29 papers:
ITiCSE-2012-FletcherG #object-oriented #programming- Sample courseware for introductory OO programming (RF, RG), p. 370.
ITiCSE-2011-EllisH #learning #named #student- Courseware: student learning via FOSS field trips (HJCE, GWH), p. 329.
CSEET-2010-Garousi #case study #experience #testing- An Open Modern Software Testing Laboratory Courseware — An Experience Report (VG), pp. 177–184.
ITiCSE-2009-Hwang #education #operating system #video- Video courseware for teaching operating systems with Windows (SwH), p. 340.
OCSC-2009-EgertJB #social #social media- When Social Worlds Collide: Charting the Intersection of Social Media and Courseware/Course Management Systems (CAE, SJ, SBB), pp. 452–461.
ITiCSE-2007-Helmick07a #online- Integrated online courseware for computer science courses (MTH), pp. 146–150.
HCI-AS-2007-ChenL #assessment #usability- Usability Assessment of an E-Learning Courseware for Basic Cataloging (XSC, TL), pp. 198–207.
CAiSE-2004-MunozO #adaptation #development #metadata #ontology #standard #using- Adaptive Web-Based Courseware Development Using Metadata Standards and Ontologies (LSM, JPMdO), pp. 414–428.
SAC-2004-GrutznerWW #assurance #lifecycle #quality- Improving courseware quality through life-cycle encompassing quality assurance (IG, SW, PEW), pp. 946–951.
SEKE-2002-GrutznerAP #approach #information management #learning- A systematic approach to produce small courseware modules for combined learning and knowledge management environements (IG, NA, DP), pp. 533–539.
SEKE-2002-OchoaOP #component #reuse- Reusing courseware components (SFO, EGO, JAP), pp. 549–556.
ITiCSE-2001-LanariR #authoring #education #named- e-IMC: an authoring tool for humanistic teachers aimed to develop and distribute customized instructional courseware (DL, SR), p. 183.
SEKE-2001-BaloianFO #component #development- A Model for Component-Based Courseware Development (CBCD) (NAB, DAF, SFO), pp. 363–370.
ICSE-2000-Adroin #adaptation #education #framework #re-engineering- Developing and deploying software engineering courseware in an adaptable curriculum framework (WRA), pp. 284–292.
ITiCSE-1999-Faltin #algorithm #design #game studies #learning- Designing courseware on algorithms for active learning with virtual board games (NF), pp. 135–138.
ITiCSE-1999-LomicP #distance #education #on the- On distance education courseware (ML, ZP), p. 194.
HT-1998-BraC #adaptation #flexibility #hypermedia #named- 2L670: A Flexible Adaptive Hypertext Courseware System (PDB, LC), pp. 283–284.
ITiCSE-1998-Hollinworth #bibliography #design #multi- The design of multimedia courseware (poster): preliminary survey results (NDPH), p. 283.
ITiCSE-1998-Kumar #web- Evaluating the pedagogy of computer science courseware delivered over the Web (poster) (ANK), p. 288.
ITiCSE-1998-WadeP #design #education- Evaluating the design and delivery of WWW based educational environments and courseware (VPW, CP), pp. 243–248.
SIGAda-1998-JarcF #ada #algorithm #animation #data type #empirical- An Empirical Study of Web-Based algorithm Animation Courseware in an Ada Data Structure Course (DJJ, MBF), pp. 68–74.
HT-1997-CalviB #adaptation #hypermedia #usability- Improving the Usability of Hypertext Courseware through Adaptive Linking (LC, PDB), pp. 224–225.
ITiCSE-1997-Lawhead #online- A modelfor the creation of online courseware (PBL), pp. 31–36.
ITiCSE-1997-PilgrimLG #development #effectiveness #multi- Cost effective multimedia courseware development (CP, YKL, DDG), pp. 45–50.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Barikzai #collaboration #learning- Integrating courseware into collaborative learning enviroments (demonstration) (SB), p. 145.
ITiCSE-1996-Goldweber #bibliography #online #perspective- Proposal for an on-line computer science courseware review (MG), p. 230.
ITiCSE-1996-LinWC #concept #development- Critical concepts in the development of courseware for CS closed laboratories (JMCL, CCW, GFC), pp. 14–19.
ITiCSE-1996-MarshallH #hypermedia #interactive #web- Interactive hypermedia courseware for the World Wide Web (ADM, SH), pp. 1–5.
SAC-1995-Spector #development #problem #using- Using system dynamics to model courseware development: the project dynamics of complex problem-solving (JMS), pp. 32–35.