24 papers:
DATE-2014-HsuCMGB #architecture #named #performance #validation- ArChiVED: Architectural checking via event digests for high performance validation (CHH, DC, RM, RG, VB), pp. 1–6.
CHI-2014-LiuGFXHK #analysis- CHI 1994-2013: mapping two decades of intellectual progress through co-word analysis (YL, JG, DF, BX, SH, VK), pp. 3553–3562.
CHI-2013-RoedlS #design #research- Design research at CHI and its applicability to design practice (DR, ES), pp. 1951–1954.
VLDB-2012-SachanB #mining #statistics #string #using- Mining Statistically Significant Substrings using the Chi-Square Statistic (MS, AB), pp. 1052–1063.
CHI-2012-KapteinR #analysis #statistics- Rethinking statistical analysis methods for CHI (MK, JR), pp. 1105–1114.
ICPR-2012-TangS #independence #learning #network #performance #testing #using- Efficient and accurate learning of Bayesian networks using chi-squared independence tests (YT, SNS), pp. 2723–2726.
OSDI-2012-KyrolaBG #graph #named #scalability- GraphChi: Large-Scale Graph Computation on Just a PC (AK, GEB, CG), pp. 31–46.
CHI-2009-BartneckH #analysis- Scientometric analysis of the CHI proceedings (CB, JH), pp. 699–708.
CHI-2006-WolfRSK #design- Dispelling “design” as the black art of CHI (TVW, JAR, JBS, WAK), pp. 521–530.
ICSE-2004-PrietoA #formal method #multi #named #requirements #specification- chi-SCTL/MUS: A Formal Methodology to Evolve Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications (ABBM, JJPA), pp. 72–74.
DATE-2003-XuN #fault #testing- Delay Fault Testing of Core-Based Systems-on-a-Chi (QX, NN), pp. 10744–10752.
ICPR-v4-2002-IbrahimovSD #analysis #clustering #performance #similarity #topic- The Performance Analysis of a Chi-square Similarity Measure for Topic Related Clustering of Noisy Transcripts (OI, IKS, ND), pp. 285–288.
CAV-2002-ChechikGD #model checking #multi #named- chi-Chek: A Multi-valued Model-Checker (MC, AG, BD), pp. 505–509.
SIGIR-2001-OakesGF #classification #documentation- A Method Based on the Chi-Square Test for Document Classification (MPO, RJG, HF), pp. 440–441.
JICSLP-1998-FagesP #type system- A Generic Type System for CLP(chi) (FF, MP), pp. 353–354.
ECOOP-1995-Amsellem #hypermedia #named #programming- ChyPro: A Hypermedia Programming Environment for Smalltalk-80 (MA), pp. 449–470.
CHI-1992-HowardKL- CHI in Australia (SH, IK, GL), pp. 573–574.
CHI-1992-MarcusNRSV #predict #user interface- Sci-fi at CHI: Cyberpunk novelists predict future user interfaces (AM, DAN, RR, BS, VV), pp. 435–437.
CHI-1992-RiemanDR #bibliography #big data #database #lessons learnt- A visit to a very small database: lessons from managing the review of papers submitted for CHI 1991 (JR, SD, JR), pp. 471–478.
CHI-1990-LandauerK #bibliography #research- CHI in the applied research divisions at Bellcore (lab review) (TKL, REK), pp. 285–286.
CHI-1990-Salomon #design #hypermedia- Designing casual-user hypertext: the CHI 1989 InfoBooth (GS), pp. 451–458.
CHI-1990-Zachary #bibliography- CHI systems, incorporated (lab review) (WZ), pp. 287–288.
CHI-1989-HollanC #research- CHI research at MCC (JH, BC), pp. 147–149.
NACLP-1989-KonogayaHAY #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Sequential Inference Machine CHI (AK, SH, AA, MY), pp. 1165–1179.