays (RHL, LWC, HYT, HCK, DYH, DNY, BYC), pp. 3153–3162.
RecSys-2014-KellerR #e-commerce #framework #named #recommendation- Cosibon: an E-commerce like platform enabling bricks-and-mortar stores to use sophisticated product recommender systems (TK, MR), pp. 367–368.
CASE-2013-SeoYK #assembly #composition- Assembly planning for planar structures of a brick wall pattern with rectangular modular robots (JS, MY, VK), pp. 1016–1021.
HCI-UC-2013-BeldadS #experience #ll #online #trust- It Was Nice with the Brick So Now I’ll Click: The Effects of Offline and Online Experience, Perceived Benefits, and Trust on Dutch Consumers’ Online Repeat Purchase Intention (AB, MS), pp. 371–380.
CASE-2012-RyuJYC #development- Development of refractory brick construction robot in steel works (HR, MJ, KY, CC), pp. 796–801.
CHI-2011-RaderEC- Brick by brick: iterating interventions to bridge the achievement gap with virtual peers (ER, ME, JC), pp. 2971–2974.
ITiCSE-2010-BasawapatnaR #feedback #how #physics #student #using- Cyberspace meets brick and mortar: an investigation into how students engage in peer to peer feedback using both cyberlearning and physical infrastructures (ARB, AR), pp. 184–188.
PLDI-2009-AnselCWOZEA #algorithm #compilation #named- PetaBricks: a language and compiler for algorithmic choice (JA, CPC, YLW, MO, QZ, AE, SPA), pp. 38–49.
HCD-2009-CantoniBFB #human-computer #requirements #using- Playful Holistic Support to HCI Requirements Using LEGO Bricks (LC, LB, MF, DB), pp. 844–853.
SOSP-2009-DobrescuEACFIKMR #named #parallel- RouteBricks: exploiting parallelism to scale software routers (MD, NE, KJA, BGC, KRF, GI, AK, MM, SR), pp. 15–28.
DATE-2008-BrownTBP #automation #library #logic #testing- Automated Testability Enhancements for Logic Brick Libraries (JGB, BT, RDB, LTP), pp. 480–485.
DAC-2007-TaylorP #combinator #design #logic #optimisation #physics- Exact Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Physical Design of Regular Logic Bricks (BT, LTP), pp. 344–349.
CHI-2007-LiuL #design #named- BrickRoad: a light-weight tool for spontaneous design of location-enhanced applications (ALL, YL), pp. 295–298.
ECIR-2006-ZwolBOW #documentation #named #query #retrieval- Bricks: The Building Blocks to Tackle Query Formulation in Structured Document Retrieval (RvZ, JB, HvO, FW), pp. 314–325.
DAC-2005-KheterpalRHMTSP #design- Design methodology for IC manufacturability based on regular logic-bricks (VK, VR, TGH, DM, YT, AJS, LTP), pp. 353–358.
ASPLOS-2004-LumbG #distributed #named- D-SPTF: decentralized request distribution in brick-based storage systems (CRL, RAG), pp. 37–47.
PEPM-2003-AttardiCK #named- CodeBricks: code fragments as building blocks (GA, AC, AK), pp. 66–74.
DAC-2002-DillJRBFFRSW #verification- Formal verification methods: getting around the brick wall (DLD, NJ, SR, GB, LF, HF, RKR, GS, CW), pp. 576–577.
VLDB-2001-BunkerCCMMW #maintenance- Aggregate Maintenance for Data Warehousing in Informix Red Brick Vista (CJB, LSC, RLC, WJM, GM, DW), pp. 659–662.
ICSE-2000-Horn- Dot com versus bricks and mortar — the impact of portal technology (abstract of invited presentation) (CH), p. 4.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FjeldVBK- Exploring brick-based camera control (MF, FV, MB, HK), pp. 1060–1064.
CHI-1995-FitzmauriceIB #named #user interface- Bricks: Laying the Foundations for Graspable User Interfaces (GWF, HI, WB), pp. 442–449.
SIGMOD-1994-Fernandez- Red Brick Warehouse: A Read-Mostly RDBMS for Open SMP Platforms (PMF), p. 492.