19 papers:
CHI-2015-OppermannPBLP #performance #smarttech- The Smartphone Project: An Augmented Dance Performance (LO, CP, CB, OL, FP), pp. 2569–2572.
CHI-2014-BarkhuusEZ #interactive #music #performance- Watching the footwork: second screen interaction at a dance and music performance (LB, AE, GZ), pp. 1305–1314.
HCI-AS-2014-NoorHAS #design #interactive #performance- Mapping Graceful Interaction Design from Dance Performance (NLMN, WNWH, WAWA, FMS), pp. 301–311.
ICPR-2014-PanagiotakisAM #animation #novel #segmentation- Temporal Segmentation and Seamless Stitching of Motion Patterns for Synthesizing Novel Animations of Periodic Dances (CP, AAA, DM), pp. 1892–1897.
ICPR-2014-SamantaC #classification #using- Indian Classical Dance Classification on Manifold Using Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence (SS, BC), pp. 4507–4512.
DATE-2013-HsiehWH #configuration management #distributed #named #network- DANCE: distributed application-aware node configuration engine in shared reconfigurable sensor networks (CMH, ZW, JH), pp. 839–842.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ChoensawatSKH #education #learning- Desirability of a Teaching and Learning Tool for Thai Dance Body Motion (WC, KS, CK, KH), pp. 171–179.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ShikanaiH #comparison- Comparison of Kansei Information between Joyful and Happy Expressions in Dance (NS, KH), pp. 611–619.
CSCW-2012-CarrollLLSW #process- Bodies in critique: a technological intervention in the dance production process (EAC, DML, CL, VS, MW), pp. 705–714.
CIKM-2012-RenCJ #learning #topic- Topic based pose relevance learning in dance archives (RR, JPC, JMJ), pp. 2571–2574.
HCI-ITE-2011-ChenCS #interactive- Dancing Skin: An Interactive Device for Motion (SHC, TWC, SCS), pp. 409–416.
ICPR-2010-DengLGY- Recognizing Dance Motions with Segmental SVD (LD, HL, NG, YY), pp. 1537–1540.
SEKE-2008-Claudio #how- How to make an information elephant dance (CC), p. 1.
CIKM-2006-RamadossR #authoring #automation- Semi-automatic annotation and MPEG-7 authoring of dance videos (BR, KR), pp. 878–879.
ICPR-v3-2006-YoshimuraHM #comparison- Comparison of Structural Variables with Spatio-temporal Variables Concerning the Identifiability of Okuri Class and Player in Japanese Traditional Dancing (MY, KH, YM), pp. 308–311.
HT-2003-Miles-BoardGLCH #hypermedia- Decentering the dancing text: from dance intertext to hypertext (TMB, D, JL, LC, WH), pp. 108–119.
SOFTVIS-2003-Hubscher-YoungerS #algorithm #student #visualisation- Dancing Hamsters and Marble Statues: Characterizing Student Visualizations of Algorithms (THY, NHN), pp. 95–104.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MajoeH #analysis #gesture #recognition- Human gesture analysis and recognition for medical and dance applications (DM, NH), pp. 818–822.
ICML-1998-StuartB #learning- Learning the Grammar of Dance (JMS, EB), pp. 547–555.