31 papers:
CHI-2015-DerbovenZVGG #education #game studies- The Fun and the Serious in an Educational Game: The Monkey Tales Case (JD, BZ, JV, DG, DDG), pp. 2829–2832.
CHI-2015-HanXSCW #design #game studies #mobile #monitoring- Balancing Accuracy and Fun: Designing Camera Based Mobile Games for Implicit Heart Rate Monitoring (TH, XX, LS, JFC, JW), pp. 847–856.
CHI-2015-IacovidesC #experience #game studies- Moving Beyond Fun: Evaluating Serious Experience in Digital Games (II, ALC), pp. 2245–2254.
SAC-2015-RodriguesMSS #3d #education #game studies #interactive- Beyond fun: an interactive and educational 3D traffic rules game controlled by non-traditional devices (MAFR, DVdM, YRS, YRS), pp. 239–246.
SIGMOD-2014-Herlihy #hardware #memory management #transaction- Fun with hardware transactional memory (MH), p. 575.
WRLA-2014-MossesV #component #named #semantics- FunKons: Component-Based Semantics in K (PDM, FV), pp. 213–229.
DUXU-DP-2014-LinkLB #challenge #gamification #metric #smarttech- Not So Fun? The Challenges of Applying Gamification to Smartphone Measurement (MWL, JL, KB), pp. 319–327.
OSDI-2014-ZhengTHQLYZS #database- Torturing Databases for Fun and Profit (MZ, JT, DH, FQ, ML, ESY, BWZ, SS), pp. 449–464.
ISSTA-2014-TillmannHXB- Constructing coding duels in Pex4Fun and code hunt (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 445–448.
ASE-2013-TillmannHXB #automation #education #game studies #generative #named #testing- Pex4Fun: A web-based environment for educational gaming via automated test generation (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 730–733.
ICFP-2013-Dolan #algebra #functional #linear- Fun with semirings: a functional pearl on the abuse of linear algebra (SD), pp. 101–110.
OCSC-2013-Butler #game studies #ranking- The Effect of Leaderboard Ranking on Players’ Perception of Gaming Fun (CB), pp. 129–136.
CSEET-2012-TillmannHXB #education #game studies #learning #named #social- Pex4Fun: Teaching and Learning Computer Science via Social Gaming (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 90–91.
ICPC-2012-DeLine #developer- Studying developers for fun and profit: (Keynote abstract) (RD), p. 11.
KDD-2012-0002L #named #recommendation- RecMax: exploiting recommender systems for fun and profit (AG, LVSL), pp. 1294–1302.
CSEET-2011-TillmannHX #education #game studies #learning #named #social- Pex4Fun: Teaching and learning computer science via social gaming (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 546–548.
HCD-2011-TominagaDYMT #interactive- Structure of FUN Factors in the Interaction with Products (ST, TD, TY, YM, MT), pp. 138–143.
ICFP-2009-FelleisenFFK #functional- A functional I/O system or, fun for freshman kids (MF, RBF, MF, SK), pp. 47–58.
CSCW-2008-JuhlinW #collaboration- Hunting for fun: solitude and attentiveness in collaboration (OJ, AW), pp. 57–66.
SMT-2007-MoskalLK08- E-matching for Fun and Profit (MM, JL, JRK), pp. 19–35.
ITiCSE-2007-Curzon- Serious fun in computer science (PC), p. 1.
PADL-2007-Hughes #quickcheck #testing- QuickCheck Testing for Fun and Profit (JH), pp. 1–32.
SIGAda-2006-MarkowRB- Catch that speeding turtle: latching onto fun graphics in CS1 (TM, EKR, JRSB), pp. 29–34.
ITiCSE-2005-SweedykK #game studies #re-engineering- Fun and games: a new software engineering course (ES, RMK), pp. 138–142.
CHI-2003-MuellerAP #distance #interface #social- Exertion interfaces: sports over a distance for social bonding and fun (FM, SA, RWP), pp. 561–568.
CADE-2003-WaltherS- About VeriFun (CW, SS), pp. 322–327.
LICS-1999-ColazzoG #kernel #recursion #type system- Subtyping Recursive Types in Kernel Fun (DC, GG), pp. 137–146.
ICFP-1996-Ghelli #complexity #kernel #type checking #type system- Complexity of Kernel Fun Subtype Checking (GG), pp. 134–145.
PLILP-1996-GehrkeH #execution #named #specification- ProFun — A Language for Executable Specifications (TG, MH), pp. 304–318.
CIKM-1993-FaragT #information management #named- FunBase: A Function-based Information Management System (WF, TJT), pp. 507–515.
SLP-1987-Ait-KaciLN87 #equation #logic- Le Fun: Logic, Equations and Functions (HAK, PL, RN), pp. 17–23.