32 papers:
CSEET-2015-SedanoP #experience #student #using- Enhancing Student Experience in Team-Based Project Courses Using Essence Reflection Meetings (TS, CP), pp. 10–12.
SANER-2015-LemmaLM #modelling #named- CEL: Touching software modeling in essence (RL, ML, AM), pp. 439–448.
PPDP-2015-RivasJS #monad- From monoids to near-semirings: the essence of MonadPlus and alternative (ER, MJ, TS), pp. 196–207.
POPL-2015-Adams #towards- Towards the Essence of Hygiene (MDA), pp. 457–469.
POPL-2014-BrookesOR- The essence of Reynolds (SB, PWO, USR), pp. 251–256.
CSEET-2013-NgH #education #framework #industrial #named #re-engineering- Essence: A framework to help bridge the gap between software engineering education and industry needs (PWN, SH), pp. 304–308.
SIGIR-2012-Whiting #problem #ranking- The essence of time: considering temporal relevance as an intent-aware ranking problem (SW), p. 1000.
DUXU-v1-2011-KimPHE #approach #case study #design #experience- The Essence of Enjoyable Experiences: The Human Needs — A Psychological Needs-Driven Experience Design Approach (JK, SP, MH, KE), pp. 77–83.
MoDELS-2011-ZaparanuksH #modelling- Vision Paper: The Essence of Structural Models (DZ, MH), pp. 470–479.
MoDELS-2011-ZaparanuksH #modelling- Vision Paper: The Essence of Structural Models (DZ, MH), pp. 470–479.
POPL-2011-GuoP #compilation- The essence of compiling with traces (SyG, JP), pp. 563–574.
ECOOP-2010-GuhaSK #javascript- The Essence of JavaScript (AG, CS, SK), pp. 126–150.
ICSE-2010-MusilSWB #education #game studies #prototype #what- Synthesized essence: what game jams teach about prototyping of new software products (JM, AS, DW, SB), pp. 183–186.
PEPM-2007-Hamilton #named #source code- Distillation: extracting the essence of programs (GWH), pp. 61–70.
CHI-2006-TuckerW #algorithm #evaluation- Time is of the essence: an evaluation of temporal compression algorithms (ST, SW), pp. 329–338.
POPL-2006-SuW #injection #web- The essence of command injection attacks in web applications (ZS, GW), pp. 372–382.
CEFP-2005-UustaluV #data flow #programming- The Essence of Dataflow Programming (TU, VV), pp. 135–167.
ECOOP-2005-BiermanMS #data access- The Essence of Data Access in Cω (GMB, EM, WS), pp. 287–311.
SAC-2004-AnconaC #implementation #runtime- Implementing the essence of reflection: a reflective run-time environment (MA, WC), pp. 1503–1507.
ICEIS-v2-2003-BettoniS #information management- The Essence of Knowledge Management (MCB, SS), pp. 191–196.
POPL-2003-SimeonW #xml- The essence of XML (JS, PW), pp. 1–13.
FLOPS-2002-SimeonW #xml- The Essence of XML (Preliminary Version) (JS, PW), pp. 21–46.
ICALP-2002-Wells- The Essence of Principal Typings (JBW), pp. 913–925.
SIGAda-2002-McEvilley #ada #assurance #community- The essence of information assurance and its implications for the Ada community (MM), pp. 35–39.
UML-2001-AtkinsonK #metamodelling #multi- The Essence of Multilevel Metamodeling (CA, TK), pp. 19–33.
LICS-1996-Brookes #algol #parallel- The Essence of Parallel Algol (SDB), pp. 164–173.
PEPM-1995-SperberT #lr #parsing- The Essence of LR Parsing (MS, PT), pp. 146–155.
PEPM-1994-DanvyMP #partial evaluation- The Essence of Eta-Expansion in Partial Evaluation (OD, KM, JP), pp. 11–20.
PLDI-1993-FlanaganSDF #compilation #continuation- The Essence of Compiling with Continuations (CF, AS, BFD, MF), pp. 237–247.
Best-of-PLDI-1993-FlanaganSDF93a #compilation #continuation- The essence of compiling with continuations (with retrospective) (CF, AS, BFD, MF), pp. 502–514.
POPL-1992-Wadler #functional #programming- The Essence of Functional Programming (PW), pp. 1–14.
POPL-1988-MitchellH #ml- The Essence of ML (JCM, RH), pp. 28–46.